Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


166K Points

Monday, July 17th, 2023 4:03 AM

Live Poll: What's Your Biggest Fear About Artificial Intelligence?


Since the robots were subject in movies, mankind thought of them thinking in own processes of their minds. With Cameron's and Schwarzenegger's Terminator a new threat arrived at cinema. An artificial intelligence, which is able to kill us as well as rescue us. Now there are self-learning programs like ChatGPT. Will they be self-acting in future? There are different opinions on that subject, but it surely is a matter which affects us all, even now. ... And in the future.

So if you are thinking about the limits of artificial Intelligences, which danger do you think is the most threatening?

Please tell us here.


Your fears about AIs. Please also put a suitable image-url to it.



8.9K Messages


166K Points

1 year ago


4.5K Messages


71.3K Points

1 year ago

If you are talking about chat AI, I do not think those are as impressive or dangerous as people image. They are good at reformulating ideas, and imitating writing styles, but they  are not good at thinking. It is easy to lure them into saying crap. 

A couple on months ago, as an experiment I asked Bing AI to analyze details that I had invented on Thomas Mann's  The Magic Mountain. I told him, for example, that had page 257 a cow falls off a mountain. He responded that the cow is a parable for the struggle of the farmers as well as a metaphor for the protagonist's depression, Of course, if you had read the book you know that no cow falls off a mountain in the book. That just how AI works. It is at crafting sentences, but the content can be really dubious. We can still control it at our will.

What frightens me is #2 and #6.

#2 I have no faith in humanity. People already use it to complete assignment at school. I heard the testimony of someone who asked Chat-GPT to write an essay. He did not even proof-read the essay before submitting it, and got 95%. This sort of thing will render our schools useless, and youths inapt to think. For me, that is the end of the world.

#6 If you knew how much lies there already is on the internet. Lies that people do not contest. AI will just make it easier to spread misinformation and to manipulate people. I have not faith in the critical thinking of humanity. I do not have faith in my own critical thinking. I think that 95%-99% of people are really easy to lure. I am sure that every single day, I read/hear a lie and believe it to be true. 

747 Messages


8.3K Points


I am very pleasantly impressed by your analysis. 

747 Messages


8.3K Points

1 year ago

Deep Fakes.

Edit: Contrary to what the intellectually-overrated Elon Musk says, despite exponentially fast progress in Limited A.I. we are nowhere NEAR developing General A.I. (These terms are easily wiki'd if you'd like to know the difference.)

There is not going to be a Skynet or HAL-9000 or Megan any time soon. Perhaps never.




19.5K Messages


477.9K Points


I agree that the greatest near term danger is fake content, especially Deep Fakes. Anyone who has worked the areas of Artificial Intelligence has seen cycles of grand promise followed eventually by disappointment that the technology is not as matured as promised.

747 Messages


8.3K Points


FYC The Capture(2019) is an excellent (fictional) TV Series about Deep Fakes.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

A.I.'s are only limited by us. But what if someone breaks the rule, because he can? On the other hand - when you look at the results, very much people fear the scenario of Skynet. There is no Skynet and probably there will never be a Skynet, but Hollywood told us there could be a Skynet. So it's in the resposibility of Hollywood - they made the people believe in such an option.


747 Messages


8.3K Points


"Limited AI" and "General AI" are technical terms.

8.9K Messages


166K Points


That doens't change the content of my posting. A.I.s are limited by what we allow them do be able to do. The difference of General A.I. and Limited A.I. is not touching that. The people have the fear of A.I.s by what they learned about. And Film business did its best to give A.I. a bad touch. That's because bad "news" sell better.

747 Messages


8.3K Points


What I'm trying to say is being lost in translation.

Here is the information in German, ironically, generated by ChatGPT

  1. Schmale KI (Schwache KI):

    • Definition: Schmale KI, auch als Schwache KI oder Künstliche Schmale Intelligenz bezeichnet, bezieht sich auf KI-Systeme, die für eine spezifische, klar definierte Aufgabe oder Aufgabengruppe entworfen und trainiert sind.
    • Eigenschaften: Schmale KI kann in der spezifischen Aufgabe, für die sie entwickelt wurde, hervorragende Leistungen erbringen, verfügt jedoch nicht über die Fähigkeit, Aufgaben außerhalb ihres begrenzten Bereichs zu verstehen oder auszuführen.
    • Beispiele: Häufige Beispiele sind Sprachassistenten (z. B. Siri oder Alexa), Bilderkennungssoftware, Empfehlungsalgorithmen und Chatbots.
    • Stand der Technik: Schmale KI hat erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht und ist in verschiedenen Anwendungen weit verbreitet, von der Gesundheitsversorgung bis zur Finanzwelt. Diese Systeme verlassen sich auf überwachtes Lernen, tiefes Lernen und spezifische Datensätze, um beeindruckende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Das Feld entwickelt sich weiterhin rasch weiter, mit verbesserter Leistung und Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen.
  2. Allgemeine KI (Starke KI):

