Scholle2008's profile

356 Messages


4.8K Points

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 9:32 AM

Live Poll: Philip K. Dick Movies

These are all movies that are based on novels and short stories by the science fiction author Philip K. Dick. Which movie is the best?



717 Messages


8K Points

11 months ago

I think we had something like this before, but IIRC it was restricted to novels, so you should be okay.



19.3K Messages


475.7K Points

@NYVKE​ and @Scholle2008 ,

I vaguely remember a poll suggestion for films based on Philip K. Dick's novels, but I have not found a live poll.

There are, however, two polls in which Philip K. Dick is a choice.

Favorite Fantasy/Science Fiction Author

by Eagles90

Dream Interview

by dan_dassow



19.3K Messages


475.7K Points


I stand corrected after a little more search:

Favorite film based on a Philip K. Dick story?

A poll by yrnej
This poll went live March 03, 2014 and yrnej (Jen) has not been active for a few years. Your poll may have films not already mentioned in her poll.
A poll by urbanemovies
This poll went live December 13, 2018. urbanmovies is still active and this poll only relates to TV series.

717 Messages


8K Points

There was also one on films based on Dick;s NOVELS only.

I think that was made by E_ J____ and does not exist anymore.

717 Messages


8K Points

11 months ago

Not that they're gonna get many votes but you're missing:

Radio Free Albemuth

the awful Screamers sequel (but since you included Blade Runner 2049, you should include it for completeness.)

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

O, wow. I didn't even know that Screamers had a sequel. I wonder how terrible it is, now.

356 Messages


4.8K Points

9 months ago




19.3K Messages


475.7K Points

8 months ago

Congratulations, @Scholle2008!

Scholle2008's Profile • IMDbPollStats

Philip K. Dick Movies

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live



7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

8 months ago

'Good poll; congratulations! Even though 'Blade Runner' is not only my favorite of these films, but probably one of my fifty or hundred favorite movies, if it overwhelms the competition, I'd vote for 'A Scanner Darkly' because I always thought that film deserved more attention.  

717 Messages


8K Points


We tried to give a Scanner Darkly attention, but it hurt our eyes! 😂