1.1K Messages


45.1K Points

Monday, January 27th, 2020 10:22 PM


INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com homepage experience

The new homepage is designed to help IMDb customers find what to watch right now, tonight, or this weekend — and where to find the best movies and TV shows for them, whether in theaters, on TV, or across a variety of streaming services (including IMDb TV, Prime Video, HBO, Starz, Showtime, Acorn TV, and PBS). Customers will benefit from a new recommendation engine that leverages implicit and explicit behavior to offer relevant and timely suggestions.

Official Solution



2 Messages


200 Points

5 years ago

Hello, We are excited to announce that News has been added to the homepage! News can be found in the “More to explore” section, above “Born today”. Along with the most recent top news, you will find convenient links to additional news via the links to all Top News, Movie News, TV News, and Celebrity News. 

20 Messages


1.9K Points

This news just in: The IMDB home page still sucks.

98 Messages


6.1K Points

Yes, you can put a pretty bow on a pig, but it's still a pig.

2 Messages


196 Points

Good! thanks, this makes the home page more complete.

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

Adding "News" is definitely a step in the good direction. However, everything is still way too big - I have to sit 2 meters from my screen to see everything in the right proportion. And please add the featured poll back to the home page, because currently there is none on the (desktop) home page and even when it's under "Editors' picks" it is barely visible. On the IMDb app the poll hasn't been updated for weeks now. Could you at least update the poll there please?

98 Messages


6.1K Points

Where's the Poster Section? It's nowhere to be found on your "improved" homepage!

26 Messages


3.6K Points

5 years ago

IMDb was never about being a high-tech movie phone service. It was about information. And you've ruined that and have now lost my daily clicks and visits because you've lost sight of your mission statement.

1 Message


260 Points

The site has become total visual garbage. There was nothing wrong with the way it was. This new home page makes to never want to use imdb again.

6 Messages


524 Points

Agreed, the new change is awful, it takes forever to load and I know I will never get used to it.  Every time you guys make a major change like this, it's always for the worse.  Now you look like boxofficemojo, and that's not a good thing.

1 Message


360 Points

The new look sucks. At least give us the option to retain the original layout, which was practical, functional and well thought out.Not everyone wants the brain-dead swiping layout for a website.

1 Message


200 Points

I fully agree to that - I don't like the new page design - its not comfortably to use

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

Total agreed.

3 Messages


600 Points

Indeed, the new layout is APITA. Looks cheap and cheesy like anyother boring nerdish site. You've lost your uniqueness. This "new" look is sooooo common.

1 Message


162 Points

In my case that absolutely ugly and not practical new layout of the homepage it didn ́t even load correctly and all I get is a messy and crappy dark homepage full of loading errors and without any images... so bad IMDb... again!!

1 Message


180 Points

is there a way to revert back to old layout?

2 Messages


1.4K Points

What happened to the IMDB home page that I liked. It was very informative. This new page looks like a wall of movie posters at a theater. Where are the upcoming movie & TV trailers & documentary s that I loved.  I liked the articles about who might be signing on to be in an upcoming movie, what movies are in the beginning stages of possible production soon or ideas that are in production now, where are the movie posters & pictures sections. Where are the polls & the top movie or TV shows that we use to vote on & then see the list. Where are the articles about the stars who are popular now. Where is the old information page that I always checked on everyday? This new layout sucks. Who cares what your people are recommending that I watch. They're not what I want to watch.

1 Message


302 Points

Please go back to the previous Homepage.  New one is ridiculous.

18 Messages


794 Points

Complete stupid waste of the site. No need to log in anymore, it's just AMAZON trying to sell you something.Throwing an ad every third picture already meant we'll no longer use the picture gallery. (Really? How much MORE revenue does that stupid 3rd picture ad make for IMDB? Does it make up for the people who STOPPED using it?)

1 Message


260 Points

I've tried liking the new layout and look but after endless frustration of trying to find what used to be easy to locate, I give up.  Two thumbs down.

1 Message


222 Points

I completely agree with this. I have no idea what I'm looking at now when browsing the new IMDB website? Is it just a show site for new movie posters? It's terrible. Where is the information, the text? Just disable it and revert back to the old one. There was nothing wrong with it...

1 Message


180 Points

My Opinion is the same: PLEASE bring back the old Homepage-Design.The new Design sucks.Because i don‘t wan‘t to SEARCH for News / Infos,i will find them!!!Note: Never touch a running System!

2 Messages


294 Points

The home page is a nightmare, the cast list have the tiniest possible thumb nails for the pictures, the discussion... well I never really used that.None of the features that bring people to IMDB are here.  What was the thinking here?  Let's see how much we can annoy our user base?

