dgranger's profile

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85.6K Points

Saturday, August 25th, 2018 12:55 AM

Live Poll: Creepy Smiles

The list page: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls029504861/
What is on the list page: “Glee! What happy guys ... NOT!!! Which one of these has the creepiest smile ever to appear in movies or made for television movies? To suggest another image (with an address to the image) , post here. Say cheese for the camera.”
What is not on the list page is this:1) consider the address bit a must. Otherwise, your suggestion will not be considered.
2) The challenge in creating this list was to make each image get progressively more creepier and sinester leading up to the climax Lon Chaney in “London After Midnight” and Conrad Veidt in “The Man Who Laughs”. Did it work?

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/0mNxc8Prl1M/

795 Messages


29.7K Points

6 years ago

It's just smile not laughs, right ?

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Both ways but the image has to have a smiling face.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

(Just doing gallows humor here.) Hmmm. I don’t know. Check the list. I think they are hanging around there.

795 Messages


29.7K Points

Yes, they are.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

I forgot his smiling face! Added!



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

You said movies and TV movies only, but this is the one I thought of immediately, so I thought I'd share just for fun:

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

I’ll finish going through your stuff later. A lot of good ones there. But won’t use Tilda. I think I had found a creeper one for Chucky and put him on the list. Do you approve?

But since you had you had used one with a mask., how about these smiling masks?
The purge films:



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Not a fan of of the masks you picked, but it's your poll so... :)

Chucky's fine.

I picked the other Tilda because it is not at all the look she usually has, and it's so fake it's frightening. I think there is room for both but, again, not my poll. :)

I would separate Veidt and Chaney since they look really similar.

I suggest removing "Glee" from your intro. I think it's just confusing and I immediately thought of the TV show Glee.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

I’m done adding what I’m going to add of yours. I got admit that on some of them, what made the smile so creepy was the eyes on them, especially “Truth Or Dare”, Coraline” and “The Forrest”. Well done Jen. Thank you.

88 Messages


2.5K Points

6 years ago

The Man Who Laughs or Get Out girl

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Hi, Silitonga. The suggestions are wonderful, but I wish there was closeup of the smile for the first two, since those two wide-angle shots are so graphic and disturbing, especially for people who know the caption that goes with them.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

The first one was clearer. Both added.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Hm guys, this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070047/...
But then she is really talking more than smiling.

833 Messages


29.3K Points

Yeah, its looks like there is no update for Exorcist picture, like the HD ones. Its just sad because its actually an iconic one of the best movie ever made.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

6 years ago

We have this: https://www.imdb.com/poll/PUyqWZzL-W0/

Perhaps you could exclude the ones that are already in that poll?

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

No. Why? The selections on this list were made without help or knowledge of his. But I did give recognition to his list and I do think it does say something as to what was truly creepy when two lists agree those were creepy.
He does have a few good ones that I wish I could use here but they are now off limits unless I do list them and give him credit for the ones picked after this. Not for the ones before.
Besides, I think this list is creepier. It has masks! Could do a list on masks too! The purge films, Spectre, the Mask, The Halloween movies, Smiley, Phantom Of The Opera, E.T., “The Nightmare Before Christmas” , “Amadeus”, and “Eyes Wide Shut” all have masks in them.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Add “The Man In The Iron Mask” and “The Masque Of The Red Death “ and several super hero films like Captain America , Batman, and the Lone Ranger.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

peaspot is a she, and you wrote yrnej instead of my name.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

I will correct that shortly. Thanks.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

Thanks. You missed the s in peaspot. :)

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points


3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

Mr Hyde. But which one to use?
Him having a drink? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0022835/...
or full fangs?

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

6 years ago

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

another Creepy Smile
from ...

Poll Suggestion: Most Iconic Zombies From Movies and TV
Posted 2 years ago
by DoctorBuster
Joined on February 28, 2016
- - -

When I saw this scene for the first time, I can't forget it
https://www.imdb.com/list/ls066724482/mediaviewer/rm3450961920 <-
Posted Aug 29 2018
by Silitonga
Joined on August 26, 2014

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Movies and made for TV movies. Ergo, The Walking Dead is out. As for the TV Caesar Romero’s Joker, no, unless the picture is from the Batman movie.

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

Sorry did not read ...
"the creepiest smile ever to appear in movies or made for television movies?"

So, Why no TV shows ? ?


3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

1) I wanted basically memorable one time events, which movies basically are, that stand out.
2) if I had tried to include TV series shows, this list would have been fullwith two seconds how many there are from Mr. Moonie’s smile on the Lucille O’Ball show, to all the villains on Batman, to the Munsters, to The Addams Family, the tv list is endless. They were often shown multipal Times.
3) I needed a limiting factor.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Speaking of the riddler, sorry but frank Gorshon was creepier and he did appear in the movie version of the show.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

How about four in one? The Batman villains The Riddler, The Joker, Penguin, and Catwoman. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060153/...

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

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165.7K Points

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165.7K Points

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165.7K Points

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165.7K Points

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Jen had already suggested Split but you had the better picture. I can’t use Paul. Read the list description on the list page for the reason why. He is on Peaspot's List.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago


139 Messages


3.7K Points

6 years ago

I’m gonna vote for Bill Skarskgard as Pennywise.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

6 years ago

You're so good at coming up with creative replacement to just "discuss here." "Say cheese for the camera" is so good. :D I'm always noticing that about your polls. 'Good poll, btw: such creepy images. 

May I suggest removing the note after that (the second paragraph) and placing that on this thread (and possibly to be added to the original post by Peter or Dan) instead? Although I think keeping the link to Peaspot's poll on your list itself is a nice idea: perhaps move the whole paragraph to this thread but then leave something like "Vote on more creepy smiles here" on your list. Among other reasons, it seems voters don't usually like to read a lot, which is a shame but it might attract more voters. 



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points


Please consider Ruby's suggestion.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Done. Oh, for the record, I didn’t read read Ruby’s comment until this morning! That is how crazy my schedule has been at work in order to prepare for Black Friday, (in fact the Monday before Thanksgiving), and Cyber Monday, and the Christmas season. This my company’s peak season right now until dec 31.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points


Thanks for making the update.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

6 years ago

I tried this, you can take any picture you want
(Tommy Udo is quite good)

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Widmark if any. I’ll add him later. Preparing to go to work now.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points

6 years ago



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

6 years ago

Congratulations dgranger on your 44th live poll! As of 8-Nov-2018 8:33 PM Pacific your polls have 55,008 or more votes, for an average of 1,250 votes per poll.

Creepy Smiles
7044th Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/0mNxc8Prl1M/

This is the 2,203rd Image poll. Such polls have a total of 4,057,248 votes for an average of 1,842 votes per poll.
Total Number of Votes			16,334,045
Projected Date of 20 Million Votes	14-Mar-2020
Days Until 20 Million Votes		491
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Sorted Alphabetically http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/imdb-polls-alphabetical-by-author.html#dgranger

In Decreasing Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/03/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes-by.html#dgranger

Alphabetical List of Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/03/imdb-polls-alphabetical.html

Top IMDb Polls http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-imdb-polls.html

IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2013/12/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes.html

Summary Statistics http://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2016/05/summary-statistics.html

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