Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Monday, October 1st, 2018 7:21 AM

Live Poll: Biggest Movie Losers

These are movie characters who are perpetual losers, because their life, their circumstances or simply their environment is keeping them down. But they fight and some of them don't give up aiming for a normal condition. Which of these struggling, losing characters below is the most interesting to you?

(The loser has to be from movies rated minimum 6.5/10 stars on IMDb. No animation allowed but characters can be either from real life or fictional. One exception: When the loser is so significant that he's worth standing next to the other losers below, the movie can be rated down to 5.5/10.)


8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Sonny - yes, Sebastian - no, Jasmine - yes, Amy? Better her 'husband' he lost more over the entire movie and still loses more, living with that awful woman. I'll correct my list, but later. :)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I tried to put Amy Dunne on the list, but no matter what I try to write. This bad person wins at the end. It's because her false game was never revealed to public. I'm not lucky to tell that, but from her POV, she's a winner. I don't like her. May god prevent me from meeting such a bad b****. ;)

Rosamund Pike is great at that role. She was nominated for the Oscar for this role in totally fairness. An the end it's good that Julianne Moore reached that Oscar 2015. She was so very good, too. And I allways like her roles. That year with a special urgent matter (Alzheimer disease). So still no Amy. ;)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I tried to make up a text to Jasmin French. It's some time till I saw it and I saw many more since then. The text may not totally fit. If you have further suggestion for the text, please let me know. :)

833 Messages


29.3K Points

I'm okay with the description.
But, I'd like to add a little in Jasmine:
"She tried to reunite with her estranged sister and son ...."

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Yes, that's ok. I corrected it. :)
Thank you. :)
Good suggestions!



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

6 years ago

Only one o in losing. Your question:

Who of these struggling characters below is losing the most?

The bit with "aiming normal condition" is a bit strange. You could just shorten it:

But they fight and they don't give up.

And also:

These characters are extreme losers in any way

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you, Peter. I corrected it. :)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

Corrected some more typos  and contents! ;)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

You should go over your text from the different options - there are quite a few spelling errors. Once you look through and make changes I'll edit it myself (if you want).

Roy - Kingpin
Charlie and Donald - Adaptation
Mabel - A Woman Under the Influence
Harry and Marv - Home Alone
Craig - Being John Malkovich
Louis - Ghostbusters
Dawn - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Frank - Little Miss Sunshine
Theodore - Her
Tai - Clueless
Marion - Psycho
Harvey - American Splendor
Royal - The Royal Tenenbaums
Pyle - Full Metal Jacket
Telly - Kids
Dignan - Bottle Rocket
Jack - The Shining

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I think it would be more easy when you do these edits. Thank you. :)
With the characters you mentioned it's a little difficult for me. These seem to be more independent movie characters. I don't know most of them. But I guess I will put in  Jack, Royal, Louis, Harry and Marv. Maybee Marion, eventually Theodore.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

A little change: I changed marion. She's a criminal & also a victim, but wanted to change before her end. I take Norman. He is the epitome of a loser and has more potential for this poll suggestion. Thank you, for the idea. ;)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

She didn't want to change - she took the money and ran and was killed in a pathetic way.

PS: You're generally going to need to add people's suggestions even if you haven't watched the films. Not just talking about this instance, but anytime. Other board members will post if the FYC isn't viable. You can't possibly see all the titles referenced in these polls. And you can't leave out relevant suggestions because you haven't seen the titles.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I watched 'Psycho'. I remember: At the 'dinner' with Norman, she regretted her deed. She wanted to drive back the other day after sleeping. But it never came to that, because Norman was faster.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you for your p.s. :)
I'm a little confused because in none of the other polls this was suggested from the other admins. What should I do? Can you point me to (link them to me) the proper rules? :) Thank you. :)



4K Messages


243.8K Points

Jen I think Breumaster is right and you just misunderstood what he said: basically Marion understood that she did wrong and was contemplating the possibility of returning the money. She never had a chance to do that though as Norman got her and that is the irony of whole sequence, a very fitting for a Hitchcock movie. 

795 Messages


29.7K Points

6 years ago

How about Fredo or Randy "The ram" ??

I know that a lot of people haven't seen it because in many places it hasn't been released yet but what about Marcello from "Dogman"?

