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  • IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities. Products and services to help fans discover and decide what to watch and where to watch it include: the IMDb website for desktop and mobile devices; apps for iOS and Android; and, X-Ray on Prime Video. For entertainment industry professionals, IMDb provides IMDbPro and Box Office Mojo. IMDb licenses information from its vast and authoritative database to third-party businesses worldwide; learn more at IMDb is an Amazon company. For more information, visit and follow @IMDb.


  • This category is managed by our IMDb Content team. IMDb Content is the team that collects and manages the content that makes IMDb authoritative & accurate. We depend upon our users to supply the majority of our content, and will use this space to both answer questions and collect ideas for how to make IMDb more authoritative, accurate, and easy to add to.


  • IMDbPro is the essential resource for entertainment industry professionals. The membership-based IMDbPro service includes comprehensive information and tools designed to help entertainment industry professionals achieve success throughout all stages of their career.


  • Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb's app for Android and Fire devices.


  • This is the place to post those film/TV/video/etc trivia questions you DON'T know the answers to - perhaps one of your fellow community members can help.


  • The IMDb Poll is an ongoing set of polls about movies and television. Each poll has a topic and a series of answers. You select an answer, and your vote is added to the people who voted likewise. During the poll, and afterwards you can see the tally to see how your answer conforms (or not) to others.


  • Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb's app for iPhone, iPad & iPod touch
