TheTigerInMe1980's profile

155 Messages


2K Points

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 9:52 AM

Poll Suggestion: Dead Actors We Wish Could Come Back to Life

Hi All.

Here is a topic / eventual poll I could not find in my search; an idea I've had for years and that keeps popping up whenever I see said Individuals on my TV.

These actors have passed on, but they remain unforgotten due to their commitment to their art.

Which of these actors would you most wish to come back to life to entertain us again?

If you decide it is pollworthy, I would suggest to make it a Top 10 List, maybe Top 15.



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

1 year ago

Hi @TheTigerInMe1980 (AKA Christian_Wolfgang_Barth),

Welcome to the IMDb Poll Message Board. Thank you for your poll suggestion.

You have the seeds of a very good poll. However, in its current state it is not suitable for your poll to go live.

A poll consists of the following:

  • A short descriptive title
  • An optional informative introduction
  • An evocative question
  • A link to your discussion thread

Please change the title of your list ( ) from:

Dead actors I wish could come back to life to entertain us like only they could.


Dead Actors We Wish Could Come Back to Life

Please change your statement:

A list containing actors that have passed on, but remain unfogotten due to their commitment to their art.

To this introduction and question:

These actors that have passed-on, but they remain unforgotten due to their commitment to their art.

Which of these actors would you most wish to come back to life to entertain us again?

Please add this text for the discussion link:

After voting, [link=]please discuss here[/link].

After saving these edits to your list, you should see:

Dead Actors We Wish Could Come Back to Life

These actors that have passed-on, but they remain unforgotten due to their commitment to their art.

Which of these actors would you most wish to come back to life to entertain us again?

After voting, please discuss here.

= = =

Additional advice

Be inclusive. We are generally avoiding running polls of the form Choose among my personal favorites of ... A poll entitled Great Organized Crime Films of the 1970s should include The Godfather (1972) even if you are not personally fond of it. As a poll author you are balancing objective completeness/entertainment value/succinctness.

Incorporate advice! You may get feedback on omissions and corrections. Incorporate as you see fit (we suggest you take this advice seriously). Advice from staff or poll admins is probably not optional, depending on its nature - there are certain structures that simply cannot work as polls. If you get no feedback - probably not an interesting poll! If you ignore reasonable feedback, then it's unlikely we'll run your poll. While we are able to make minor edits and additions to live polls, you should not depend on this and strive for a complete, accurate poll from the start.

= = =

For more information, please see:

FAQ: So You Want to Make an IMDb Poll? Here's How...
Please note: Polls are limited to a maximum of 35 choices.

IMDb Poll FAQ: Learn How to Make IMDb Poll on YouTube | Easy Tutorial for Beginners
FAQ: Selection Criteria for Polls
FAQ: Time to Go Live

= = =


155 Messages


2K Points

@dan_dassow Hi, and thank you for your advice. I've done as you suggested and incorporated said changes; I've even added a couple more names, so that the maximum of 35 choices has been reached and the users have a couple of more options to choose from. Now let us see if this idea becomes a poll... 

PS: I do have a couple of poll ideas ( ), but, since I am a newbie here, I first need to get used to the "how-to-do-it"- mechanism - and that takes time...




19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ ,

Thank you for making the changes I recommended.

You may receive suggestions for additional deceased actors. I recommend giving these suggestions due consideration, especially since we have a number of very experienced poll authors. Since polls are limited to 35 choices, you will need to make hard choices on whether to accept the suggestions and which actor to replace. Ultimately, as the poll author the choice of who you include is up to you.

This is the kind of poll that could include a lot more actors. If there is enough interest, a part 2 may be possible in the future.

I will comment in the thread (‎Poll Suggestion: Time Capsule Movies | IMDb Community Forums (, ) on that poll. I noticed that two poll administrators (Pencho15 and rubyfruit76) already offered advice. Unfortunately, we've missed Ingmar Bergman's 105th Birthday, which was 14-July-2023.  


155 Messages


2K Points

I can live with a few changes and already have marked a few I would throw out, depending strongly on alternate suggestions, of course.

But in the end, I will only include actors I know some movies of; I won't go by word of mouth. For example: I did not include Charles Chaplin and Orson Welles, because I consider both more to be directors than actors - even directors of their own acting, strangely enough (Pun intended).

