1 Message


70 Points

Friday, December 17th, 2021 6:22 PM



Help to play

I see the title and add it to watchlist but only the trailer plays.  What is happening?  I do not see a play or watch button

Official Solution



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

3 years ago

Right. Only titles with Watch Options listed can be played via IMDb links. You may find the title online elsewhere, or maybe not. IMDb is a _database_ of movies and TV, not just a streaming service. Relevant Help pages: How can I watch a movie or TV show?   If you're looking to watch a title you've found on IMDb, there are a few options you may have to do so based on the availability of the title. We list every movie and show we are aware of that meet our criteria for inclusion, whether ... Read more. Watchlist FAQ What is a Watchlist? Your Watchlist is a great place to track the movie and TV shows you want to watch. You can sort your Watchlist by the IMDb rating, popularity score and arrange your movies in the order you want to see them. You can ... Read more.