767 Messages
11.9K Points
Live Poll: Favorite Subgenre Horror
The horror genre features stories that aim to elicit fear, suspense, and a sense of dread in its audience. Horror stories often explore themes related to the unknown, the supernatural, and the macabre, and they frequently evoke strong emotional reactions such as anxiety, terror, and unease.
Here is a list of subgenres of horror films, which horror subgenre is the scariest when you watch it?
14.5K Messages
331.5K Points
3 months ago
Live Poll
19.5K Messages
478.4K Points
2 months ago
@khadafimahfud8 ,
khadafimusaad's Profile • IMDbPollStats
This is the 9th time your poll has been featured on IMDb's Home Page.
(http://www.imdb.com) since July 28, 2015.
Favorite Subgenre Horror
This poll originally went live 7-October-2024.
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Poll Author - Number of Times Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page (Since July 28, 2015)
(Leaderboard) IMDb Profile - Count Polls / Count Times on Home Page
(L) Dibyayan_Chakravorty - 103/105
(L) BonaFideBOSS - 44 / 45
(L) Paok-Kilkis - 44
(L) urbanemovies - 44
(L) pere-25366 - 35
(L) ElMaruecan82 - 27
(L) CyrilMartin - 24
(L) IMDb-Editors - 18
(L) brijeshmarand - 17
(L) Hoekkie - 16
(L) Rafael_M - 15
(L) pbn - 15
(L) KhaledKalache - 13
(L) Simba63 - 13
(L) Kirk-Picard - 11
(L) leavey-2 - 11
(L) yrnej - 11
(L) Eagles90 - 11
(L) Marwan-Bob - 10
(L) penchofifteenpolls - 10
(L) The-Social-Introvert - 9
(L) dan_dassow - 9
(L) NDbportmanfan - 9
(L) mariojacobs - 9
(L) rubyfruit76 - 9
(L) khadafimusaad - 8 / 9
(L) Gabrielfox - 8
(L) peaspot - 7
(L) mpaxtonpolls - 7
(L) masandaglinus123 - 6
(L) simeon-83777 - 6
(L) thenolanfan / Maxence_G - 6
(L) Teriek-Williams - 5
(L) TsarStepan - 5
(L) edindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5
(L) fancinderella / (L) jgga-10977 - 5
(L) Phoenix_R_3 - 5
(L) borimor - 5
(L) Manya086 - 4
(L) Mega_wizard - 4
(L) DoctorBuster - 4
(L) iakhtar-33380 - 4
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(L) SkyDeshpande - 3
(L) TheMovieSmith - 3
(L) joesiegel - 3
(L) jamesh5 - 2
(L) KyBelle86 - 2
(L) RbDeraj - 2
(L) moatazaboalghuit - 2
(L) lnvicta - 2
(L) Debjit_Hazra - 2
(L) guillenpascal - 2
(L) Chihir0 - 2
(L) vibhorpanda29 - 2
(L) cocoken - 2
(L) alex_1-801-348552 - 1/2