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Fredo is on the list. Randy, too! :D

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Didn't saw dogman.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I think I would put it to the list. Can you tell me a little about it?



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

FREDO!!! Actually, pretty much every role Cazale played in his all-too-brief career.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I've gone through the list and deleted typos that seemed obviously wrong to me.
Now it's grown to a big list of 30 titles. :)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago we go...

Suggest - Biggest Movie Losers -or- Extreme Movie Losers

These are movie characters who are perpetual losers, because their life, their circumstances or simply their environment is keeping them down. But they fight and some of them don't give up aiming for a normal condition. Which of these struggling, loser characters below is the most interesting to you?

(Most be from movies rated minimum 6.5 stars on IMDb. No animation allowed but characters can be either from real life or fictional)

1 - Foster completely lost his mind in the daily traffic jam. He was always a ticking time-bomb but was pushed over the edge when he was fired. He went to see his wife, disregarding the order of protection she had taken out to protect her and their daughter. In the course of his rampage he shocked some people and killed some people until he finally got killed by a good officer's bullet.

2 - Foiled by her mother, her husband, her husband's dumb friend's plans, the police, the court of law, the press, the audiences, she is still known as cheap white trash to the public.

You know, as I'm looking at these, I don't think you need to spell everything out. It's better if you just put a line or two and remove the spoiler mark-ups.

For example, for #1 you could say, "After being fired and stuck in traffic, a man loses his mind and decides to walk home. Pity the citizen who crosses his path."

* none of the descriptions should be in all-caps. And check with Dan, I'm not sure that the spoiler notation will still be there once the list goes live - some formatting isn't supported in the poll mode.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

6 years ago


Please change the bold underlined text:

- - -

Dae-su Oh: Held 16 years as an captive in a little room by evil forces, not knowing what's up with his family, while his wife was killed, he was officially untruely denounced as murderer and his little daughter was abducted. Compulsory sedated by poisonous gases, hypnotized, and at last set free for finding out why that happened to him. His daughter was allready grown up after the 16 years and hypnotized by the same abductors. So they had sex while not considering each other as relative. He later discovered that fact and that it all was done to them because in earlier times as a student, he told a lie about a female classmate, he therewith unintentional caused her suicide and induced the revenge by her incestous brother who captured him later for the known 16 years.

Dae-su Oh: Held 16 years as an captive in a little room by evil forces, not knowing what's up with his family, while his wife was killed, he was officially falsely denounced as murderer and his little daughter was abducted. Compulsory sedated by poisonous gases, hypnotized, and at last set free for finding out why that happened to him. His daughter was already grown up after the 16 years and hypnotized by the same abductors. So they had sex while not considering each other as relative. He later discovered that fact and that it all was done to them because in earlier times as a student, he told a lie about a female classmate, he therewith unintentional caused her suicide and induced the revenge by her incestuous brother who captured him later for the known 16 years.

- - -

Please consider revising:

Frankenstein's monster: Being made live again, because Frankenstein can do that. Suffering from the pain of the scars and from being lonely and a monster. Suffering from heartache, from the laughter and on the other hand of the fear of the normal citizens. In need of a mate.

Doctor Frankenstein re-animated his monster from body parts from the deceased. The monster suffered from the pain of the scars, being lonely and being a monster. Normal citizens feared and derided him with laughter. The monster’s heartache arose from the desired for a mate.

- - -

Ash: He just wanted to spend a nice weekend at the woods with his fellows. It turned out to be a horrofic weekend with his friends turning to zombies after hearing a man on tape reading a strange old text. He killed them and got into other troubles with demons possessing him after and making him cut of his right arm with a chainsaw. After connecting the chainsaw on the stump of his arm, a coincidentally and magically appearing wormhole lead him to medieval ages and places. He had to  to fight the evil army of death from a necromancer he accidently conjured while trying to come back home. When he got home in normal times after all, he was followed by a bad witch that tried to kill him. Ash: He just wanted to spend a nice weekend at the woods with his fellows. It turned out to be a horrific weekend with his friends turning to zombies after hearing a man on tape reading a strange old text. He killed them and got into other troubles with demons possessing him after and making him cut of his right arm with a chainsaw. After connecting the chainsaw on the stump of his arm, coincidentally and magically appearing wormhole, lead him to medieval ages and places. He was forced to fight the evil army of death from a necromancer he accidently conjured while trying to come back home. When he got home in normal times after all, he was followed by a bad witch that tried to kill him.

