Michelle's profile



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 8:13 PM

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for April 2022

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for April 2022

Hi all!


Welcome to April’s top contributor leaderboard update. The below is our top 300 contributors by approved items submitted throughout April. As ever the movement column references the previous rankings - in this case the March top contributor leaderboard.


Come and join the discussion. We appreciate all of your feedback on the leaderboard experience.

rank nick totals movement
1 Nomissimon10 564996 ↔️
2 inespape-1 311161 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 217332 ⬆️
4 KaramXXV 70499 ⬆️
5 cinelamour 51699 ↔️
6 Gabrielfox 38383 ⬆️
7 raympretorius 32570 ⬆️
8 GusF 24097 ⬆️
9 ahmetkozan 22356 ⬇️
10 pegg1976 21961 ⬆️
11 ind3 21732 ⬆️
12 sundevilemily 20292 ⬆️
13 11433Sthlm 19893 ⬆️
14 skillwithaquill 19546 ⬆️
15 Stevarooni 18405 ⬆️
16 slordoshoes 18064 ⬆️
17 joeddelozier 17874 ⬆️
18 Woodyanders 17718 ↔️
19 Mark_a_Wood 17588 ⬆️
20 vorachotes 17571 ⬆️
21 xylit333 16621 ⬇️
22 ron_whisky 16139 ⬇️
23 harrisonjiang-78175 13905 ⬇️
24 dscbulkmail-amazon 13802 ⬇️
25 Kurre 13371 ⬆️
26 philipfhayes 13012 ⬆️
27 Blaine1942 12375 ⬆️
28 winsfordtown 12265 ⬇️
29 madhuc 11273 ⬇️
30 Sosna95 11010 ⬆️
31 Huggo 10679 ⬆️
32 elouie2000 10589 ⬆️
33 horn-5 10444 ⬆️
34 sarge-19 10367 ⬆️
35 niunoniotro 10238 ⬆️
36 vielguillaume 10038 ⬆️
37 jwelch-21319 9991 ⬆️
38 scharlachred 9933 ⬆️
39 Holojarg 9513 ⬆️
40 yook 9266 ⬆️
41 NickRiganas 9256 ⬆️
42 Majon1 9210 ⬇️
43 migueloliveiramonteiro 9179 ⬆️
44 hershiser2 9141 ⬆️
45 LargoDonWen 8968 ⬇️
46 zoltanakos 8537 ⬆️
47 denny-27 8515 ⬇️
48 bta98 8366 ⬇️
49 jakeslarner 8320 ⬆️
50 lapantera 7956 ↔️
51 capamaroux-1 7722 ⬇️
52 mnmonteiro 7542 ⬆️
53 essmom 7517 ⬇️
54 severthor 7513 ⬆️
55 jmgr-86592 7482 ⬆️
56 PierreLeewes-2 7308 ⬆️
57 tanrub 6815 ⬆️
58 Channing_F 6791 ⬆️
59 edwinwilson65 6748 ⬆️
60 emiebocalbos-jp 6704 ⬆️
61 geeked-out-4-movies 6657 ⬆️
62 Greg75 6426 ⬆️
63 ijvincent 6391 ⬆️
64 jmosen 6319 ⬆️
65 akira625 6281 ⬆️
66 sarah-kitchen 6257 ⬆️
67 Davspie 6217 ⬆️
68 Lara_Cain 6071 ⬇️
69 zoroman2008 6054 ⬆️
70 krisdeverett 6002 ⬇️
71 franciscorennannovelas 5944 ⬆️
72 The_Movie_Cat 5936 ⬆️
73 mitchelvwijk 5906 ⬇️
74 soma-2 5836 ⬇️
75 aapraje 5818 ⬇️
76 trotter1954 5464 ⬇️
77 lecoinducinephage 5403 ⬆️
78 sl-15684 5393 ⬇️
79 projectobjectvault 5326 ⬇️
80 kiefurby 5304 ⬆️
81 vande 5225 ⬇️
82 davefoss 5163 ⬆️
83 neindyfeiv 5095 ⬆️
84 kumkanta 4993 ⬆️
