707 Messages


11.2K Points

Friday, June 2nd, 2017 10:41 AM


Face-Off Suggestion: Wonder Woman vs Dawn of Justice

Which of these two recent movies from DC franchise is your favorite?- 1. Wonder Woman (2017)  2. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)List- http://www.imdb.com/list/ls068066926/



4.9K Messages


98.9K Points

8 years ago

According to the modern IMDb Poll rules, movie titles will be written in single inverted comma (Ex: 'The Dark Knight Rises (2012)') and TV Series or TV episode titles will be written in double inverted comma (Ex: "Breaking Bad (2008)"). So, in your case the title will be: Face-Off: 'Wonder Woman' vs. 'Dawn of Justice'

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks DC for the correction!

98 Messages


1.7K Points

8 years ago

Haven't seen WW yet. I'll vote for BVS at this moment.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Lucilfer, you have to see 'Wonder Woman' as soon as you can. I'm not saying you shouldn't pick BVS. But WW has much more depth in the writing and the direction feels much more matured certainly IMO.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago

My Vote-  Wonder Woman (2017)

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago


1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

8 years ago

Dawn of Justice

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks for your vote, LD!

320 Messages


7.1K Points

8 years ago

I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but it has my vote! lol

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks for your vote!

320 Messages


7.1K Points

I just saw Wonder Woman, and it still has my vote. BvS didn't have a chance haha.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Yeah.. Exactly!

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago




4.9K Messages


98.9K Points

8 years ago

Please DO NOT bump all of your Poll Suggestions at a time.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Okay champion.

68 Messages


1K Points

8 years ago

Dawn of Justice

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks for your vote, Rishabh!



7.1K Messages


122.4K Points

8 years ago

Wonder Woman. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Yeah, I agree.Thanks for you vote!

2K Messages


47K Points

8 years ago

I've only seen Wonder Woman (2017) and don't plan on tuning into BVS anytime soon. Wonder Woman was okay but honestly nothing special, the influx of rave reviews is a little surprising tbh.

144 Messages


2.4K Points

Same opinion. Maybe the movie gets a little bit overhyped because all recent DC movies were rather bad. Can't really remember something good after 2010 (Except The Dark Knight Rises).Also, is it just me that the ending of Wonder Woman looked just like BvS ? Explosions everywhere, fighting in the Dark, flying around and throwing big stuff at each other. And I hated the fact that Wonder Woman evolved during the fight because of love... Bleh.Anyway, I would vote for Wonder Woman.

320 Messages


7.1K Points

I think the biggest flaws with Wonder Woman are ones that carried over from the former DCEU films. Unlike BvS though, Wonder Woman at least met a level of basic competency. You know, like fundamental principles of storytelling.The influx of positive reviews I suspect are in part due to the relief Wonder Woman is providing for DC, though I expect the ratings to average a little lower after some time (as they often do). On the other hand, Wonder Woman had a handful of allegorical ambitions behind it. Regardless of whether or those ambitions were achieved, it's at least trying to do more than most superhero movies are trying to. I think that counts for something.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Yes..even though I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, I agree with some of the points you have mentioned.

320 Messages


7.1K Points

I still really liked Wonder Woman though, don't get me wrong. Though it was very flawed in some aspects, I still thought that it's strengths greatly out-shined its weaknesses.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

TheDoppel, I felt the same.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago


707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago

Revised question-Which of these two recent movies from DC franchise do you prefer?

10.3K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago


707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks for your vote, urbanemovies!

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago
