mariojacobs's profile

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54.9K Points

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022 12:51 AM

Live Poll: Face-Off: "The Big Bang Theory" Fathers

Hello, poll forum, another idea for your consideration, feedback welcome, thank you.

Who is your favorite The Big Bang Theory (2007) main cast character's father?

For an uncropped view of the images see the slides here.




19K Messages


472.4K Points

2 years ago

@mariojacobs ,

Please change:

Teller — Amy Farrah Fowler's father


Larry Fowler — Amy Farrah Fowler's father

Teller is part of the magic act Penn and Teller. Teller almost never talks when performing or when he is interviewed. Teller, however, does talk during The Big Bang Theory (TV Series): The Bow Tie Asymmetry (2018).

Mrs. Fowler: This is taking too long. I bet that Sheldon stood my baby up.

[She gets up to leave]

Penny Hofstadter: Uh, excuse me. Where-where are you going?

Mrs. Fowler: This whole thing was a big mistake. I'm gonna find Amy and get her out of here.

Penny Hofstadter: [Firmly, pointing to her chair] Sit down!

Mrs. Fowler: [walks closer to her] Excuse me?

Penny Hofstadter: Sheldon loves Amy, and he would never hurt her on her wedding day, or *any* other day,

[points at her chair again]

Penny Hofstadter: so *park it*.

[Mrs. Fowler sits down; Mary stands and begins a slow hand clap]

Penny Hofstadter: Oh, you siddown, too.

Mrs. Fowler: [to Larry] Are you going to let her talk to me like that? Well, say something!

Larry Fowler: [to Penny, quietly] Thank you.



9.3K Messages


189K Points

2 years ago


Alfred Hofstadter - Leonard's father



19K Messages


472.4K Points

@Jessica​ ,

Thanks. I had completely forgotten about Leonard's father.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Jessica​ 👍thanks, I actually never watched this show, this is all @dan_dassow 's idea!

From another thread:

Would you believe that I have never watched ONE SINGLE episode of Big Bang Theory??? Roseanne is one of my favorite tv series, I watched the whole series at least twice: in English and dubbed in German.

I loved those 3 actors in Roseanne:

Sara Gilbert: Darlene Conner,

Laurie Metcalf: Jackie Harris

Johnny Galecki: David Healy

I think Sandra Bernhard would have been a very cool secondary character in Big Bang Theory, perhaps as the mother of one of the main characters...



9.3K Messages


189K Points

2 years ago