85 apostolis1989 4929 ⬆️
86 Chip_douglas 4899 ⬆️
87 AhmedDaReviewer 4895 ⬆️
88 Simba63 4863 ⬆️
89 Rain85 4855 ⬆️
90 jerrygauthier 4830 ⬇️
91 TTTEFan1990 4815 ⬆️
92 rharlan58 4738 ⬇️
93 forbidden_love-359-717451 4684 ⬆️
94 shanesmith-51353 4668 ⬆️
95 Happy_Evil_Dude 4658 ⬇️
96 Velaska_official 4651 ⬇️
97 abtheboss 4625 ⬇️
98 Invisible2015 4568 ⬇️
99 Global_Joe21 4544 ⬆️
100 chribren 4520 ⬇️
101 lor_ 4487 ⬆️
102 vondiesel-1 4475 ⬇️
103 jimjo1216 4445 ⬆️
104 martinchinwuba 4438 ⬇️
105 farhanazhari05 4396 ⬆️
106 josarc 4346 ⬆️
107 amanda-47525 4229 ⬆️
108 marcial84 4216 ⬆️
109 bulldogenthusiast 4195 ⬆️
110 Mjollnir 4100 ⬆️
111 Zweewz 4029 ⬆️
112 eknowlson 4021 ⬆️
113 zeynepgunay 3997 ⬆️
114 FangsNL 3939 ⬆️
115 themoviedude-39448 3916 ⬆️
116 tillmany 3895 ⬇️
117 ur32367447 3880 ⬆️
118 The_Professor_Scary 3856 ⬇️
119 benhampel 3852 ⬇️
120 rich975 3846 ⬆️
121 tmariotoledo 3811 ⬆️
122 johannawallenius 3695 ⬆️
123 MrIQ 3650 ⬇️
124 tahagumustg 3631 ⬇️
125 ianlueck 3607 ⬆️
126 ziadmubaraksound 3603 ⬆️
127 shatterdaymorn 3585 ⬇️
128 robetsonian 3542 ⬇️
129 tomdelfino 3534 ⬇️
130 bombersflyup 3490 ⬇️
131 Jens Christian Skov 3486 ⬆️
132 fkevin-94651 3463 ⬇️
133 dbassler1304 3455 ⬆️
134 markotovarovic 3449 ⬆️
135 spring_migrant 3448 ⬆️
136 solnoms 3421 ⬇️
137 wflare 3375 ⬆️
138 kingstoken 3350 ⬆️
139 MAthePA 3346 ⬆️
140 ramanlamba-69224 3341 ⬇️
141 northsouth 3308 ⬆️
142 darshapg 3294 ⬆️
143 benourdog 3277 ⬆️
144 nickromm 3252 ⬇️
145 slownet2 3247 ⬆️
146 LoginTo 3211 ⬇️
147 mneu-22567 3196 ⬆️
148 tityron 3175 ⬆️
149 garnmgu 3139 ⬇️
150 B3X 3133 ⬇️
151 J. Spurlin 3113 ⬆️
152 uammaasi 3097 ⬆️
153 ahmedm0ustafa 3080 ⬆️
154 DariusCZ 3079 ⬆️
155 MP666 3031 ⬆️
156 Roundhammer 2958 ⬆️
157 natmata 2937 ⬆️
158 aninosc 2935 ⬇️
159 ebrahimiexe 2922 ⬇️
160 Bolkonskij 2911 ⬆️
161 petermharris-14546 2868 ⬆️
162 lavendarmajenta 2865 ⬆️
163 SlyFan501180 2827 ⬆️
164 angeldimov-35162 2821 ⬇️
165 yossi-tissona 2819 ⬆️
166 qsrinath 2812 ⬆️
167 johnnymoronic 2810 ⬇️
168 mekmekb 2803 ⬆️
169 McBE92 2803 ⬆️
170 GMJames 2788 ⬆️
171 tmfraga 2782 ⬇️
172 michaelmavrikios 2781 ⬆️
173 archienojado 2777 ⬇️
174 over_the-world 2777 ⬆️
175 tazjjh 2756 ⬇️
176 ivyshayepeek 2751 ⬇️
177 cavy-dog 2740 ⬆️
178 michaelfool 2729 ⬇️
179 asalmostaan 2724 ⬆️
180 TiredAlex 2686 ⬆️
181 Peter-Patrick76 2666 ⬇️
182 ayumihamasakifan 2658 ⬇️
183 pampeano2882 2599 ⬆️
184 Pau_Arruti 2576 ⬆️
185 manzanamx1 2528 ⬆️
186 kostargr-46639 2493 ⬆️
187 thomaswake16 2490 ⬇️
188 Perspicuity1 2470 ⬇️
189 Col Needham 2466 ⬆️
190 carllh 2452 ⬆️
191 pbn 2442 ⬆️
192 lament7 2431 ⬇️
193 christinaGR 2418 ⬇️