- - -

Harry & Marv: Low down gangsters, searching for abbandoned houses on christmas hollydays to break in and steal worthy things from the owners. They got burned, punched, electrified, glued and feathered, etc. - by a 6 year old! The boy helped to get those dumbnuts caught. They went to jail. Losers!

Harry & Marv: Low down gangsters, searching for abandoned houses on Christmas holidays to break in and steal worthy things from the owners. They got burned, punched, electrified, glued and feathered, etc. - by a 6 year old! The boy helped to get those dumbnuts caught. They went to jail. Losers!

- - -

Jack Torrance: Jack signed a contract as a janitor for looking after the old Overlook Hotel while concentrating on his writing. The lonelyness made him dull and mean. He turned mad about anything, then his delusion turned worse. He spoke to ghost appearances in  his mind. At last he hunted his wife with an axe and died on the hunt by freezing to death.

Jack Torrance: Jack signed a contract as a janitor for looking after the old Overlook Hotel while concentrating on his writing. The loneliness made him dull and mean. He turned mad about anything, then his delusion turned worse. He spoke to ghost appearances in his mind. At last he hunted his wife with an axe and died on the hunt by freezing to death.

- - -

Norman Bates (also contains Spoiler of 'Psycho II): Lead an Motel, poke on naked people. His hobby was preparing animals. He was a milksop and killed people when he turned to a murderer, each time. At last he went totally nuts, turned to his mother by shizophrenia and was sent to an asylum. Later, when he was cured, he was tempt to kill again and did it. ('Psycho II')

Norman Bates (also contains Spoiler of 'Psycho II): Owned and operated a motel. Spyed on naked people. His hobby was taxidermy. He was a milksop who murdered people. At last he went totally nuts, turned to his mother by schizophrenia and was sent to an asylum. Later, when he was cured, he was tempted to kill again and did it. ('Psycho II')

- - -

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Spent his life with Wrestling, sex, drugs and show untill he was to old. At his last days he wanted to reunite with his estranged daugther, who tried to help, but then he messed up with drugs and a one night stand and forgot their dinner. His daughter despises him for not being reliable even at this point of his life. His only friend was a pole dancer who didn't want to be romantically involved with him. When he had a heart attack, he shouldn't have worked any further as wrestler, but did. Supposably, he died in the ring.

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Spent his life with Wrestling, sex, drugs and show until he was to old. At his last days he wanted to reunite with his estranged daughter, who tried to help, but then he messed up with drugs and a one night stand and forgot their dinner. His daughter despises him for not being reliable even at this point of his life. His only friend was a pole dancer who didn't want to be romantically involved with him. When he had a heart attack, he shouldn't have worked any further as wrestler, but did. Supposedly, he died in the ring.

- - -

Theodore: Theodore was tempted by a clever artificial intelligence. He built a relationship to her, Samantha. She gained not only his attention. She gained his sexual fantasies and the controll over all aspects of his life, while he more and more departed from reality. When 'she' was sure about his addiction, she revealed on the side, that she did the same project with thousends of other people at the same time. He was shocked.

Theodore: Theodore was tempted by a clever artificial intelligence. He built a relationship to her, Samantha. She gained not only his attention. She gained his sexual fantasies and the control over all aspects of his life, while he more and more departed from reality. When 'she' was sure about his addiction, she revealed on the side, that she did the same project with thousands of other people at the same time. He was shocked.

- - -

Royal Tenenbaum: Left his family without a cause. On that turn his talented kids started struggling with problems untill they were grown ups. For reuniting he lied about having cancer. Neither his sons, nor his wife believed in his dubious story. His wife even gave a task to a private detective. As the truth came up, he signed the divorce proceeding papers for his wife and reunited with his descendants, but then died on a heart attack.

Royal Tenenbaum: Left his family without a cause. On that turn his talented kids started struggling with problems until they were grownups. For reuniting he lied about having cancer. Neither his sons, nor his wife believed in his dubious story. His wife even gave a task to a private detective. As the truth came up, he signed the divorce proceeding papers for his wife and reunited with his descendants, but then died on a heart attack.

