2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s newly refreshed movie and TV show pages! The renewed page is meant to make your IMDb experience easy and enjoyable, and its design represents the diverse interests of global entertainment fans. The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.
Please note, we are gradually launching the new design to a selection of IMDb customers. If you do not yet see the design, we expect to make it broadly available in the weeks ahead. Thank you for using IMDb!
For more information, check out this Help article.
2 Messages
70 Points
4 years ago
keep mobile page designs on mobile. bring back the old design for desktop viewers. this new layout is utter garbage on a proper screen
4 Messages
100 Points
4 years ago
Doesn't Windows have an app for people that are visually challenged?
Really hate this design. Miss the compactness and ease of use of the previous one. Every once in a while it still opens to the old design and I'm always so relieved. I agree with some of the others -- it would have been nice to have a choice.
At the suggestion in some of the comments, I did check out TMDb. Needless to say it misses a lot of the more obscure items and lacks a few of the features (though maybe some of the addons add additional functionality), but it is SO pleasant to look at and work with. Unless IMDb responds to our negative comments, I see myself now splitting my time between the two sites, with a deference to TMDb.
In looking over the other comments, I've yet to find one that compliments the change. That's a pretty strong message in my book, IMDb.
22 Messages
298 Points
4 years ago
@Col_Needham "afraid of change" is way overused and is a cop out when companies/people want to force a change and don't care about the opinions of those affected. Sure it exists, and is often correct. But change, as you know is not always good.It's the change that is the problem, not change itself.
Updating technology? Ok, keeping up is good. Just not in the way it was done here. I don't need to replay everyone else's responses, but it's the design and uselessness of the new site that's the bad part of the change, not change itself.
1 Message
316 Points
4 years ago
Well, I also had to create an account and take the time to say this, the new design is HORRIBLE!
Why has been said many times already.
I really liked the old version to find what I'm looking for, so naturally in comparison to the old one I HATE the new design and don't really want to use it.
Which is quite a shame, I'm a IMDb member since 2007 and it's one of the few sites I visited multiple times a day, from my PC.
Since they forced the dreadful update on me a few days ago I didn't visit any title pages, I just can't stand it!
It started, when they changed the home page to the awful, just designed for smartphones, look.
Couldn't use it anymore, so I just visited the title pages.
But now the title pages are also screwed up, so the whole page is unusable for me and obviously many other members!
Regarding the actual longtime users, nobody wanted this and nobody needed this!
What a great way to ruin a once awesome website and one of my favourites!
Please add an option to use the old design on proper screens!
THIS is NOT the way!
2 Messages
90 Points
4 years ago
This version really sucks. You have to squint to find the film date and alternative/original title. What was so bad about having both of those the same font size as the original title?
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
4 years ago
IMDb : #1 movie website in the world
with a combined web and mobile audience of more than 160 million unique monthly visitors
- - -
@Taylor, Employee
The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback
and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.
1.8K Views | 93 Comments | 2 Likes | 91 Followers
- - -
IMDb Users:
133,100,000 May 28
- 132 820 000 May 21
280,000 New Users past week
and only a few of those found their way here
May 28 : 38
May 27 : 37
May 26 : 55
May 25 : 24
May 24 : 30
May 23 : 26
May 22 : 28
May 21 : 25
263 New sprinklrs past week
IMDb would get a lot more Comments here
7 Messages
156 Points
4 years ago
Is there any option to change back to the old layout?
1 Message
82 Points
4 years ago
if it ain't broke, don't fix it
The new version is much detested and for all the right reasons mentioned by all commenters. If the old version is no longer an option, I will start using Tmdb and avoid IMDb at all cost.
3 Messages
84 Points
4 years ago
Hello. I want the old layout...If I use Firefox browser I get the old one, but If I use Opera browser I get the new one that honestly I hate, no offense to whoever spent time working into it but it's not good. How come when I enter with firefox ( browser I don't like to use ) I'm getting the old layout and if I use Opera ( the browser I want to use ) I get this new thing? I don't want to open firefox to ONLY use imdb.
Please consider going back on the changes, and let me know if there's something I can do to change it.
1 Message
66 Points
4 years ago
I really do not like the new format of IMDB. Everything about it is so bad I don't even want to use it at all anymore, and I have always used it quite often for many years. I hope it is returned to the old format, and returned to it soon, as that really was perfect just the way it always has been.
3 Messages
84 Points
4 years ago
HORRIBLE layout. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go back or at least have the option to use whatever one we want. Sure I'm not a person that likes changes in general, most of the time I hate all changes ( if it's working why change it...) but this one... my god, it's so bad it makes me puke
4 Messages
130 Points
4 years ago
Please allow me to go back to the old page, like how reddit allows you to view the old layout. It is terrible.
2 Messages
84 Points
4 years ago
At some point in the past couple of days, the IMDB mobile website has gone from a crisp, clean, efficient design, to big ugly bubble buttons, a black background that tires my eyes, and all manner of junk on the screen, like the "back to top" button that's taking up the exact space my thumb touches to scroll. Please go back to the clean, white design. This website is made for my mobile phone, not a massive iPad. This re-design is just tons of wasted space that's actually making me angry to use. This nonsense is exactly why I don't use your app.
3 Messages
80 Points
4 years ago
May 29, 2021
New look is very lame as well as not as user friendly. I have a big family, so hence movies/series/tv are a big part of our day. 99.9% of people I know give the new IMDb new look a bad review.
Yahoo mail gives their patrons/users an option to use the old look or new look.
IMDb should too!
24 Messages
404 Points
4 years ago
The other day the IMDb unveiled a new format for the main page for each film. I find the new format extremely cumbersome. There is far too much "business" on the page now, a cluttered feel, and everything is more gigantic than it needs to be. Huge windows with audio-visual stuff push the the cast information, director, etc., way down the page.
Some examples:
1-- To get to the "all cast and crew" you now have to scroll down way farther than you used to, and the "All Cast and Crew" words are so tiny you can easily miss them when you are looking for them.
2 -- The release date of the film is no longer shown on the top line, where you used to be able to click and get all the various openings in different places. Now that is buried way down.
3 -- For TV shows, where it used to read, "Season 6, Episode 1", we now have the short form "S 6, E 1". Numbers and symbols are abstract and are not helpful the way words are. At the very least this should be customizable, so each user can choose to have the full or abbreviated forms.
4 -- The very clear words that used to be there, e.g., "Read All Customer Reviews" are no longer there, and you have to use your intuition and guess that in order to find all those hidden reviews, you have to click on the "Reviews" title itself. It's not explicit that the title is a link, whereas in the old design, "Read All Customer Reviews" was in clear "link" format, so you knew where the link was.
I use the main pages for research, to get quickly at the facts about a film. The old format made it very easy to get to whatever facts I wanted, quickly. I could move around like lightning. I don't use web sites for aesthetic experiences -- I'm not interested in clever uses of color or of windows, and I'm not interested in fancy, artistic layout for its own sake. I want the information in the most compact and simplest form.
Was the old page considered too dull? Well, what's wrong with dull? The important thing is that things should be well-organized and easy to find, with links marked as links by standard link colors, etc. The IMDb is a research tool for me, not a celebration of web designers' artistic notions. Simplicity and efficiency are far more important to me than dazzling style.
Please bring back the old design, as soon as possible!