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192.9K Points

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 10:06 PM

Live Poll: Magnificent Images from Movies: Behind-the-Scenes

Cinema has given us some of the best photography, including some that we didn't get to see on the movie screen. Below are several photographs from behind the scenes of films. These images give you a lens through which icons appear as the sometimes silly, sometimes warm, sometimes intently focused, and very real people that they are. Which photograph is your favorite?

Live Poll:



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

5 years ago

[Under Construction] bump.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

[Under Construction] bump.



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

Hi Dan, is that a "hmm, are you going to finish this?" bump?




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points


No, it's more like a "let's not forget about this suggestion" bump.



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow Thanks, Dan! 

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

5 years ago

Pretty good idea!



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Breumaster Thanks, Breu, so much! : )

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

5 years ago

FYC: I know you already have a Quentin Tarantino picture, but an equally nice picture is the one with Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Quentin Tarantino together in Brad Pitt's car from Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019)

And another beautiful picture: Sergio Leone correcting Claudia Cardinale's face in C'era una volta il West (1968)



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@leavey_2 These are great! I will either switch out a couple so they're on this list or put them on the "Part II" list of this poll. (I'm limiting each to 30 photos.) Thanks for the suggestions! : )

9.9K Messages


177K Points

5 years ago

 Audrey Hepburn with the dear is magnificent. Btw why you have more than 35 options? Shouldn't you erase some?



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Aris_Athanas  I agree about Hepburn with the deer: That's one of my favorites, for sure.  I had more than 35 because I was being indecisive. I've spent a lot of time cutting it down and it now has 31, which will get down to 30: I'm still trying to decide between #9 and #10. (I think I'd like to keep it to 30 options.) 



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

5 months ago

Unless anyone finds any errors, I think that this one is finally complete. : )



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points


#5: Katharine Hepburn 

#9: Kyle MacLachlan

#14: Steven Spielberg 



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks for the great catches, Jess. You've got a great eye. I really appreciate the help: I would have been so embarrassed if those typos went live. : )

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

5 months ago

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165.9K Points

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165.9K Points

Louis De Funès and Oliver De Funès

on the set of Fantomas.

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165.9K Points

Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan on the set of Men of Steel.

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165.9K Points



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Breumaster​ Wow, that's a great one with Kubrick. It will definitely be on part II of this poll. Thanks, Breu! 

By the way, since I've been on Sprinkler so irregularly the past few years, you and I haven't had the chance to chat in quite a while, which I miss. It was so nice to see your suggestions. 'Hope you're doing well. : )



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Breumaster Several of these are really good: I'm sure I'll use some of them in Part II. Thank you so much, Breu, and bravo!

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

I had the feeling you are keeping out of my way. I don't mind people avoiding to meet me. That's a basic human right. Now I think I had the wrong mindset about the concerns and love it.

I'm a friend of clear words, but avoid contact to people I think who try to manipulate me. So I might cut contact, when I got that feeling. I got so many people around which are conspiracy theorists, especially about Covid-19 and similar things, so I often avoid people who try to "turn me around". I don't like that people serve me their mindset as a fact, and there are so many of them nowerdays, so I often turn to hedgehog and bend to a ball when people try to manipulate me. That's a very bad thing today. Humankind should overcome these things to get further.

That's just a side note about these times, but it's dificult to decide between those who only want to manipulate you and those who really want to help people develope. I'm 50+, but even for me at that age it's bad to live in these times when manipulation strikes and strikes and strikes.

That all is not about you and far from the subject (it's just a little view on me), and I love to have been wrong with my concerns, which are not attached to that.




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@Breumaster​ Hi Breu, Oh, I'm so sorry if you thought I was avoiding you. I wasn't at all: I had to quit being a poll admin a few years ago because I have some medical issues. I had to cut back to working part time and I also had to cut back on hobbies, such as IMDb -- both being a poll admin and making polls myself. I come back onto Sprinkler & IMDb as much as I can but it's on and off, so I just haven't been around much, unfortunately, in the past few years. 

I never had any reason to want to avoid you: I always liked chatting with you on the old poll board and then on the new board on Sprinkler. I also liked collaborating on polls with you. : )

I hope that you're doing well and if ever you don't hear from me for a while, it would only be because of medical reasons or just having too much work to catch up on. 

I'm glad that you're still on the poll board and making polls. And I hope that you're healthy and happy generally. 

Thanks, so much, for dropping by and for your suggestions for my poll. I'm going to use several of the photos you suggested for part two of this poll. : )



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

5 months ago

@rubyfruit76 ,

I'm happy to see that you've marked this poll suggestion complete!



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

@dan_dassow  Thank you, Dan! It's really nice to see this go live. The fact that I finished it taught me that I can be decisive when I put my mind to it, lol. Thanks for not forgetting about it in the meantime. : )

Oh, and thanks for the cheerleading emoji, lol. They do make me smile.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

3 months ago


Congratulations, rubyfruit76!

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This is the 9th time your poll has been featured on IMDb's Home Page.

( since July 28, 2015.


Magnificent Images from Movies: Behind-the-Scenes

This poll originally went live 24-April-2024.

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(LDibyayan_Chakravorty - 103/105

(LBonaFideBOSS - 42 / 43

(LPaok-Kilkis - 42

(Lurbanemovies - 38

(Lpere-25366 - 35

(LElMaruecan82 - 27

(LCyrilMartin - 24

(LIMDb-Editors - 18

(Lbrijeshmarand - 17

(LHoekkie - 16

(LRafael_M - 15

(Lpbn - 15

(LKhaledKalache - 13

(LSimba63 - 13

(LKirk-Picard - 11

(Lleavey-2 - 11

(Lyrnej - 11

(LEagles90 - 11

(LMarwan-Bob - 10

(LThe-Social-Introvert - 9

(Ldan_dassow - 9

(LNDbportmanfan - 9

(Lmariojacobs - 9

(Lpenchofifteenpolls - 9

(Lrubyfruit76 - 9

(Lpeaspot - 7

(Lmpaxtonpolls - 7

(Lmasandaglinus123 - 6

(Lsimeon-83777 - 6

(Lthenolanfan / Maxence_G - 6

(Lkhadafimusaad - 6 / 7

(LTeriek-Williams - 5

(LTsarStepan - 5

(Ledindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5

(Lfancinderella / (Ljgga-10977 - 5

(LPhoenix_R_3 - 5

(Lborimor - 5

(LGabrielfox - 5

(LManya086 - 4

(LMega_wizard - 4

(LDoctorBuster - 4

(Liakhtar-33380 - 4

(LSilitonga - 4

(Ldgranger - 4

(Ljalapenoman - 3

(LNoPantsBatman - 3

(Lchandrabhanusolanki - 3

(LSkyDeshpande - 3

(LTheMovieSmith - 3

(Ljoesiegel - 3

(Ljamesh5 - 2

(LKyBelle86 - 2

(LRbDeraj - 2

(Lmoatazaboalghuit - 2

(Llnvicta - 2

(LDebjit_Hazra - 2

(Lguillenpascal - 2

(LChihir0 - 2

(Lvibhorpanda29 - 2

(Lcocoken - 2

(Lalex_1-801-348552 - 1/2
