Maxence_G's profile

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70.7K Points

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 3:00 AM

Live Poll: Prix Goncourt Adapted to Films

The Prix Goncourt is the most prestigious prize in French literature. It has been awarded since 1903 by the académie Goncourt.

Which film adapted from a Prix Goncourt is your favorite?

If you haven't seen any, you can vote for the one that looks the most appealing.


Live Poll:

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

3 years ago

Well, I haven't yet seen any of these, but Der Unhold seems to be right up my alleyway. (My browsing history even indicates that I visited the IMDb title page for it.) I see that La vita davanti a sé is available on Netflix streaming service, L'amant is on Prime and Tubi, and Chanson douce is on Tubi, so I may need to watch them before it is too late.



14K Messages


326K Points

3 years ago

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points




7.5K Messages


192K Points

3 years ago

'Great idea for a poll! My favorite book is 'The Lover' (I love Duras) but my favorite movie is Léon Morin, Priest. I have never seen Madame Rosa, though, and would like to. 



19K Messages


472.7K Points

3 years ago

Congratulations, cinephile!

Prix Goncourt Adapted to Films

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

3 years ago

Sad coincidence. The acclaimed French director, Bertrand Tavernier. Who directed films such as Capitaine Conan (a film listed in this poll) died today at age 79.

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

3 years ago

This is now my least voted poll ever. Even my Kenneth Anger poll did better.

With some bad luck, it could even stay the least voted active poll on IMDb, so far, according to Dan's blog, the record was held by “Al Nadam” Best Actor.

Kenneth Anger's Short Films:




19K Messages


472.7K Points


I was not aware of he Prix Goncourt prize prior to your suggesting this poll. I am happy that we can make film lovers aware of interesting film related information that may not be commonly known.


10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

I also had not heard of the Prix Goncourt prize until noticing this thread. The same goes for Kenneth Anger and his body of work. The way I see it, our dear cinephile manages to be exposed to many award-winning obscure films made at various times throughout the past several decades. I watch many obscure films too, but there maybe they are too obscure in some cases, as the overlap with other people's known movie-watching history seems to be minimal.

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

I'm happy if some people can discover films that they wouldn't have known. I also learn a lot by researching for these polls. It enriches my knowledge of cinema. 

On the other hand, for the amount of work that these lists necessitate, they barely get any visibility. And, the stats don't lie, by the years, my polls are less and less popular. Clearly, my polls aren't interesting to a lot of the voters anymore. I don't expect to be still in the IMDb pollmaking "business" in two years.



19K Messages


472.7K Points


I learn a lot from your polls and appreciate the amount of effort necessary to create informative polls. Sadly, such polls generally do not receive a lot of votes.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

On a side note, I do believe that lots of mainstream media outlets have a more-or-less deliberate aversion to some filmmakers, perhaps based on those filmmakers' works, or perhaps based on licensing control questions, thus keep them from gaining access to adequate distributions means. I understand, on the other hand, that perhaps there may also be people who only intend for their works of art to be viewed by enthusiastic audiences who prefer to stick with one niche genre or another. Likewise some films are probably not intended for any audience beyond a specific geographic region or a specific culture.