194 kyleharvey-96636 2410 ⬆️
195 owenrees 2405 ⬆️
196 hm-2021 2403 ⬆️
197 maxgdurand 2369 ⬆️
198 Jukka_A 2341 ⬇️
199 Vesylum 2335 ⬆️
200 invisec 2334 ⬇️
201 Akasava 2332 ⬇️
202 PJ66MR 2331 ⬇️
203 arshela 2317 ⬇️
204 jmgr-91142 2294 ⬆️
205 matrix11001 2282 ⬆️
206 Tom-413 2269 ⬆️
207 bbmtl-21883 2266 ⬇️
208 themecast 2263 ⬆️
209 mariojacobs 2245 ⬇️
210 stefanocappuccio-sc 2240 ↔️
211 leadbeater 2232 ⬆️
212 PierreS 2224 ⬆️
213 calderdo 2223 ⬇️
214 adfrombach 2215 ⬆️
215 movieagent08 2213 ⬆️
216 a_chris80 2207 ⬆️
217 RitaAbbas 2200 ⬇️
218 EvanD71 2169 ⬆️
219 izko-35160 2164 ⬇️
220 Basse3 2153 ⬆️
221 SteveResin 2134 ⬇️
222 mysteriousbluebox 2124 ⬇️
223 blackmountainent 2119 ⬆️
224 vladesit 2117 ⬆️
225 bderoes 2109 ⬇️
226 thcarvalhobr 2100 ⬇️
227 scgary66 2098 ⬇️
228 josephmonaghan72 2098 ⬆️
229 kelly-nugent 2089 ⬇️
230 diveta-productions 2078 ⬇️
231 ilaofficial 2067 ⬆️
232 dj-dom 2050 ⬇️
233 gal bela 2049 ⬇️
234 annebergeron-47078 2045 ⬆️
235 robertfbailey 2037 ⬆️
236 jmaday-00608 2030 ⬆️
237 Eric_Fantastic 2014 ⬆️
238 jan_nihilation 2009 ⬇️
239 sharedpdp 1991 ⬆️
240 BeetleBailey33 1985 ⬆️
241 RoderichFM 1962 ⬇️
242 Tarhaseppo 1951 ⬆️
243 ViddyClassic 1949 ⬆️
244 cosmo-1 1942 ⬆️
245 glyntreharne-1 1941 ⬆️
246 JasonIK75 1927 ⬆️
247 norbertcreutz 1925 ⬇️
248 azuraring-84989 1923 ⬆️
249 philipdouglas 1921 ⬆️
250 mmeijlof 1917 ⬆️
251 Tvnownthen 1899 ⬆️
252 Travis_Bickle92 1887 ⬇️
253 Ioana_St 1885 ⬇️
254 jroehn 1853 ⬆️
255 CPPB-Int 1852 ⬇️
256 fredcdobbs5 1851 ⬇️
257 amickbyron 1847 ⬇️
258 arastehnasab 1846 ⬆️
259 moviesexlent 1839 ⬆️
260 priyashahpriya 1832 ⬆️
261 richboy_is_dead 1828 ⬆️
262 fadlykurniadi 1828 ⬇️
263 WillsonEP 1790 ⬇️
264 shrinivasgkulkarni 1788 ⬆️
265 marty602 1787 ⬇️
266 bmlpsn 1784 ⬆️
267 thebrotherfamily 1784 ⬆️
268 davidployhar 1780 ⬆️
269 deangordon-96376 1766 ⬆️
270 jg-50323 1755 ⬇️
271 egenardini 1751 ⬆️
272 bazso-karoly 1739 ⬆️
273 statmanjeff 1734 ⬇️
274 LukasGen 1732 ⬆️
275 rnahigian 1729 ⬇️
276 porzel 1729 ⬆️
277 DarkstarNexus 1727 ⬆️
278 emils-johansson 1720 ⬆️
279 cardboard-samurai 1718 ⬆️
280 mbjwilkins 1717 ⬇️
281 snail3 1708 ⬇️
282 ajclemco 1701 ⬆️
283 alexandra2144 1688 ⬇️
284 michh-82503 1682 ⬇️
285 henriheine 1679 ⬆️
286 Ron 1667 ⬆️
287 agof 1663 ⬆️
288 mikael-bryzell 1642 ⬆️
289 NoWireHangers 1635 ⬇️
290 bearysbowties 1633 ⬆️
291 clarkm29 1619 ⬇️
292 masrymasry-39929 1619 ⬆️
293 burnssidney 1612 ⬆️
294 NoRa_FoKa 1599 ⬇️
295 ccoyle36 1598 ⬆️
296 snazzyleo-40564 1598 ⬇️
297 cinemacriterion 1588 ⬆️
298 prapraju 1577 ⬆️
299 xpcreationsx 1575 ⬆️
300 danstarr69 1564 ⬇️