- - -

Sam Cayhall: He was a member of the KKK. When he was a young adult father, burning with hatred and racism, he shot a black boy of the same age like his daughter, who simply was a neighbour's son, a playmate to his daughter. That threw his daughter and his son into deeply mental problems. His son killed himself because he couldn't cope with his father's crime. Cayhall killed two jewish siblings by a cowardly bombing attack for the Klan. He was convicted to jail - the death row. Even when his grandson, who was a lawyer, came to prevent him from excecution, he denied his help and was angry, ranting and insulting. At his last day he repented, but was excecuted in the gas chamber.

Sam Cayhall: He was a member of the KKK. When he was a young adult father, burning with hatred and racism, he shot a black boy of the same age like his daughter, who simply was a neighbor's son, a playmate to his daughter. That threw his daughter and his son into deeply mental problems. His son killed himself because he couldn't cope with his father's crime. Cayhall killed two Jewish siblings by a cowardly bombing attack for the Klan. He was convicted to jail - the death row. Even when his grandson, who was a lawyer, came to prevent him from execution, he denied his help and was angry, ranting and insulting. At his last day he repented, but was executed in the gas chamber.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I wish I could double-like this. :) Thank you Dan for taking so much time and effort to correct my mistakes. I learn and try to write the right things and it gets continually  better, step by step. I will correct all my writing fails with the corrections you suggested. But first I got to go to work for some hours. When I'm back from work, I'll start to change the things in my list. Again - Thank you so much, Dan.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points


Your English is far superior than my German. Even though I studied the German language extensively, I have to constantly refer to my English-German dictionary.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Corrections done. :) The main problem with this idea is, that the stories of this losers have to be shown in a "as short as can"-synopsis, but also with all points and counts of how, where and when they do lose. That's because it would be hard to compare all of them by only one or two lines. Even though they have different stories. With the full text of the points where they lose, the poll taker can remember this character better. I know ... it's an awful amount of text. But without it, the idea wouldn't be the same. So I'm glad you helped me correcting it.

I learned much about my typos. I was mostly astounded by missing the unnecessary a in the text of #12 (Ash). That must be my (sometimes) "Filser-Englisch". That's when German's use wrong grammar, words and sometimes mix it up with German words. Here on getsatisfaction I try to avoid german words, but know they even exist in the English language. Like e.g. Kindergarten.

Ludwig Thoma wrote a humoristic and satirical book in 1912 about the struggle with foreign language. It's even translated into English. I just don't know the English title. The German title is: 'Jozef Filsers Briefwexel' It's about a boy writing his English penfriend by using a mix of English and German words in mixed grammar.

1K Messages


47K Points

Breumaster, I agree that you have improved since you joined the poll board. I also think that working on polls and discussions held with other users, along with one or two other internet activities, ultimately improved my own English skills more than university classes.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

It's perfect adult aducation. Nothing is as real as direct contact. For that, the internet is the best. I can read interesting texts. Then I can think of the others text and why he/she wrote it and I have time to think what I want to express about it or not. It sure is a source of missunderstandings and failures. But there is no other way to learn a language so direct and fast without to get beaten up by offended people. (Just kidding). ;)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you and sorry ... I meant education. :)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points


8.9K Messages


165.4K Points




19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

6 years ago


Here are a few more problems. Please correct the highlighted text.

Eva Khatchadourian: Put down by her psychopathic son by trying to reach him and getting demeaned by him. Inbetween he hurt his little sister intentional badly. As a reward for her efforts, someday he killed a bunch of his classmates by a calculated rampage with bow and arrows. While trying to cope with his evil deeds, she got avoided and hated by her environment while her house got vandalised by strangers.

Eva Khatchadourian: Put down by her psychopathic son by trying to reach him and getting demeaned by him. In between he hurt his little sister intentional badly. As a reward for her efforts, someday he killed a bunch of his classmates by a calculated rampage with bow and arrows. While trying to cope with his evil deeds, she got avoided and hated by her environment while her house got vandalized by strangers.

