1.1K Messages
45.1K Points
INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com homepage experience
The new homepage is designed to help IMDb customers find what to watch right now, tonight, or this weekend — and where to find the best movies and TV shows for them, whether in theaters, on TV, or across a variety of streaming services (including IMDb TV, Prime Video, HBO, Starz, Showtime, Acorn TV, and PBS). Customers will benefit from a new recommendation engine that leverages implicit and explicit behavior to offer relevant and timely suggestions.
Official Solution
2 Messages
200 Points
5 years ago
Hello, We are excited to announce that News has been added to the homepage! News can be found in the “More to explore” section, above “Born today”. Along with the most recent top news, you will find convenient links to additional news via the links to all Top News, Movie News, TV News, and Celebrity News.
26 Messages
3.6K Points
5 years ago
IMDb was never about being a high-tech movie phone service. It was about information. And you've ruined that and have now lost my daily clicks and visits because you've lost sight of your mission statement.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
5 years ago
https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/imdb-com-home-pageIMDb.com home pageWhat did you do to the home page? It' horrific...MuvieNuttPosted Jan 15 2020[ View all 53 replies and continue this conversation. ].
52 Messages
1.8K Points
5 years ago
I could comment on this change but Charlton Heston said it much better than I ever could...
75 Messages
2.6K Points
5 years ago
The new design is horrible. Everything is way too big and you get less information on the screen because all the things have oversized Thumbnails and Pictures. For example the recently viewed section at the bottom now only shows the last 6 items instead of the before 13 items. WTF IMDb I thought this was a Database Website. Another Website goes down the drain because of bad web design. What the hell is wrong with be designers theese days. new design is always make everything oversized and designed for tablet or phone use instead of Desktop PC use.
98 Messages
6.1K Points
5 years ago
This is a giant step backwards in functionality. The new homepage will give epileptics fits! How the hell can anyone at IMDb consider this an "Improvement"? It's the Internet's biggest joke! But I bet teens love it! They watch movies on their phones and it's obvious you are catering to them and not veteran users, which you are basically tossing in the trash. The new homepage is bloated code that never stops loading, unlike the old homepage, which offered us one-click functionality and very fast load times. Admit defeat and roll back!
20 Messages
1.9K Points
5 years ago
So, basically, you've destroyed the functionality of being an Internet Movie DataBase, cataloging information on every movie and TV show under the sun, in favor of recreating the TV Guide. In the 21st Century. One that looks like it was designed by howler monkeys. Which, I'm sure is not a coincidence, are native to the Amazon.
75 Messages
2.6K Points
5 years ago
Even if you go with the with the above statement that the new design is so people can find what to watch next its a failure design. People can read Coming soon to Theaters shows only 3 movies at once because you use huge thumbnails instead of a list with titles that release soon like before. If you must use thumbnails make them at least 400% smaller. The whole design can be summed up as less user friendly and LESS information from a DATABASE Website but hooray we got fancy big pictures everywhere.I am a active data contributer (6 times top 250 of the year sometimes top 50) but if this is the design direction you are going for I will consider giving up contributing.
1 Message
340 Points
5 years ago
I just changed my IMDb bookmark to point to the top news page. I'll be skipping the homepage altogether.
153 Messages
7.5K Points
5 years ago
Maybe the most horrendous thing I ever see in my whole life.
153 Messages
7.5K Points
5 years ago
Top News are now my personal IMDb homepage, so I can avoid this horrendous black thing with low-resolution images screaming at my face.
153 Messages
7.5K Points
5 years ago
Why don't you just put a "WHAT TO SEE" link in the old homepage so people can be directed to this thing by their own freewill?
153 Messages
7.5K Points
5 years ago
It is so stupid. IMDb will keep a lot of sections which people are not gonna access anymore, simply because it is gonna be hard to find. The access to the polls and news will drop, the users are not gonna be stimulated to give their ratings, etc. The homepage simply doesn't match with the site content. And besides it is UGLY. People don't buy UGLY.
1 Message
342 Points
5 years ago
Please take this new... hmm... homepage experience... behind the shed and relieve it of its misery.Then burn its corpse to prevent the disease from spreading.
1 Message
380 Points
5 years ago
I share the same feeling as many others about the site change. Probably the worst web site change IMDB has done. There was nothing wrong with the previous layout. Not to mention the new layout is a complete eyesore.I am already subscribed to enough streaming services, I am well aware of what is available for streaming. IMDB has always been a great source of news and information, not a giant ad campaign for what's streaming and what you think we should watch.Daily visits are not going to continue.