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

3 years ago

A huge thank you to everyone contributed throughout April, regardless of whether you made the leaderboard. We really appreciate all of your submissions.

Last month saw our top 300 contribute a mighty 2,665,485 items. That’s a 36% increase on this time last year. Amazing effort guys! Special mention to this month’s top 10, who between them accounted for over half of that – an enormous 1,355,054 items. Fantastic stuff!


For the first time this year we have a familiar looking top 3 with a return to the Nomissimon10, inespape-1 and formulakaz trifecta of February. Cinelamour retains 5th spot and a mighty surge from KaramXXV sees them enter the top 10 for the first time this year. A big shout out to Gabrielfox who contributed over 4 times as many items as last month to leap 46 places and make 6th. Terrific achievements also from raympretorius, GusF, ahmetkozan and pegg1976 who round out our top 10.

Outside of the top 10 the biggest mover of the month was neindyfeiv who moved climbed 203 places into 83rd. Other big movers include aspotolis1989 and rich975 both of whom climbed over 175 places. We also had a number of new or returning names who hadn’t appeared on last month’s leaderboard, with two – hershiser2 and jakeslarner – making it in to the top 50. Welcome to you all and great effort!

Once again, many thanks to everyone who takes the time to contribute to IMDb and congratulations to our top 300!

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

3 years ago

Change to
Green arrows : UP
Red    arrows : DOWN

Nomissimon10 : 564,996 : 18,833 per day : 784 per hour : 13 per minute ??
inespape-1       : 311,161 : 10,372 per day : 432 per hour :   7 per minute ??

- - -

April 2022

rank nick totals movement
1 Nomissimon10 564996 ↔️
2 inespape-1 311161 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 217332 ⬆️
4 KaramXXV 70499 ⬆️
5 cinelamour 51699 ↔️
6 Gabrielfox 38383 ⬆️
7 raympretorius 32570 ⬆️
8 GusF 24097 ⬆️
9 ahmetkozan 22356 ⬇️
10 pegg1976 21961 ⬆️

March 2022

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 1,098,271 ↔️
2 matthias_metzger 789,834 ⬆️
3 inespape-1 435,824 ⬇️
4 formulakaz 140,891 ⬇️
5 cinelamour 63,825 ⬆️
6 RitaAbbas 46,061 ⬆️
7 arshela 43,552 ⬆️
8 ahmetkozan 34,102 ⬆️
9 raympretorius 33,213 ↔️
10 xylit333 28,121 ⬆️

February 2022

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 785,100 ↔️
2 inespape-1 324,101 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 102,229 ⬆️
4 matthias_metzger 97,661 ⬇️
5 daanishichsanme 70,502 ⬆️
6 soma-2 57,436 ⬆️
7 cinelamour 47,876 ⬇️
8 madhuc 37,018 ⬆️
9 raympretorius 31,787 ⬆️
10 RitaAbbas 26,022 ↔️

January 2022

rank nick total
1 Nomissimon10 818,412
2 SkipEastport 510,298
3 matthias_metzger 439,199
4 inespape-1 237,715
5 arshela 77,797
6 cinelamour 64,864
7 formulakaz 54,819
8 apostolis1989 52,020
9 BonaFideBOSS 40,972
10 RitaAbbas 40,585

November 2021

rank nick total movement
1 Nomissimon10 431,935 ⬆️
2 xylit333 380,698 ⬆️
3 matthias_metzger 374,408 ⬇️
4 inespape-1 282,419 ⬇️
5 SkipEastport 102,333 ⬇️
6 formulakaz 82,923 ⬇️
7 tazjjh 75,551 ⬆️
8 ron_whisky 51,918 ↔️
9 cinelamour 51,694 ⬇️
10 Sleugercios 46,069 ⬆️

October 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 333,266 ⬆️
2 matthias_metzger 213,832 ⬇️
3 SkipEastport 157,799 ⬆️
4 xylit333 76,783 ⬆️
5 formulakaz 72,620 ⬇️
6 Nomissimon10 72,041 ⬆️
7 cinelamour 50,633 ⬇️
8 ron_whisky 37,655 ⬇️
9 slordoshoes 27,571 ↔️
10 11433Sthlm 26,772 ⬆️

September 2021

rank nick total movement
1 matthias_metzger 289,090 ⬆️
2 inespape-1 288,498 ⬇️
3 formulakaz 65,475 ⬆️
4 cinelamour 52,171 ⬆️
5 ron_whisky 33,275 ⬆️
6 KaramXXV 32,845 ⬆️
7 GusF 26,006 ⬆️
8 xylit333 23,892 ⬆️
9 slordoshoes 21,636 ⬆️
10 SkipEastport 21,457 ⬆️