= = =

Fantine: Her curse was her beauty. Slanderd by the envy women at work, she was thrown out of the factory so that she couldn't anyfurther buy the medicine for her son. She had to become a prostitute to make the money for her son and was shattered down by loosing her dignity.[/spoiler]

Fantine: Her curse was her beauty. Slandered by the envy women at work, she was thrown out of the factory so that she couldn't any further buy the medicine for her son. She had to become a prostitute to make the money for her son and was shattered down by losing her dignity.

= = =

Chev Chelios: Low down gangster, got poisened by some lower gangster because his boss cheated on him. Loosing mind, loosing time, loosing the game. He hurted or killed  people to revenge himself, was taking illegal drugs to lower the poison's effect for some time. Causing chaos, havoc and devastation while being sure to die at the end. And then he died spectaculary at the end. (Just concluding first movie.)

Chev Chelios: Low down gangster was poisoned by some lower gangster because his boss cheated on him. Losing mind, losing time, losing the game; he hurt or killed people to revenge himself, was taking illegal drugs to lower the poison's effect for some time, causing chaos, havoc and devastation while being sure to die at the end. And then he died spectacularly at the end. (Just concluding first movie.)

= = =

Sonny: Sonny wanted to rob a bank for his lover's sex change operation. There was not enough money because so many people drawed money, that it wouldn't be enough for the operation. While he realised that fact, he got a phone call by police inspector Moretti who told him he was surrounded by the cops outside. So he took hostages and the situation turned to a media circus, everybody had fun to watch. At the end he was shot to death.

Sonny: Sonny wanted to rob a bank for his lover's sex change operation. There was not enough money because so many people withdrew money, that it wouldn't be enough for the operation. While he realised that fact, he got a phone call by police inspector Moretti who told him he was surrounded by the cops outside. So he took hostages and the situation turned to a media circus, everybody had fun to watch. At the end he was shot to death.

= = =

Nick Dunne: Nick dated a perfect femal psychopath. He was suspected of murdering his wife while she was hiding. He suffered the social preasure while no one new that he was innocent. Not able to proof his innocence he had to bluff to get her back to public, alive. To get out and come back to him, she atrociously murdered an innocent man and lied about him, that he would have abducted and raped her. To get out of this foul game he had to play the loving husband further, while knowing to live with a totally psychopath. She played perfect with the media, he had no chance.

Nick Dunne: Nick dated a perfect female psychopath. He was suspected of murdering his wife while she was hiding. He suffered the social pressure while no one knew that he was innocent. Not able to proof his innocence he had to bluff to get her back to public, alive. To get out and come back to him, she atrociously murdered an innocent man and lied about him, that he would have abducted and raped her. To get out of this foul game he had to play the loving husband further, while knowing to live with a totally psychopath. She played perfect with the media, he had no chance.

= = =

Jasmine French: She was a succesful  socialite in New York, but got utterly ruined. She tried to reunite with her estranged sister and son while her proud commanded her to prevent showing the abominable truth. After she couldn't hide it anymore, she lost her family ties.

Jasmine French: She was a successful socialite in New York, but got utterly ruined. She tried to reunite with her estranged sister and son while her proud commanded her to prevent showing the abominable truth. After she couldn't hide it anymore, she lost her family ties.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Just lost an 'o'. Thank you, Dan. ;) Now they all lose.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points


Thanks for making the edits.

German spelling rules are much more logical than those for English. Even native speakers find English orthography (spelling rules) confusing.

1K Messages


47K Points

Have you ever yet endeavoured
To pronounce revered and severed,
   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,
   Peter, petrol and patrol?

Billet does not end like ballet;
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
   Blood and flood are not like food,
   Nor is mould like should and would.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you Dan for sacrificing so much time.
Most of the failures is just because my new keyboard loses that many letters like
my old keyboard. I just don't know what I should do. I bought a programm
that is for deleting old, not longer used equipment from the registry of
Windows - but we might have so much blutooth traffic around, that the other
devices won't cope with it. So some letters get swallowed. That were
most of the failures. The others are my fault like 'loosers'. ;D

1K Messages


47K Points

Dan, you are right that English has inconsistent orthography, however it's still one of the easiest languages to learn.