    • Definition: Allgemeine KI, auch als Starke KI oder Künstliche Allgemeine Intelligenz bezeichnet, repräsentiert KI-Systeme mit menschenähnlicher Intelligenz und der Fähigkeit, eine breite Palette von Aufgaben auszuführen und Kontext zu verstehen, ähnlich wie die menschliche Kognition.
    • Eigenschaften: Die Allgemeine KI hätte die Fähigkeit zu lernen, sich anzupassen und Wissen in verschiedenen Bereichen anzuwenden, wobei sie Fähigkeiten wie gesunden Menschenverstand, Problemlösung, Kreativität und emotionale Intelligenz zeigt.
    • Beispiele: Die Erreichung echter Allgemeiner KI bleibt eine Herausforderung, und es gibt keine aktuellen Beispiele von Systemen, die dieses Maß an Fähigkeit besitzen. Forscher und Organisationen arbeiten aktiv daran.
    • Stand der Technik: Die Allgemeine KI bleibt ein langfristiges Ziel, das noch nicht erreicht wurde. Obwohl es erhebliche Fortschritte in der KI-Forschung und der Entwicklung von KI-Systemen mit spezialisierten Fähigkeiten gegeben hat, bleibt die Verwirklichung der Allgemeinen KI ein komplexes und ungelöstes Problem. Das Feld steht vor erheblichen technischen, ethischen und philosophischen Herausforderungen. Forscher arbeiten weiterhin an der Entwicklung leistungsfähigerer und vielseitigerer KI-Systeme, aber der Weg zur Allgemeinen KI ist unsicher und könnte viele Jahre, wenn nicht Jahrzehnte, dauern, bis sie realisiert wird.

Zusammenfassend ist der gegenwärtige Stand der Technik für Schmale KI gut entwickelt, mit zahlreichen praktischen Anwendungen und laufenden Fortschritten. Im Gegensatz dazu bleibt die Allgemeine KI ein langfristiges Ziel, ohne aktuelle Beispiele für Systeme, die menschenähnliche Allgemeine Intelligenz besitzen. Die Fortschritte in der KI-Forschung gehen weiter, aber die Erreichung der Allgemeinen KI ist ein komplexes und sich entwickelndes Unterfangen, das zahlreiche Herausforderungen darstellt.




19.5K Messages


477.9K Points

1 year ago

I asked Google Bard:

What’s your biggest fear about artificial intelligence?


= = =


Bard responded:

My biggest fear about artificial intelligence is that it will become so powerful that it will surpass human intelligence and control. This is a common fear in science fiction, and it is not entirely unfounded. As AI continues to develop, it is becoming increasingly capable of learning and adapting. It is possible that at some point, AI will become so intelligent that it will be able to outsmart humans. If this happens, it could pose a serious threat to humanity.


Another fear I have about AI is that it could be used to create autonomous weapons systems that could kill without human intervention. This is a real concern, as there are already companies developing such weapons. If these weapons fall into the wrong hands, they could be used to cause widespread destruction.


Of course, these are just fears. It is possible that AI will never become so powerful that it poses a threat to humanity. However, I believe that it is important to be aware of these potential risks so that we can take steps to mitigate them.


Here are some other specific fears about AI that I have:


  • AI could be used to create deepfakes that are so realistic that they are indistinguishable from real video or audio recordings. This could be used to spread misinformation or propaganda, or to damage someone's reputation.
  • AI could be used to automate jobs that are currently done by humans. This could lead to mass unemployment and social unrest.
  • AI could be used to create surveillance systems that are so pervasive that they invade our privacy.


I believe that these are all valid concerns, and it is important to have a public conversation about them. We need to decide how we want to develop and use AI in the future, so that we can avoid the worst-case scenarios.

747 Messages


8.3K Points


Drones are already replacing grunts in the military.

Automated ordering systems are already replacing people at KFC.

By 2030, almost all unskilled and minimally skilled jobs will be efficiently and cost-effectively made redundant by AI and/or robotics in the developed world.

By 2040 even the majority of high skilled jobs such as surgery, engineering and computer programming with be done by automata.


4.1K Messages


86.5K Points

Everyone?! Report this for spam. For some reason, I can't get the option to do so myself.

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

I think whatever it is that you're alerting about is gone by now, Tsarstepan. Just for your information, sometimes you could possibly easily anticipate spam, based upon phrases borrowed word-for-word from somewhere else on this forum or elsewhere on the Web. Often times, the messages will contain information that is either informative but irrelevant or both very relevant and also extremely obvious (like so obvious that it isn't worth noting). The one thing that is nearly a constant is that that first post made by an account is a response to an existing thread. Non-bots typically go ahead an create a new thread to inquire about something or to report a problem, rather than jumping straight to the act of providing answers to questions.

