urbanemovies's profile

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Saturday, March 4th, 2023 11:47 PM

LIVE POLL: Movie and TV Titles That Give You the Chills

​​​​​​​​​To mark the occasion of the once-in-a-decade snowfall that occurred on the Hollywood sign this past month. As well as, to call attention to the extreme temperatures that the world has experienced over the past quarter century, both hot and cold. A movie and TV series poll dedicated to media titles that are sneakily cold temperature themed.​​​​​​​​​

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

​​​Which of these select movies or TV shows with a title* that is meant to give you the chills is your favorite one?​​​

​​​​​​​​​* includes movies titled with the word: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Arctic, Bitter, Brisk, Chill, Cold, Cool, Frigid, Frosty, Freeze, Frozen, Gelid, Glacial, Icy, Nippy, Numbing, Polar, Shivery, Subzero, Wintry, or ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​another word meaning a low or subnormal temperature(s)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​​​

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​​​​​​​Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/9RntLq1IbMc/​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​Poll List: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​https://www.imdb.com/list/ls061641460/​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​Quick View: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​https://www.imdb.com/list/ls061641460/?sort=list_order,asc&st_dt=&mode=simple&page=1&ref_=ttls_vw_smp​​​​​​​​

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

1 year ago

Expanded Chilling Movie & TV Title List


9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

1 year ago

Snow @ Hollywood Sign

Record Cold Extremes Happening Worldwide



19K Messages


472.7K Points

1 year ago

@urbanemovies ,

Southern California is still deluged with snow.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@dan_dassow​ Brrrrr!



19K Messages


472.7K Points

@urbanemovies​ ,

You haven't lived until you've experienced minus 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-46 Celsius).

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points


Dan , I know you like weird stories like this one and you are a tech guy. One of my ancestors was in the Yukon during the Gold Rush, an area of Canada known for how cold it gets. He is widely credited with inventing a special super-cold thermometer, called the Sourdough Thermometer. They would set it outside their cabin window on a snow bank, and check it through the window (made with a block of ice) to see if it was safe to go outside and for how long they could stay outside before getting frostbitten. They would ascertain the rough temperature (+/- 5°F) by looking to see which of four to five liquids contained in small bottles had frozen. A regular mercury thermometer was useless, since it froze at -40°F.  It is a pretty ingenious device considering how few resources they had. But, the thing that blows me away about it, is not that it tells them how long they could safely venture outside during winter, but they only considered it too cold when it gets to be -75° F. (slight exaggeration)




14K Messages


326K Points

1 year ago


The Ice Storm

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points


​I was thinking it was more like snow, a thing rather than a feeling, but I guess ice can be both a thing and feeling.

I added it the list.



14K Messages


326K Points

I didn't realize you made such a distinction, but I think more variation is better. If the poll question is about the titles, it is not very interesting to list Frozen, Frozen II and another movie called Frozen. 

Against the Ice is another title I thought of.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ No, I agree. I like this poll, it has more variety. Plus, sometimes with a single word, it doesn't take too long before, you run out of viable, recognizable choices.




14K Messages


326K Points

1 year ago

Eight Below, perhaps.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I think that one is a stretch. I can add more words that mean cold/chill or ​​​​​​​​​​​​another word meaning a low or subnormal temperature(s)​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​​​​​ Another search might reveal more variety.

But, as you see with the top sixty titles of the most voted media titles that use twenty synonyms listed that mean low or sub-normal temperature (also these words have alternate meanings) posted above, the same five words seem to dominate the results.

If I add more synonym words, it might tweak the results a bit, but it won't significantly change the composition or variety of the answer pool, if I also have a 25k or 10k vote minimum too. The other goal here is to have titles people can recognize too, with a clear connection to the chill theme.

I am open to any suggested alternate words that I missed in my first run through, like ice, to increase the variety of titles.




9.3K Messages


189.4K Points


If it's the titles we're voting for and not the movies, it's not really necessary to list several titles of the same name (Frozen, Frozen II, Frozen).

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Jessica​ I have no problem limiting it one per franchise and agree it might add some variety opening up some slots. I like the question and intended it be asking a favorite movie question, rather than a favorite title question. I don't think the titles are all that creative, other few having double meanings.

I still open to other synonym or movie suggestions.

​​​​​​Which of these select movie or TV titles* that is meant to give you the chills is your favorite one?​​​​​​



9.3K Messages


189.4K Points


Oh, so it is about favorite movie? That wasn't clear to me since the question implies you mean the actual titles:

Which of these select movie or TV titles* that is meant to give you the chills is your favorite one?

Maybe it can be rephrased?

Which of these select movies or TV shows with a title* that is meant to give you the chills is your favorite one?

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks, that is much better.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Jessica​ I also removed the MCU TV spin-off of Winter Soldier and Frozen II and doubled them up with the original movie, so fans can still vote from. I added an Ice movie, a Numb movie title and a Bitter movie title to replace them. It helps a little, but certainly not a gamer changer as far as variety goes.



9.3K Messages


189.4K Points

1 year ago