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Hi @MrFargo & All - Thanks for raising this issue and sharing your comments. The series title reported has now been corrected to the appropriate film type.  I have also filed a ticket for the appropriate team to review improvements that ad

Are we allowing silent shorts to be submitted as "TV-Series" now?

Was using advanced search to find the earliest TV-series ever created... and discovered this:Solser en Hesse (1900-1906) Specifically, it compiles several short films together into one entry as a "TV-series," even though this objectively cannot be true because the first TV broadcast did not occur un


Hi @winedrinkingcritic1983 - Thanks for providing the title examples. I have filed a ticket (#P154829496) for the team to investigate further.  As soon as there is an update our staff will relay the information here.


3 days ago

 to the conversation: 


Somebody Sabotaged Kevin Neece's IMDb Resume Trivia Pages

Yes, it's true. All of the Trivia Sections on my IMDb account have been suspiciously wiped clean, not just the Ah My Goddess films, they did it to my live action films too. This may seem funny to all of you but I put six years of work into those trivia pages and I wish nothing but coldhearted misfor


@ACT_1​ - Thanks for these examples!

 to the conversation: 


Unable to edit posts or save conversations

Several users on the poll board have had problems when trying to edit posts. When I try to save edits I get this message: Failed to update comment. Please try again. When trying to post an idea, a user saw this message: Failed to save the post! Please try again. https://community-imdb.sprinklr.c


Hi @Jessica & @ACT_1 - The issue with your posts/comments/replies being marked as "Private" should now be resolved. Otherwise, if you do continue to observe any repeat behavior, let us know! Cheers!


6 days ago

 to the conversation: 


Unable to edit posts or save conversations

Several users on the poll board have had problems when trying to edit posts. When I try to save edits I get this message: Failed to update comment. Please try again. When trying to post an idea, a user saw this message: Failed to save the post! Please try again. https://community-imdb.sprinklr.c


Hi @DokuColap - The Adult genre has been removed and the changes should be live on the site shortly. Cheers!


7 days ago

 to the conversation: 



This movie isn´t an ADULT title

This title :  isn´t an ADULT title I remember seeing this title without the "Adult" genre , and it´s obvious that it´s just contain female nudity but none pornographic , previously I try to remove the adult tag but none happens , please


Hi @ACT_1​ - Can you post the Sprinklr links to some of the specific instances (threads.comments/replies) that you observed to be flagged as "Private"?

 to the conversation: 

Unable to edit posts or save conversations

Several users on the poll board have had problems when trying to edit posts. When I try to save edits I get this message: Failed to update comment. Please try again. When trying to post an idea, a user saw this message: Failed to save the post! Please try again. https://community-imdb.sprinklr.c


Hi @Jessica​ - Thanks for all these examples, none of these posts should have been flagged. I have now made them all public and have engaged the Sprinklr tech team to investigate.

 to the conversation: 

Unable to edit posts or save conversations

Several users on the poll board have had problems when trying to edit posts. When I try to save edits I get this message: Failed to update comment. Please try again. When trying to post an idea, a user saw this message: Failed to save the post! Please try again. https://community-imdb.sprinklr.c


Hi @ljdoncel - Thanks for reporting this resurfaced issue. I have filed a ticket (ref. #P153292268) with the relevant team to investigate this issue.  In the meantime, can you confirm if the device details you are still using is: Windows 11 x6


10 days ago

 to the conversation: 


Attn: STAFF - Saved update loads only partially (Part II)

Hi, everyone: It happened again. I don't know if the current problem has anything to do with the one I reported about five months ago, but the effect is the same. I was auditing the information on the Aliens (1986)' page, focusing mainly on the “Fun stuff” section, correcting or adding missing lin


Hi @jdwsilver - I can confirm that the "Released" status is automatically displayed based on the August 27, 2024 'limited' Release date listed on the title page. If the title was publicly screened (even if just once), this is considered to be a v


10 days ago

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Production Status Incorrect

My film ‘The Premiere’ has this major issue on its IMDB page. Although we had 1 screening, the film is NOT released. We had a sneak preview and now we are back in Post Production. I have tried numerous times to get this status changed so it is NOT released, the


Hi @davinchilde92​ - Thanks for confirming. The change has been made and should be live on the site shortly. Cheers!

 to the conversation: 


Change title

@Michelle​ Hi Michelle, I tried to change the title of a movie but now it lists the new title as the original title and the old title as the new title. How do I address this?


Hi @davinchilde92​ - Just to confirm, you are requesting the change from "Green & Gold" to "Green and Gold", correct?

 to the conversation: 


Change title

@Michelle​ Hi Michelle, I tried to change the title of a movie but now it lists the new title as the original title and the old title as the new title. How do I address this?


Hi @Rusty767​ - The image has been approved and should be live on the episode title page shortly. Cheers!

 to the conversation: 

Still Image rejected? #240901-195741-248202 rejected for poor quality. Live action camera frame image. Would someone review this and hopefully approve it? Episode was from January of 1998 so it is very old technology when it appeared on TV.


Hi @gsh - To clarify, is this a series that was once available online but is no longer streaming? Or was this series never actually released?


11 days ago

 to the conversation: 



How can I delete this series?

It was a project i did years ago, but never got online. Can you delete it? The other 2 project have been online once but this one was just in case and just never existed.


Hi @Chris_j - Apologies for the confusion, the previous staff response was meant for a different community thread. Concerning your missing IMDb page, I can confirm that the data was removed form the site as our editors were unable to independently


11 days ago

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My imdb page is missing

Hi, I had an IMDB page with a few credits but it seems to have disappeared. I'm unable to search by name and the films where I had credits no longer have me listed. This was my link that only brings up an error page now: Please someone help. Thank you.


Hi @IamJayRemy - There is currently no claim on your page. Your page is listed on the site based on your cast credit listing for the short film "Son of a Beach". If this credit is listed in error and you are not appearing in this film, you are wel


11 days ago

 to the conversation: 



Fake account made with my name

Hello, I am estranged from an older sibling who made an IMDb account with my name. She claims she “doesn’t” have the email or password she made it with. Instead of arguing to no avail to have her remove the account, may I please get assistance with removing this account since my name is on it withou


Hi @Rusty767 - I can see that the still image has since been approved and is now listed on the episode title page. Cheers!


11 days ago

 to the conversation: 


Still Image rejected? #240901-195741-248202 rejected for poor quality. Live action camera frame image. Would someone review this and hopefully approve it? Episode was from January of 1998 so it is very old technology when it appeared on TV.


Accepted Solution

Hi @niall_williamson - The Bio Trivia correction has been approved and the changes should be live on the site shortly. Cheers!


11 days ago

 to the conversation: 


Trivia correction declined

My trivia correction for Cate Blanchett was declined because it was "badly formatted" and I don’t agree with this. The reference number is #240904-001550-171000