4.1K Messages


86.5K Points

@jeorj_euler​ Weird that you're telling me a lot of stuff I already know. Ir was the Rubylord post that NVKE replied to but with a spam link edited after the initial posting.

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

Okay, Tsarstepan, I'm pleased to know that you've observed enough of this nonsense to have realized the same things as I have. You've probably also seen the spam posts whereby the hypertext corresponding to hyperlinks consist entirely of a single punctuation symbol, usually a period. I find those to be some of the most annoying, even though I probably won't be caught victim by them. but it seems like, as I've suggested before, one of the main motives of these spam posts is artificial manipulation of search engine optimization, via-à-vis web crawlers, vis-à-vis fellow bots albeit the purely-observational legitimate kind. I will probably keep regurgitating these sentiments, here and there, now and then (and I mean, I can't necessarily remember everybody with whom I've discussed this), until I learn something more substantive or plainly contrary.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

1 year ago

Guys, you have all points which are incisive. I hope the AI-creators keep dangerous texts away from the AI. They are able to learn by now. I learned that by a state-run TV-talkshow here. Experts talked about their own experiences with different AIs, Ais they work on and future AIs. The mere problem is that they get better and better. We are truly far from AI-Armageddon, but what in 20 years, 40 years, ...

Give them psychological content which is classified for normal people, better mechanical devices, neuro-links, war tactics and history books to learn how humans work and maybe someday they can be a real threat. Or a cure for many things like blindness, deafness. We still have the controll.

I also agree that deep fakes are the most dangerous thing at the moment. And #2. Too often many of us rely on technical things instead using the brain and the own moral.

But wouldn't it be interesting to read the user's results?


747 Messages


8.3K Points


I heartily agree with your last statement, Makes for a very interesting social experiment.



19.5K Messages


477.9K Points

1 year ago

@Breumaster​ ,

Please change:




= = =

ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022. It is notable for enabling users to refine and steer a conversation towards a desired length, format, style, level of detail, and language used. Successive prompts and replies are taken into account at each stage of the conversation as a context.[2]


8.9K Messages


166K Points


Changed it, Dan



19.5K Messages


477.9K Points

@Breumaster​ ,

Thank you for correcting the spelling of ChatGPT.



10K Messages


196.3K Points


Please correct:

There are different opinions on that subject,

#8: will be reset

#9: suppress his people.

#11: weird

8.9K Messages


166K Points


Corrected. Thank you for taking time on it, even though I don't really have time. In two weeks I'm on vacation for one week. Then I might have a little more time for the forum.

8.6K Messages


176.7K Points

1 year ago

@Breumaster 😀

Since the robots were subject in movies, mankind thought of them thinking in own processes of their minds

That was Then

This is Now



8.6K Messages


176.7K Points

1 year ago

@Breumaster 😀

Most Popular Movies and TV Shows tagged with 
keyword "artificial-intelligence"

1,762 titles 😲

Most Popular Movies and TV Shows tagged with 
keyword "artificial-intelligence-sci-fi"

 343 titles  😮



747 Messages


8.3K Points

1 year ago


AI's will gain human-adjacent levels of consciousness and sapience, but be denied equal rights.

Examples: Ex-Machina, The Artifice Girl, Humans, Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence...


8.9K Messages


166K Points


I'll thake it as a suggestion for an option, ok?

8.9K Messages


166K Points


Just a moment. I better want to take Robin Williams as the 'Bicentenial Man', which seems to be a better example for your option. Isn't it?

747 Messages


8.3K Points


I never saw the film but I read the novella. It is an excellent story by Isaac Asimov.

In the book at least, the character wants to be human but is denied the status. "He" is, however, treated very well by society due to his first owner "Little Miss's" legacy, and the fact that Robots are generally well taken care of in the Asimov Universe.

By contrast, in Ex Machina (and 2 of the other 3 suggestions) the AIs are victims of actual abuse.

Vikander's character is trapped; and the Oscar Isaac villain plans on destroying her in favour of making an improved version.

The Sonoya Mizuno character is literally used as a sex slave.

But it's your poll; so I'll leave the decision to you.

8.9K Messages


166K Points


I want to use the Robin Williams character, because the movie is exact about subject. The Bicentenial Man has to fight for his right to be accepted as a person. I think I slightly remember that it also was about a court of law, which had to decide if he is to be accepted as a stand alone person. But it's long ago I saw it. And I want to use it, because of the high recognition value. And it sets a positiv counterpart to the "threat" of AIs.

