mathepa_a3hykm7n2dxp2's profile

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

Saturday, January 26th, 2019 8:35 PM

Live Poll: Best Sci-Fi Movies Based on Book

All these sci-fi movies are based on books. When you love a book, few things are more exciting than seeing it turned into a movie. When you initially love a movie, it's never late to know how all the things were on the page. Anyway, love them both or one by one - it's up to you to decide:

What is your favorite movie in the list?

(no comics; titles descended by release year)


Another half (dystopy, apocalyptic, horror) of this poll is there.

Suggestions appreciated when the new title is very close to or higher than 6.0 rating and 20.000 votes. The complete list (from where this poll derived as a part) may be in help to rotate options on reasonable basis. Thanks in advance for all the interest.



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

6 years ago


I am generally disappointed by adaptations of science fiction novels, novellas and short stories.

My vote:
Contact (1997)

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

When checking this poll, a potential producer may share your disappointment and let live some masterpieces anew ;)

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

Dan Dassow, hi again.
There may be a lot of voters who is generally disappointed and always prefer books. In view of this, can I somehow include an option "I vote for books" or "None of the list is better than book"? Or such option is possible only for images-based lists?



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points


We've had multiple discussions in the past regarding including a none-of-the-above option to a poll. Ultimately, it is up to the poll author whether to include such an option.

If you wish to do so, please include such an option:
"I vote for books" or "None of the list is better than book"

Polls are limited to 35 choices. The down side is that you will only be able to list 34 films in your poll.

I personally prefer not to have a none-of-the-above option.

None-of-the-above options tend to work better in image polls. However, you could use this title for your last (35th) choice.
None of the Above (1997 TV Movie)

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

Dan Dassow, thank you for detailed explanation.
I'll take the info in mind for further polls.

I analyzed both parts of this current poll twice more, and think they include all the sub-genres and options to respond to the wide demand. Moreover, I have no intention to make them virtually antagonistic: movies vs books.

PS: I mean neither "I vote for books" nor "None of the list is better than book" are needed here.

659 Messages


20K Points

6 years ago

My Vote: Arrival(2016)



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

6 years ago

Congratulations, MAthePA, on your first live poll!

Best Sci-Fi Movies Based on Book
Live Poll:

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

Thank you!
Thanks a lot to all participating!
The 2-months work is a show now



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

6 years ago

Congratulations MAthePA on your first live poll! As of 30-Jan-2019 9:21 PM Pacific your poll has 290 or more votes.

Best Sci-Fi Movies Based on Book
7355th Live Poll:

This is the 3,298th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 7,896,072 votes for an average of 2,394 votes per poll.
Total Number of Votes			16,761,131
Projected Date of 20 Million Votes	05-May-2020
Days Until 20 Million Votes		460
This is the list of MAthePA's polls as of 24-Jan-2019:

Sorted Alphabetically

In Decreasing Order of Votes

Alphabetical List of Polls

Top IMDb Polls

IMDb Polls - Descending Order of Votes

Summary Statistics

Key Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index

How to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Page



9.6K Messages


192.4K Points

6 years ago

Now that the other part of this poll is live, you can change the link in the intro so it goes to the poll instead of the list.
Just make the edit in your list, and post a re-push request in this thread:

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

Jessica, thank you.