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

1 year ago

@TheTigerInMe1980 🐯

? ?

Charles Bronson
Born November 3, 1921 · Ehrenfeld,    Pennsylvania, USA
Died August     30, 2003 · Los Angeles, California,     USA
Actor: 161

- - -
John Wayne
Born May  26, 1907 · Winterset,     Iowa,       USA
Died June 11, 1979 · Los Angeles, California, USA 
Actor: 184

- - -
James Cagney
Born July     17, 1899 · New York City, New York, USA
Died March 30, 1986 · Stanfordville,   New York, USA 
Actor: 70


155 Messages


2K Points

List updated.

Goners: Dean / Hurt / Lorre

New on the list: Finney / Connery / Cagney

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

It's been nearly two weeks. No more suggestions by anyone?

Maybe this will soon be the next poll?



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

1 year ago

@TheTigerInMe1980 ,

Please remove the period at the end of the title in your list (


Dead Actors We Wish Could Come Back to Life.


Dead Actors We Wish Could Come Back to Life



9.6K Messages


192.4K Points

Please also remove the hyphen here:

These actors have passed on, but they remain unforgotten due to their commitment to their art.

155 Messages


2K Points




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

1 year ago

I just realized that 28/35 of these actors are men. If it were a list of actors who died young, for instance, I'm guessing that list would probably have a lot more men but because it would be a much more narrow category, that would just be happenstance. Because the list is rather arbitrary, it's more noteworthy. I just thought I'd bring it to your attention, in case you hadn't noticed. : )

'Nice intro, by the way, and well written. 




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

1 year ago

Hmm, would you be at all interested in doing a series? That way, it might seem a bit less arbitrary because you could group them by generation, for example. I guess I noticed because a few like Albert Finney, and especially Philip Seymour Hoffman, seem out of place. The younger the actors on the list, the less arbitrary the lists would become. A list with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Anton Yelchin, for example, would narrow the list considerably. 

Again, I really like the intro and I like the idea of paying tribute. 

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

@rubyfriut76: Yes, most of them are men. I have noticed that. In fact, I can barely name a dozen actresses that fascinate me in their art like these men, or especially like the few women I considered worthy of a place in this list.

A series, eh? Hmm... could be interesting to do, but I can hardly think of three actors that died recently (last five years) who were young(er) and whose death I'd consider a loss. That's why I consider the death of Hoffman a mayor loss, who was one of my all time favorites (Have you seen "DOUBT" and the acting duel he fought with Streep? Ingenious acting and directing, right there. :-) )

But please, feel free to elaborate your idea more clearly, in detail, if you want to...



14.2K Messages


328K Points

I think people like Chadwick Boseman, Paul Walker, Brittany Murphy and Heath Ledger would be leading options if included.

Also earlier stars who died young like James Dean and River Phoenix.

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

I would conisder Ledger, yes. But then again, go ahead, all of you, we can make a collective list as well - it don't only have to be my suggestions :)

Dean was originally included in this list. In case you are wondering who would get my vote out of this list so far - hands down, Spencer Tracy!

But how do we go on making this list? Just as simply as that, as any poll suggestion?



14.2K Messages


328K Points


The current list just seems a bit random. That's why rubyfruit above suggested limiting it in some way, and perhaps doing more than one list.

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

Yes, I got that.

I will soon create the following list that follow my above mentioned criteria:

All time actors. (That will be the current list, a little modified)

Actors that died too young- for you all to suggest some candidates -, here I will include Hoffman, Dean etc.




6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

1 year ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Christian

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

Great 🙂

My vote for Tracy is already in 🙂​



6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ I went for Humphrey Bogart.

Please remember to move this thread from the idea to the praise category.

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155 Messages


2K Points

@Pencho15​ Right, there was something I forgot. Well, it's updated now.



6.7K Messages


117.8K Points

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8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

1 year ago

A big LIKE to the voters who voted for Connery. :D

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

@ breumaster: Yes, I like him, too. "The Rock" is one my most beloved "guilty pleasures" 😉


334 Messages


7.1K Points

1 year ago

I'd rather bring back someone that could write a good movie, and someone with the balls to actually take a risk and make a good movie, not just rehashing/rebooting some nostalgia piece or comic book series.