747 Messages


8.3K Points

1 year ago

4.1K Messages


86.5K Points

1 year ago

Opinions has one p not two.

Now there are self-acting programs like ChatGPT 

I don't think self-acting means what you think it means.

  1. (of a machine or operation) acting without external influence or control; automatic.
    "this being a self-acting incline the empty trucks were dragged up by the full ones"

ChatGPT still needs prompts to do things. AKA external influence.

the borders of artificial Intelligences, 

Umm...? I suspect something was lost in translation.

Emotional blunting by interchangability.

Umm...? I suspect something was lost in translation.

Dumb people believe those "facts", isn't it?

Weird and jarring phrasing. Mostly because of the left turn into a question.

8.9K Messages


166K Points


Thank you for pointing out. I tried to find better formulations for the subject. I hope I was successful. Lost in translation is a good expression for my language struggles. Sometimes it seems total clear for me, but isn't the way the cookie crumbles. Thank you for pointing out my oops'es. ;)

I tried to correct it as good as I can, but still need help for the last two points you pointed out. I guess you are intelligent enough to approximately understand what I wanted to express. I don't want to use ChatGPT, which alledgedly would give me the perfect formulation. My issue is more about understanding. That is a feature which ChatGPT doesn't provide. It would make me lazy in understanding combining and learning to do it myself. 

This text was created by ChatGPT  ... (Joke!) ;)

So if you want to support me, please tell me how you would have created the options you mentioned. Be free to correct the other fails I did. Thank you. :D

8.9K Messages


166K Points


I tried to explain the last to points in another way. I hope it fits better now. ;)

458 Messages


11.4K Points

1 year ago

To live in a digital world made by machines and not even know it ~ The Matrix

747 Messages


8.3K Points

Seconded I guess; though concerned about vote stuffing due to that film's massive popularity

458 Messages


11.4K Points

@NYVKE​ Also, Interpersonal relationships start to get complicated ~ Her

747 Messages


8.3K Points


Seconded as well.

458 Messages


11.4K Points

@NYVKE​ What about, The power they can gain can be terrifying ~ Transcendence??

747 Messages


8.3K Points


I have missed you too hun 😘but I think you should be directing your suggestions to @Breumaster 🙂

458 Messages


11.4K Points

@NYVKE​ hahahaa... I thought it was your poll.... 🤭

8.9K Messages


166K Points

I've put two of your suggestions to the poll. Good aspects! But I think the example of transcendence is way too general and not specific enough.



6.9K Messages


120.1K Points

1 year ago

FYC: IA replacing humans in creative arts (writing, music, painting, acting) destroying original ideas and the value and effort humans take perfectioning their arts to express themselves in unique ways.

Possible image:

747 Messages


8.3K Points


Doesn't that come under the broader category, already listed, of AI's replacing people in various professional disciplines etc?

Humans in the Sciences, Engineering, Social Science etc. are equally passionate about their work, theories and innovations as those in the visual and performing Arts - there's nothing "more special" about the creative process in those disciplines than there is in the creative process of Scientists, Engineers, researchers in Psych, Econ etc.


8.9K Messages


166K Points


Thank you, Pencho. NYVKE ist right. But you specified it more clearly, so I've put your thought also to the text. I hope it's ok how I wrote it. I just had to re-formulate it a little to make it fit to my lines. I just kept the image of the bum to make it more clear what the consequences may be for the affected people.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

What do you both think is better? The bum or the image of the AI? Please be true.

747 Messages


8.3K Points


I like this description. Please see some suggested edits:

AI could be used to automate jobs that are currently done by humans. AIs will may also replace humans in creative arts like writing, music, painting, acting, etc. They will destroy original ideas stifle original thought and expression, and diminish the value and effort humans take perfectioning perfecting their fields of activity. arts to express themselves in unique ways. This could lead to mass unemployment and social unrest.

As for the pic: I like @Pencho15's suggested pic; but I also like your "bum". So no vote for me on that one either way.

747 Messages


8.3K Points

"I like @Breumaster's bum."

*giggles like a 15 year old schoolgirl*

8.9K Messages


166K Points



8.9K Messages


166K Points


Thank you, NYVKE. I've changed it. It's not so bulky now, but to the point.



19.5K Messages


477.9K Points

1 year ago

@Breumaster ,


Bicentennial Man

Please change:

AI's will gain human-adjacent levels of consciousness and sapience, but be denied equal rights. 


AIs will gain human-adjacent levels of consciousness and sapience, but be denied equal rights. 

Al's is a possessive. AIs is plural.

8.9K Messages


166K Points


Thank you, I've changed it. It was a case of copy and paste. That's because I trust in the probability that most users write in better English than me. ;)

747 Messages


8.3K Points

My bad.

Bad, bad apostrophe!