My mother takes pride in the fact that her mother tongue Polish is absolutely regular with regards to orthography. But what does it help if words look like this: przyjść. Even though I know how to pronounce the letters, there's only an entanglement before my eyes. It's much easier to grasp its translation, come, at first glance.



4K Messages


243.8K Points

I can totally plus what albstein says. My native languages are Ukrainian and Russian and I am fluent in English on practically the same level, being able to translate professionally, speak and write with ease. Still, while I have a full higher education I'm making flubs here and there in all three languages which probably comes from the fact that I think in an odd combination of the three, which would have likely horrified those who understand any of such. Every single time I make some mistake in any of the three, I'm quite ashamed of it, although it probably happens with anyone, even the best. And I am usually not the closest contender for "best" (came fourth in English competition in university, for example). 

I dread a moment in distant future when I will become fluent enough in some fourth language for it to inevitably jump into the mix. The closest contenders are French and Dutch (which already have some effect on me) but I also try to learn Hebrew, Vietnamese, Arabic and Akan. A lot of my friends are fluent in Polish so I have some knowledge of it as well and I can't say it's on the difficult or baffling side if compared to some other languages close to it. For all I know if weren't for me being a native speaker, Russian would have likely be a hell to learn: over the years logical structure of that language became more blurred so explaining some processes is already a hard enough task.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

I guess it's  about how the world developed. In 1492 Marco Polo discovered America. Later other people from Europe came to the 'New World'. Even 1912 Titanic passengers just wanted to beginn in a 'new world'. English itself was a mixed up language from europeans impacted with strong roman loans. In ~500 to ~1500 a.D. the languages in Europe grew and developed. Even today languages develope. There are invented new words like 'smartphone' or 'internet', that no one (timetravel) before 1950 would get right, if you'd ask them that time. And America has it's own rules, developing since it's discovery and going on untill today - and further.

1K Messages


47K Points

Wow, you deserve respect for your language skills. I admit I had to google Akan. What I like about Russian is that its script has individual letters for what would be "sh" or "ch" in English.

The seven grammatical cases that are prevalent in slavic languages must be a nightmare for an outsider to learn; German has four, and only now do I realize that English has none at all. Except maybe in the word whom, which is about to become obsolete.

The little poet in me says that mistakes can be the grounds for creativity. I think there were actually authors who fled their countries and brought some of their language's unique expressions and words to another one as an accidental donation.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

English has three cases:
Subjective, Objective and Possessive.

1K Messages


47K Points

Dan, I see there are different definitions of grammatical case. German Wikipedia argues that English has remnants of cases that used to be more fully developed, and that "some linguists" debate whether they should be termed differently.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

I append the rule 6.5/10 to 5.5/10 if there is an extraordinary loser. So if anyone knows a low down loser  in a movie rated down to 5.5/10, let me know.  There are 4 more #s to fill. But remember, if we look down to 5.5/10, it has to be an extraordinary loser.



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

"Most be from movies rated minimum 6.5 stars on IMDb" -- did you mean "Must be"?

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you, Peter. You reminded me on putting that rule to the list, too. ;)
It's "Must be"!



9.4K Messages


190.1K Points

6 years ago

A few more typos:

Which of these struggling, losing characters below is the most interesting to you?

#4: Held 16 years as a captive ...  he therewith unintentionally caused...
#8: Turned to a satanic mass murderer ...
#13: Dragged into a battue by his environment.
#19: Not able to prove his innocence ... to live with a total psychopath. 
#29: ...but then died of a heart attack

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Done. :)



7.5K Messages


192.2K Points

6 years ago

Hi Breu! There are a few I'd want to get my vote so it'll be difficult to decide. I love this one!

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

And it still took a long way to correct my texts. After a long way through typos and grammar-fails it finaly seems to look acceptable. As Joe Cocker sings in his most known song: With a little help from my friends. :)



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

6 years ago

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

Thank you, dudes! :)
Nice to see all this effort of every one of us got online.
Now that the poll is live, I wonder myself whom I would pick.
It's a hard contest for many of those loser-characters
on this poll.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

6 years ago


It's generally not a good idea to update the list upon which a poll is based to include a link to the poll. Inevitably the poll will need to be updated.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Yes, I'll delete the link instantly.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points


Thank you for removing the link to the poll from your list.