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191.9K Points

Thursday, January 18th, 2024 4:47 AM

Live Poll: Favorite Actor in Wes Anderson Shorts

This past fall, American director and writer Wes Anderson released four short films, one of which has been shortlisted for the 2024 Academy Award. Six English actors filled the major roles. Each actor starred in at least two of the films, which were based on stories by Welsh author Roald Dahl. Which of these six actors gave your favorite performances in these films?


Live Poll:



6.5K Messages


115.6K Points

5 months ago

I liked Patel and Malkovich



9.3K Messages


189.2K Points

5 months ago

Congrats on another Live Poll



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191.9K Points

@Jessica @Pencho15 @dan_dassow @Peter_pbn 

When I saw this poll on the poll page, I was more excited about it going live than I had been about any poll since 2014, when I first started making polls. I'm not sure why but it was a very similar feeling. It was really wonderful and it means a lot to me. Thank you, Jess, and thank you Peter, Pencho, and Dan! 




6.5K Messages


115.6K Points

@rubyfruit76​ Here's for the excitement of a new begining.

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191.9K Points

@Pencho15​ Ah, what a nice sentiment. Thank you, Pencho!



9.3K Messages


189.2K Points


When I saw this poll on the poll page, I was more excited about it going live than I had been about any poll since 2014, when I first started making polls. I'm not sure why but it was a very similar feeling. It was really wonderful and it means a lot to me. Thank you, Jess, and thank you Peter, Pencho, and Dan! 

That's so nice to hear, Sara. We hope to push many more of your polls. :)