26 Messages


3.6K Points

Everyone do this:"I decided to quit complaining here and take it to Amazon directly because all IMDb is interested in is fixing bugs, not rolling back the homepage. I would advise everyone head over to Amazon and threaten to quit Prime if they don't revert the home page back to its previous glory. Amazon does not want to lose "customers", which is what IMDb is now calling us. Pester Amazon customer service, even though they say they can't help you. Believe me, they can! There is strength in numbers, something that is lacking in these Get Satisfaction boards, mainly because 90% of IMDb users have no idea they exist. I mention it on the homepage of my website and I have gotten more emails in one day than there are responses on these boards, the majority of them telling me they will take it to Amazon."- Fred Adelman

3 Messages


408 Points

I hated this new change. I had to look hard for what i wanted to see, difficult to locate. I hope IMDB gives users option to view the old site instead. This new one is absolute terrible. Its all flashy but useless

1 Message


206 Points

I HATE THE NEW DESIGN!!! I used to go to IMDB for the box office news, now they're nowhere to be found. Now i don't even bother visiting IMDB.

3 Messages


408 Points

Yes me too. Boxoffice news, whats coming next week, whats showing in theatres, top 10 current in boxoffice. All these can be just glimpsed simple view using old site

1 Message


102 Points

"That giant sucking sound will be the new page layout on IMDB!" I also like the new question and answer page that gives you the exact same self congradulating statement regardless of the question, insult, or simply hitting enter.

3 Messages


394 Points

Ah, the good ol' days of 2 months ago...Seriously, IMDB, why can't you just give us previously uber-loyal imdb-ers the option of using the old format?  I sooo miss the 'Opening This Week', 'Coming Soon', 'Top News', etc lists - all right there within *easy reach*!!!  IMDB *was* a multi-daily routine for me - now, out of habit, I still go there, but then say to myself begrudgingly "oh that's right, they f'd it up".  So seriously Col, give us *our* website back.  Please!!!!! 

26 Messages


3.6K Points

It's honestly just refreshing to look at that image.

3 Messages


280 Points

yeah.  i don't mind things being redesigned or updated but you've completely lost the core of your whole business.  It's no longer the worlds best source of movie and TV information.  It's a glorified TV week guide for subscription tv.  There's a f#$%ing million of them and 1 IMDb.  Get your shit together and get back to your core business.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

Dion,Based on what you say in your original post:So i am really not loving the new page layout.  Looking up videos and news is particularly painful if its not in the very top 4-5 stories.  I thought the whole point of IMDb is that it is a database of movies and entertainment and the people who work in them, and somewhere you can get updates and news about this stuff.  I mean it's in the title.  This new format feels like its designed for people with the attention span of a goldfish or its just become an online Netflix/Amazon guide.  I used to use IMDb every day but i think i'll stop if its going to stay like this.  I don't understand why your objection sweeps the entire IMDb site into the dumpster. The name and title pages have not changed that I noticed. The only thing I've seen change is the homepage. What is it about going directly to the Top News page that is less satisfactory than before?Here's a Wayback Machine link to the homepage from before the update (Jan 12; Jan 19 has the big black page):https://web.archive.org/web/20200112001620/https://www.imdb.com/

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

? ?  https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/imdb-com-home-page?topic-reply-list[settings][filter_by]=all...ACT_1 4 weeks ago  Internet Archive Wayback Machine  http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.imdb.com/  Dec 20 2000http://web.archive.org/web/20001220001600/http://www.imdb.com/  Jan 2 2005http://web.archive.org/web/20050102004751/http://www.imdb.com/  Jan 6 2010http://web.archive.org/web/20100106153140/http://www.imdb.com/  Jan 1 2015http://web.archive.org/web/20150101002540/http://www.imdb.com/  Jan 1 2019http://web.archive.org/web/20190101020733/https://www.imdb.com/  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayback_Machine- - -  Ed Jones(XLIX) Fred, I want to apologize on behalf of all of us contributors.We do make an effort to help. ACT_1 means well, but he just cannot comprehend when his brand of help annoys. .

