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164.7K Points

Wednesday, July 27th, 2022 3:15 AM

Live Poll: R.I.P. David Warner


The IMDb poll board is sad to hear that David Hattersley Warner, a versatile British actor passed on July 24th, 2022. He was born July 29, 1941 in Manchester, England, to Ada Doreen (Hattersley) and Herbert Simon Warner. After a series of odd jobs, he was accepted at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) where he was very unhappy. After RADA, he became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and got the role of Blifil in the adventure comedy Tom Jones (1963).

He has often played villains and his face is remembered by many people because of his impressive character drawing. He acted in more than 200 productions since the 1960s. He even worked in two movies about the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The father of two children was married twice.

When you look at this selection of his roles, which do you consider as his best?

Tell us Here.


If you have another noteable role of David Warner, please point it out. Best with image.

List: R.I.P. David Warner - IMDb




9.3K Messages


188.9K Points

2 years ago

8.8K Messages


164.7K Points


Thank you, Jessica. Thank you, Buddies.