MyCatDuffyTookMyLaptop's profile

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thursday, September 26th, 2019 4:59 PM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board: Movies That Should Never Get Remade!

Rules: Tell me 2 movies you believe should NEVER get remade, because it is perfect the way it is, and I'll add it to the list.  If we don't have enough, I will take more suggs.  If we have too many, I will do a part two.  Thanks!  Will post the list soon!


400 Messages


9.5K Points

5 years ago

V for Vendetta

845 Messages


34.3K Points

5 years ago

Narni, you have to let me think about this, I think the movies that I rated 9/10 are perfect as they are and do not need a new version and really are many movies that come to mind.

845 Messages


34.3K Points

Narni, I think I have my options after all.
The Shining: The great horror movies of the 80s and 70s are being terribly redone and anyway this is a perfect movie as it is.

Risky Business: teen movies in the 80s were great, they had interesting characters and turned out to be smart representing some everyday teenage problems, however, teen movies are now misogynistic and stupid and if this movie is remade it would fall into these same cliches

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thanks; I will post the list soon.  :)



7K Messages


121.3K Points

5 years ago

Singin' in the Rain


4.1K Messages


87.1K Points

You don't want (or expect) to see a gender reversed remake of Casablanca with Rickie Blaine as the protagonist?



7K Messages


121.3K Points

I totally don't want it, but I can expect anything.

207 Messages


9.6K Points

5 years ago

I would like to nominate Ben Hur but because it is already a remake I don't think it fits the list.
High Noon

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Ben Hur is fine (I'm assuming you mean the old one), because it never shoulda been remade and never should be remade again.  :)

207 Messages


9.6K Points

Yes, I mean the 1959 version, I didn't remember that awful remake that they did a few years ago the truth never i bothered to see it, the trailer said it all.

21 Messages


678 Points

5 years ago

  • Back to The Future
  • Die Hard
  • The Princess Bride
  • First Blood
  • Jaws

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thank you, Juan!  Yes, I agree they should never remake Back to the Future.  That would just be... sad.  :)
A Princess Bride remake would be good in theory, but they would probably just make it stupid.

207 Messages


9.6K Points

A remake of Back to the Future would be really scary, knowing what movies are like about teenagers today would make it a very stupid cartoon about stupid teenagers.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yes!  I'm sorry, but teenagers in movies are stupid!  :D  And not just in a realistic way, but they're just annoying.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

5 years ago

The Warriors (1979)
The Machinist (2004)

4.1K Messages


87.1K Points

5 years ago

4.1K Messages


87.1K Points

If you could be so kind and change my attribution to reflect my current username, please?

18 Messages


950 Points

5 years ago

12 Angry Men(1957)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thanks - I almost forgot about this suggestion... thank you for reminding me!  :D
You can also pick a second if you want to.

18 Messages


950 Points

It's a wonderful life(1946)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thanks.  :)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thanks.  :)  And here's the list, finally:

13 Messages


820 Points

5 years ago

Into the Wild
V for Vendetta

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thank you for contributing!



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points

4 years ago


1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

At this moment there are a lot of IMDb poll board suggestions. And I like that very much, these are my favorite polls! I have 4 pending.

My idea is to make 1 thread with a overview of all these suggestions. In that way you can bump all these suggestions at once. And the poll board members can easily pick the polls for their contribution.

I can't make this thread because I can't add the thread after it is posted and responsed.

Maybe you can do it if you like this idea.



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points

That's a great idea, Hoekkie. :)

Everyone can edit their own posts now, so you can do it if you want.

1.3K Messages


28.4K Points

I didn't know that. I will do it, thanks.



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points

4 years ago


Please correct #12:

Jaun -> Juan

And the last two options:

milhailo -> mihailo

9K Messages


166.1K Points

4 years ago



7.6K Messages


194.2K Points

Three Colors: Red

Lawrence of Arabia

9K Messages


166.1K Points

And also Black Swan from Aronofsky.

3.7K Messages


56.2K Points

4 years ago

misery, just like schwarzenegger kathy bates can not be replaced

3.7K Messages


56.2K Points

815 Messages


12K Points

4 years ago

1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy

2. Back to The Future