98 Messages


6.1K Points

bderoes: As a website owner and developer, it is my experience that you don't drastically change your homepage without doing the same to the rest of your site. I, and many more people here are objecting because we feel that the rest of IMDb will follow suit with the homepage. I mean there is change and then there is CHANGE, which is what IMDb (or, rather, Amazon) did to the homepage. A lot of people judge a website by its homepage and what IMDb is doing is catering to the ADD crowd, which is exactly the kind of "customers" Amaz...errr IMDb wants. It's obvious to me and to a lot of other people. Like I said previously, if the site fails, Amazon will consider it a tax write-off, something "users" don't want to see happen. IMDb just didn't cut their own throats, they put the pistol to their head and pulled the trigger. Still, it's not to late to turn back. Listen, I'm not opposed to change, but the change IMDb gave us was way beyond acceptable to veteran users such as myself.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

@ bderoes, Champion It may take a while for IMDB to update changes to all pageshttps://www.imdb.com/pressroom/stats/IMDb StatisticsAs of Dec 2019Total Data Items: 364,275,174but these are Items  not pages ? ?Titles: 6,534,894Names: 10,378,806with many associated pages.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

It wouldn't take long to alter the template by which all pages are generated.

3 Messages


230 Points

I agree, the new design is trash. I loved being able to see news when I logged on, how I have to go to three separate links, none oh which have the same level of details as the old splash page.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

There is still a Top News page:https://www.imdb.com/news/topGranted, it should probably be linked from the homepage, but if you want to see this frequently, you can bookmark this page.

1 Message


110 Points

I emailed imdb help about the homepage and they gave me a link to give feed back, every day i replied to bring the homepage back and gave a negative response to "Was this helpful link" until they closed the link and wouldn't allow me to leave feeedback anymore...

1 Message


120 Points

I have two different browsers and IMDb is dead to me... Below are the words from a browser development company that is a little angry as these poor people struggle to help develop their browsers... Please read thisIMDb's new design is not only an absolutely horrible (understatement) mobile mediadump abomination, it also requires EME for every video, yes even clips and trailers.There's nothing that can be done about it since we do not include the EME API that their video player currently requires. And we aren't the only browser that excludes this API for proprietary in-browser DRM.I suggest if you like IMDb and want to keep using it, that you provide critical feedback on it (and joining the many other voices that have spoken out against it)If IMDb is going to be this much of a headache when millions of other sites work fine then I suggest a boycott because it sounds like they care little for compliance and for their respected clients etc.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

5 years ago

https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/imdb-com-home-pageIMDb.com home pageWhat did you do to the home page? It' horrific...MuvieNuttPosted Jan 15 2020[ View all 53 replies and continue this conversation. ].

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

  Add a Ratings click spot to the Top of the Home Pageso the 112,950,000 Users can Rate this 1 to 10  See if the IMDb Home Page can do better thanhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt5697572/ratings  maliatrotterhttps://www.imdb.com/user/ur112950000( may be another 40,000 in the next 24 hours ).

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

INTRODUCING: New navigation on the IMDb website! https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/introducing-new-navigation-on-the-imdb-websiteWe're excited to announce that on November 22, 2019,IMDb launched a new navigation experience across the mobile and desktop website.These changes provide an improved navigation experience to help you find something new to watch every day... Claire Official Rep Posted Nov 22 2019.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

  https://www.imdb.com/Are all these graphic posters etc Paid advertisements ? ?.

98 Messages


6.1K Points

Why does an ad have to take up the top third of every page, including any page showing the credits of a film? Is Amazon that hard up for money are is it there to remind us that Amazon owns IMDb? Guess what? IMDb was never an online store. It use to be a valued site full of information, but now it seems to be going in the opposite direction, which is why I stopped using it. I refuse to make any page on the site a homepage on my browser, mainly due to the huge ads. who knows what kind of info it is gathering on us? Think I'm being paranoid? I'm not!

3 Messages


408 Points

I dont why mess things up?! Why is it so difficult to keep it simple? This change is terrible idea.

52 Messages


1.8K Points

5 years ago

I could comment on this change but Charlton Heston said it much better than I ever could...



7.1K Messages


122.4K Points

Couldn't agree more.

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

That was pretty much my reaction when I first saw the homapage.

5 Messages


364 Points

Get yer damn dirty hands off our original homepage.

2 Messages


92 Points

Completely agree. I've been looking for a place to send feedback about this new layout for a while. Turns out we get shuffled off to the community groups to be ignored. The new site is terrible. It's like an idea that was being worked on and 1/4 of the way through it the 14-year-old designer decided he/she had other things to do and said, "whatever. I'll just put it up anyway."It is absolutely awful. 

75 Messages


2.6K Points

5 years ago

The new design is horrible.  Everything is way too big and you get less information on the  screen because all the things have oversized Thumbnails and Pictures. For example the recently viewed section at the bottom now only shows the last 6 items instead of the before 13 items. WTF IMDb I thought this was a Database Website. Another Website goes down the drain because of bad web design. What the hell is wrong with be designers theese days. new design is always make everything oversized and designed for tablet or phone use instead of Desktop PC use.

