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Poll Suggestion: Face-Off: Battle of the Genius Playboy Philantropists
This is the battle of The genius playboy Philanthropists.Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are genius playboy philanthropists. Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Affleck have distinguished them in these roles.Who do you think gave the better performance in their respective roles and franchise?Here is the link to th
IMDb Poll
Face-Off Suggestion: Wonder Woman vs Dawn of Justice
Which of these two recent movies from DC franchise is your favorite?- 1. Wonder Woman (2017) 2. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)List-
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Best Gangster Movie of the 1990s
Which one of These 1990's gangster movies do you think is the best ?? List : Poll : i missed any of Your Favorite please let me know ??
IMDb Poll
Top Contributor Leaderboard for August 2022
Hi all!Welcome to August’s top contributor leaderboard update. We have exciting news! Rather than posting the table here, this time around your placing can now be found on our new IMDb Contributor Leaderboard page.August 2022 Top Contributors LeaderboardThe page linked above will display Augus
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Live Poll: Most Anticipated Film of Spring 2019
Which film are you most looking forward to seeing during the Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) of 2019 (March 20, 2019 to June 21, 2019)?List:
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Sell That Product
You're Advertisement Manager in a large TV network company and your boss just gave you a list of movies that are scheduled on your network during the next month.You have to sell the ad space during the commercial breaks. For which product will this be most successful?List:
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: The Best 2010s Horror Movie
Which is your favorite horror movie of 2010-2019?
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Italia, Yes! Mafia, No!
If The Godfather (1972) has emphasized in our consciousness many positive aspects about Italian-American culture... it also generated a few negative ones as far as pop culture and gangster movies are concerned... and this comes from a fan of the film.We tend to forget that many great movies set in I
IMDb Poll
Poll Suggestion: Characters with Memory Loss
Which of these characters with memory loss is your favorite?
IMDb Poll
Lists: Add individual page links for large lists.
I have a large list.....5 pages. It would be nice if I could jump from page to page. For instance if I wanted to go from page 2 to 5 without scrolling through each page. Thank you.
Live Poll: Favorite Quintessential Quartet
Which of these foursome is your favorite? Poll:
IMDb Poll
Report fake person on iMDb
Hey, as you can see, her name is "Maria Music"! And like the others, she uses iMDb just for Google and Instagram ranking!She adds herself to massive Iranian movies; she isn’t an actress at all!
Data Issues & Policy Discussions
Vote Manipulation: The Heroes
Apparently the following title is being spammed with an unusual amount of 10/10s: The Heroes Overview of the ratings: Ratings Chart Can someone look into this?
Data Issues & Policy Discussions
Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board's Greatest French Celebrities
IMDb Poll Board's Greatest Frenchmen: Intro (Male): We asked ourselves who would be perceived as the greatest Frenchman in international media. It's about guys, who not only goaled in politics, science, sports, acting, but they surely were several times on the screen around the world.Who of th
No Status
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Golden Monologues
Intro: In film history there were such engrossing and/or emotional monologues that lead the story to a peak, so they are unforgettable.Which of these golden monologues is your favorite?Tell us here. Suggestions: No TV-series, documentations or voce-over situations. Please give me an unforge
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Heart-Pounding Comedies
Which of these classic comedies provides the best combo of laughs and thrills?
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Unforgettable Black Villains
Intro: From time to time, black actors played unforgetable villains. Which of these villains is the most unforgettable? Suggestions: Aiming for 25 options. Please suggest just iconic or at least very good or otherwise interesting black villains, not an extra actor playing a junkie at the c
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Actors' Production Companies
Which of these actors' production companies has the most interesting name? Alec Baldwin - EL DORADO PICTURES Drew Barrymore - FLOWER FILMS Sandra Bullock - FORTIS FILMS Don Cheadle - CRESCENDO PRODUCTIONS George Clooney - SECTION EIGHT Courteney Cox and David Arquette - COQU
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Oscar Best Picture Winners Made on the Cheap
While Hollywood is secretive about its accounting, but it is well-known many major movies have budgets that exceed $100 million. Since 2000, about seventy-five movies have budgets that soared past $200 million in inflation-adjusted dollars alone. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) of
IMDb Poll
Live Poll: Best Movie Starring Tom Cruise
Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, better known as Tom Cruise, has been a Hollywood leading man for almost three decades now. To celebrate his birthday on July 3, let's take a look at 35 films in which the Oscar-nominated man has starred, ranging from full-blown action blockbusters to gut-wrenching thriller
IMDb Poll