Aris_Athanas's profile

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 6:37 PM

Live Poll: IMDb Poll Board Movies With Female Protagonists

Which movie with a female protagonist s your favorite?

4.5K Messages


71K Points

2 years ago

Hard to choose...

I figured that this poll was also a good opportunity to talk about woman-directed films. Since I have already mentioned Agnés Vars in BonafideBoss's Alphabetical Polls, I have decided to highlight the work of another incredible female director.

The shortlist was:

Jane Campion for The Piano

Debra Granik for Leave No Trace and Winter's Bone

Ildiko Enyedo for  On Body and Soul

Julia Ducourneau for Titane

Márta Mészáros for Adoption

Cynthia Scott for Strangers in Good Company

As much as I like Strangers in Good Company and want to promote Canadian cinema, it is not the better film. The Piano is already a much-discussed film. Leave No Trace and Winter's Bone are too mainstream/recent. Titane is too recent.

Coincidentally, the last two remaining films (Adoption and On Body and Soul) were Hungarian Berlin Golden Bears directed by Budapest-born women.

After deliberation, I chose Adoption (1975). Adoption focuses on the intergenerational friendship between two women. It is a subject I find more original than woman/man relations. Also, Adoption addresses more upfront problems lived by women. Lastly, I'm pretty sure Adoption won't be chosen by any other poll board member if I don't choose it, and that would be a shame.


9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@cinephile​ added

815 Messages


12K Points

2 years ago

Aliens (1986)

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@CyrilMartin​ added

139 Messages


3.7K Points

2 years ago

Legally blonde.

there is no movie better than when it comes to girl power done right.

i love that movie to death.

Elle was likable, smart, funny but wasn’t a Mary Sue where everything she did was right.

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@sara_zonana​ Added

466 Messages


4.9K Points

2 years ago

My top five (I know you only want one)

1.  1939 The Wizard of Oz

2.  1972  Butterflies Are Free

3.  1978  Foul Play

4.  1992  A League of their Own

5.  1988  Dangerous Liasons

Take the top one on the list.

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

4K Messages


85.7K Points

2 years ago

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@Tsarstepan​ added



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

2 years ago

Alien (1979)

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@Jessica​ added

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165.7K Points

2 years ago

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176.9K Points

@Breumaster​ added

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176.9K Points

2 years ago


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15.2K Points

2 years ago


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176.9K Points

@jaf_ismael​ added



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191.9K Points

1 year ago


14 Messages


236 Points

1 year ago

My favorite movie with a female protagonist is Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens :)

9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@Danacki​ added

458 Messages


11.4K Points

1 year ago

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176.9K Points

@NoRa_FoKa​ added



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

1 year ago

Oh yikes, I'm torn: either 'The Florida Project' or 'Three Colors: Red,' which are my two favorite films. 

I guess I'll go with the test of time and choose the one I saw first by almost a couple of decades: 'Red.' 


9.9K Messages


176.9K Points

@rubyfruit76​ added



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191.9K Points

1 year ago




6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

1 year ago

My pick: All About Eve

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176.9K Points

@Pencho15​ added