3 Messages


600 Points

Yep, the web-developer needs to be fired!!!!

3 Messages


334 Points

EXACTLY! Not everyone views everything on their iPhone!

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Many people do not even have iPhone units, and some of them never will.

2 Messages


92 Points

It's so poorly laid out I get confused and lost in the first couple sections. Just looking for the birthday list is a "Where's Waldo" moment.

98 Messages


6.1K Points

5 years ago

This is a giant step backwards in functionality. The new homepage will give epileptics fits! How the hell can anyone at IMDb consider this an "Improvement"? It's the Internet's biggest joke! But I bet teens love it! They watch movies on their phones and it's obvious you are catering to them and not veteran users, which you are basically tossing in the trash. The new homepage is bloated code that never stops loading, unlike the old homepage, which offered us one-click functionality and very fast load times. Admit defeat and roll back!

3 Messages


600 Points

The should have surveyed the common users in the first place. This is forced upon us with no value added at all and, what's even worse, without any meaning or reason

236 Messages


8K Points

I am under 18 years of age, which would make me a teen, but even I can see that this is not a step in the right direction ... whether the web designers do is up for debate.

20 Messages


1.9K Points

5 years ago

So, basically, you've destroyed the functionality of being an Internet Movie DataBase, cataloging information on every movie and TV show under the sun, in favor of recreating the TV Guide. In the 21st Century. One that looks like it was designed by howler monkeys. Which, I'm sure is not a coincidence, are native to the Amazon.

75 Messages


2.6K Points

5 years ago

Even if you go with the with the above statement that the new design is so people can find what to watch next its a failure design. People can read Coming soon to Theaters shows only 3 movies at once because you use huge thumbnails instead of a list with titles that release soon like before.  If you must use thumbnails make them at least 400% smaller. The whole design can be summed up as less user friendly and LESS information from a DATABASE Website but hooray we got fancy big pictures everywhere.I am a active data contributer (6 times top 250 of the year sometimes top 50) but if this is the design direction you are going for I will consider giving up contributing.

1 Message


340 Points

5 years ago

I just changed my IMDb bookmark to point to the top news page. I'll be skipping the homepage altogether.

153 Messages


7.5K Points

I did exactly the same. 

26 Messages


3.6K Points

Same here

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points


10 Messages


664 Points

Did the same, now I bookmark my account profile.

1 Message


120 Points

same. came her to see ow many people did that too. IMDB devs have always been shit anyways I've never expected anything less shitty from them. 

5 Messages


364 Points

Seems the only logical course of action, that new front page is crap.

153 Messages


7.5K Points

5 years ago

Maybe the most horrendous thing I ever see in my whole life. 

10.1K Messages


179.3K Points

'Horrendous' is a suitable word to describe the new homepage. 'Disgusting' is an other.

153 Messages


7.5K Points

5 years ago

Top News are now my personal IMDb homepage, so I can avoid this horrendous black thing with low-resolution images screaming at my face. 

153 Messages


7.5K Points

5 years ago

Why don't you just put a "WHAT TO SEE" link in the old homepage so people can be directed to this thing by their own freewill?

153 Messages


7.5K Points

5 years ago

It is so stupid. IMDb will keep a lot of sections which people are not gonna access anymore, simply because it is gonna be hard to find. The access to the polls and news will drop, the users are not gonna be stimulated to give their ratings, etc. The homepage simply doesn't match with the site content. And besides it is UGLY. People don't buy UGLY. 

98 Messages


6.1K Points

Yes, people won't buy it, even though it's free! The old homepage was full of information you could read. IMDb wants to turn it into a page you can see, creating a new generation of illiterates.

5 Messages


364 Points

Betting most of the site is going to disappear, to the point it'll only list Amazon movies. :(

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Perhaps only until a vicious parody movie of certain billionaires reaches a vast majority of the movie theaters in Los Angeles and New York.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Well, the People's Republic of China has an irresistible market.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

The owners of the ranch have more than enough cattle to spare.

1 Message


342 Points

5 years ago

Please take this new... hmm... homepage experience... behind the shed and relieve it of its misery.Then burn its corpse to prevent the disease from spreading.

1 Message


380 Points

5 years ago

I share the same feeling as many others about the site change. Probably the worst web site change IMDB has done. There was nothing wrong with the previous layout. Not to mention the new layout is a complete eyesore.I am already subscribed to enough streaming services, I am well aware of what is available for streaming. IMDB has always been a great source of news and information, not a giant ad campaign for what's streaming and what you think we should watch.Daily visits are not going to continue.