August 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 280,778 ↔️
2 Gabrielfox 111,032 ↔️
3 matthias_metzger 95,717 ⬆️
4 formulakaz 72,291 ⬇️
5 Woodyanders 44,388 ⬆️
6 cinelamour 43,622 ↔️
7 11433Sthlm 27,722 ⬆️
8 harrisonjiang-78175 23,490 ⬆️
9 KaramXXV 22,207 ⬇️
10 thebreadladyky 21,833 ⬆️

July 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 271,970 ↔️
2 Gabrielfox 231,852 ⬆️
3 formulakaz 67,438 ⬇️
4 michaelfool 35,408 ⬇️
5 KaramXXV 31,454 ⬆️
6 cinelamour 30,231 ⬇️
7 soma-2 29,595 ⬆️
8 Woodyanders 28,780


9 joeddelozier 27,588 ⬆️
10 11433Sthlm 21,854 ⬆️

June  2021  (1/2 year)

rank nick total
1 inespape-1 1,546,827
2 formulakaz 346,971
3 michaelfool 286,491
4 ron_whisky 280,016
5 cinelamour 248,299
6 bradleykent1 225,767
7 Gabrielfox 209,168
8 Perspicuity1 197,788
9 ctfabian 138,513
10 Woodyanders 129,996

May 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 324,781 ↔️
2 formulakaz 69,169 ⬆️
3 michaelfool 58,231 ⬆️
4 bradleykent1 55,560 ⬇️
5 cinelamour 36,000 ⬆️
6 farhanazhari05 33,825 ⬆️
7 Woodyanders 32,858 ⬆️
8 Mark_a_Wood 21,934 ⬆️
9 watcheram 18,937 ⬆️
10 ron_whisky 18,196 ⬇️

April 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 306,490 ↔️
2 ron_whisky 81,422 ⬆️
3 bradleykent1 62,758 ⬆️
4 formulakaz 52,068 ↔️
5 ctfabian 45,315 ⬆️
6 cinelamour 36,508 ⬇️
7 michaelfool 34,040 ⬇️
8 Woodyanders 21,670 ⬆️
9 Mark_a_Wood 21,421 ⬆️
10 dscbulkmail-amazon 18,691 ⬆️

March 2021

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 282,149 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 81,437 ↔️
3 michaelfool 56,343 ↔️
4 formulakaz 55,689 ↔️
5 cinelamour 48,573 ↔️
6 spring_migrant 37,015 ↔️
7 harrisonjiang-78175 28,689 ⬆️
8 batshoncristiano 28,466 ⬇️
9 Woodyanders 24,806 ⬆️
10 Mark_a_Wood 24,400 ↔️

Sat Jan 1 2022

Tue Feb 1 2022

Tue Mar 1 2022

Fri Apr 1 2022

Sun May 1 2022

Sprinklr Members: 100,900
(2018 pages x 50)

- - -
IMDb stats

- Titles:   7,766,299 | Names: 10,827,285 | March 2021
- Titles:   8,048,324 | Names: 11,044,057 | June 2021
- Titles:   8,313,921 | Names: 11,262,925 | September 2021
- Titles:   8,744,296 | Names: 11,398,840 | December 2021
- Titles: 10,057,100 | Names: 11,515,379 | March 2022

- - -
Pages:..... Titles 19,891,000 | Names 13,629,000

* No pages of Odd Numbers for Titles past several years? ? *

IMDb Search title release_date=1874-now ....... 9,081,841 titles.

IMDb Search/title keywords=!s ........ 10,464,631 titles

IMDb Search name gender=male,female ......... 6,783,678 names.

IMDb Search name ........................................  11,873,340 names. 

IMDb Reviews ................................................8,110,000 reviews

Add Date pages Created and Modified ??

- - -

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for March 2022

Michelle, Employee
Mon, Apr 4, 2022

- - -

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for April  2021
Will, Champion

Tue, May 4, 2021





3K Messages


72.5K Points

3 years ago

I jumped 7 spots to 27. Almost back in the top 25.

1.4K Messages


23.7K Points

3 years ago

Per my previous request to be returned to the count, I should have appeared somewhere on the list.  Has my request been rejected? Or just not implemented?  It should also be retroactive.




17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @bradley_kent​ -

Unfortunately, we were unable to include you on this month's leaderboard, but I can assure you that you will be included on the next leaderboard for May 2022.

1.4K Messages


23.7K Points

Why?  Are revisions for corrections somehow not allowed, or are you just not able to do it for some reason(s)?

569 Messages


10.7K Points

3 years ago

72nd, not too bad I guess.... I caught COVID, so it gave me time to work on updates.