Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

Saturday, February 12th, 2022 4:14 AM

Live Poll: Your Preferred Movie-Medium


Since the birth of moving pictures, the medium they were presented from changed several times. Some people like it "Back to the roots", others enjoy the newest medium. There are several kinds of other media inbetween.

Which is your preferred movie medium?

Tell us here.


If there are better images or formats I forgot, please suggest.



4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

2 years ago

I don't believe in 8k Blu-ray. I don't think collectors should hold their breath. There is no demand for it.

About 4k, it is great, but personally, I own only two. 2001: A Space Odyssey and Bridge on the River Kwai. My father owns Dune (1984) and Tenet. I buy 4k only for grandiose films. Perhaps, I will buy Lawrence of Arabia in 4k if it gets a 60th anniversary release (it better be an extraordinary 4k release).

About Blu-ray, it is my favorite option. The only films I don't buy in Blu-ray are those that I already own on DVD.

About DVD, I only buy them when they are unavailable on Blu-ray.

About VHS, I have thought of buying them for nostalgia, but I realize it is a waste of money. We had a VHS player not so long ago, it broke and I had to upgrade films like The Wizard of Oz to DVD, and The Godfather to Blu-ray.

About celluloid, if I could find one, I would buy it immediately.

About streaming, the quality isn't as high as on Blu-ray, the content is incredibly limited, you don't own it forever. I have Netflix suscription, but it will never replace by DVD/Blu-ray collection.

So, my vote is Blu-ray. I believe that it is the right balance between content, price and quality.


8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


I didn't expect we're such close. I think the same about DVD. Last time I bought a 4-movie-Tati-collection on DVD, because it isn't available to buy it on Bluray where I live. I admire the good look of celluloid, which I know of my cinema visits in my childhood and as a young and later advanced adult. I guess the old celluloid movie roles are priceless and wealthy movie lovers as well as representatives of the world of arts should take care of them. I know Scorsese and some other old legends take care of them. They won't live forerver. I hope after their passings, film museums will take over the role to save the old treasures.

But I also think that the new media are the future and I'm not sure where Trek goes. It's good to have a physical medium in the hand which is reliable like DVD and Bluray, also 4K discs and maybe 8K media, but with streams I'm divided somehow. The "Game of Thrones"-debacle at the last season clearly showed the limitations of streaming. When ugly digital artifacts nearly destroyed the impression of the most important part of the series in dark scenes. 

On the other hand I see 4K as the close end of the road. 8K may provide a little more visual information when the medium might be I-Max or something like that, maybe new productions reveal an advantage of that. I still want them to look back and hope that they first save and restore the indispensable classics on better quality for general public.


4.4K Messages


70.7K Points


My father, who works in engineering who is specialized in graphics, told me that they are already getting more demand for 8k, especially from Chinese companies. He thinks it is a matter of time before we get accustomed to seeing more on our screens. However, he doesn't believe it will get physical releases.


8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


The technical progress isn't really stoppable. There are always clever guys who force it.

Research grows on each markets. I guess that is because nearly everyone knows that

getting behind the wave can smash a country.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Some of this is discussed in Side by Side.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

2 years ago

Changed several staetements in the details of the options and added one major point in option DVD:

"There are more classics available on DVD than on any other commercial digital medium."




14K Messages


326K Points

2 years ago

I think you could add digital projection from a DCP, which is how most theatres now show movies.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Added. I searched for a movie poster which connects to it, but the best I found was from Sonic. If you know a better poster for it, please tell me. Thank you for the suggestion. It's on the list now. ;D

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

2 years ago

I don't know, but I've gotten very accustomed to streaming (or even downloading), and only deal with other media when something was never available online in some capacity. I also sometimes watch broadcast television (OTA DTV), so airing schedules remain important to me. The nice thing about celluloid is that, it can potentially be viewed without electricity, as there is no decoding to be done. I can imagine building a projector powered by a spring, pendulum or pulley, and using candlelight, prisms, lenses and mirrors to project the image.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


I still remember my sessions in the darkroom. Celluloid has it's own magic, expecially in b&w.

Focussing the light or darkening on some areas to get a special effect on only one print makes a print an original that never can get repeated. All of it is magic. From taking the picture to making a print on 10 different scales of contrast. To choose the right filter and making the precise exposure. Combining it with post exposure, maybe in other contrast and so on is an analog work which can be much fun. The work is the way. Today it's digital. It's another way. It's not worse or better, but easier. You can have your darkroom also on the computer. There are several, even free open source programms, which can't take it with the market leader. But even with those you can do some magic without paying a dime.

... just a little trip about celluloid. When coming from work, I also stream much movies or series, because it's the most easy and cheap way after a working day.




9.3K Messages


189.4K Points

2 years ago

Please correct

#2: the Video 2000 system and Beta Max lost against the common home cinema king VHS. No matter which of them, video tapes are still my favorite.

#5: but I still like the 3D effect

#6: I prefer streaming.

#7: I prefer to buy them.

#10: I prefer some of these formats - and they are approximately equal

#12: I don't care about it, I just want to watch the movies.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you for correcting. I made the corrections, just in option number 10 I changed it to:

"I prefer some of these formats - and I do like them approximately equal."

That is closer to the sense I wanted to say.



19K Messages


472.7K Points

@Breumaster​ ,

You got most of the edits. Here are a two you missed:

#2: ... video tapes are still my favorite.

#10: - and they are approximately equal

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


#2 corrected.

#10: They are not approximately equal. It's the question, if the user likes them approximately equal. I already changed it to "I prefer some of these formats - and I do like them approximately equal." to make the intention more clear.




14K Messages


326K Points

"and I like them equally" would be correct

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Corrected, Peter. Thank you. :D



6.5K Messages


115.7K Points

2 years ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Breu.

8.9K Messages


165.1K Points


Thank you, Pencho. Thank you, Buddies. :D

This is my 200th live poll ! Yay ! Thank you for more than 4 years of joy, my friends. :D