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2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

Friday, July 12th, 2024 2:04 PM

Live Poll: Mockbuster Movies


mockbuster is a film created to exploit the publicity of another major motion picture with a similar title or subject. These films are often made with a low budget and quick production to maximize profits. Mockbusters are made concurrently with upcoming films and released direct-to-video around the time the film they are inspired by is released. The title or packaging may be similar enough so consumers confuse it with the actual film it mimics. 

Which of these mockbuster movies surprises you the most? 

4K Messages


85.7K Points

2 months ago

Absolutely, none of them surprise me in any way or fashion.

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

I am very surprised by the nerve they have to make these types of films.

4.5K Messages


71K Points


I am in favor of it lol. It is pretty funny. If people get confused, it is their problem, shame on them.

Plus, some of these movies are more entertaining than the original film. And, I am ready to bet the crew of those films often has more fun than the crew of the original blockbuster making the film.


2.7K Messages


41.7K Points


Good points.
Thanks for sharing.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

2 months ago

For Piranha 3D, there was a Mockbuster called Mega Prianha

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

For I am Legend, there was a mock-buster called I am Omega.

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points


Thanks for those suggestions. I will use them in a Part 2.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

1 month ago

Congratulations, @GabrielFox!

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Mockbuster Movies

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2.7K Messages


41.7K Points
