EndShuvo's profile

160 Messages


2K Points

Sunday, January 17th, 2021 3:37 PM

Live Poll: Movies About Dogs

Here is the list of a few movies about dogs. Which one is your favorite?

*Movies with at least a 6.5 IMDb rating and at least 10,000 votes.


4K Messages


86K Points

4 years ago

What was your methodology in choosing this pretty random list of movies?

Eg.: Why the live-action 101 Dalmations over the animated version (higher rated/50k more ratings)?

In any given decade, you (very likely) could fill out a list of 35 films (and limit it to movies above an average rating of 6.0 or higher). "Movies about dogs" is pretty generic.

160 Messages


2K Points

@Tsarstepan Hey, thanks for your suggestions, I have made a few changes to my list. Please check out the list now and help me to make the perfect list if it is possible.

160 Messages


2K Points

3 years ago


3.6K Messages


55.1K Points

Movies About Dogs

160 Messages


2K Points

@mariojacobs Got it. Thanks for your suggestion.

3.6K Messages


55.1K Points



9.6K Messages


192.6K Points

3 years ago

8.4K Messages


175K Points

3 years ago



Dogs in westerns, the movies.
by road-traveled
created - 25 Nov 2015
55 titles
- - -


Westerns- Dogs and their partners.
by road-traveled
created - 1 Sep 2016
55 names
- - -


Superhero dogs
by dgranger
created - 28 May 2018
25 images

Poll: Superhero Dogs by dgranger.
- - -


All the Dog (canine) movies, films, TV series & episodes
I own..and those I've seen, I've rated
by Keester
created - 04 Feb 2012
1,105 titles
- - -


Canine (dog) actors and actresses
by Keester
created - 19 Jan 2013
187 names



160 Messages


2K Points

@ACT_1 Wow. lots of lists. 

8.4K Messages


175K Points

Keyword : Dog 🐶


Displaying 200 results for "Dog"

dog                    14,767 titles

doggystyle-sex  12,518 titles  ?!?!

pet-dog               1,192 titles

dog-actor               198 titles
dog-movie             195 titles






6.7K Messages


118.1K Points

3 years ago

Endshuvo, You have All Dogs Go to Heaven and Koneko monogatori listed twice. You need to remove the duplicates.

Also I don't think As Good as it Gets is a film about dogs. There is a dog, but it is not the main part of the story.


Max (2015)




19.3K Messages


475.8K Points

3 years ago

Congratulations, @EndShuvo!

Movies About Dogs

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/30IJ8kMzmEU/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live



19.3K Messages


475.8K Points

3 years ago

Congratulations ShuvoIMDb. This is the first time your poll has been featured at IMDb Home Page (http://www.imdb.com) since July 28, 2015.


25 September 2021:

Movies About Dogs

List of Home Page Polls

FAQ: Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page

FAQ: How to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Page

Poll Author - Number of Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page (Since July 28, 2015) 

Dibyayan_Chakravorty - 98
pere-25366 - 34
urbanemovies - 32

BonaFideBOSS - 24

ElMaruecan82 - 23

Paok-Kilkis - 23

Rafael_M - 15
Hoekkie - 15

CyrilMartin - 14

KhaledKalache - 13
Simba63 - 13
IMDb-Editors - 13

Kirk-Picard - 11

leavey-2 - 10

pbn - 10

The-Social-Introvert - 9
yrnej - 9
Marwan-Bob - 9
dan_dassow - 9
rubyfruit76 - 8

Eagles90 - 8

peaspot - 6
NDbportmanfan - 6
masandaglinus123 - 6

simeon-83777 - 6

penchofifteenpolls - 6

Teriek-Williams - 5
TsarStepan - 5
edindenco-154-269285 / Ed_Jones_XLIX - 5

Manya086 - 4
Mega_wizard - 4
DoctorBuster - 4
borimor - 4
Phoenix_R_3 - 4
iakhtar-33380 - 4
Silitonga - 4

brijeshmarand - 4
jalapenoman - 3
NoPantsBatman - 3
fancinderella - 3
dgranger - 3

chandrabhanusolanki - 3

thenolanfan - 3

mariojacobs - 3

TheMovieSmith - 2
jamesh5 - 2
KyBelle86 - 2
RbDeraj - 2
moatazaboalghuit - 2
lnvicta - 2
Debjit_Hazra - 2
SkyDeshpande - 2
guillenpascal - 2
Chihir0 - 2

ahmad_alaghbar - 1 
mattyankster10 - 1 
bluehunter16 - 1 
Pictoris - 1 
JoelRH - 1 
BigBadDolemite - 1 
alioth4 - 1 
vamken46 - 1 
Djesika - 1 
alex_1-801-348552 - 1 
rose-taylor - 1 
FisnikFizz - 1 
Drevnibor - 1 
Garfield_the_Avenger - 1 
vibhorpanda29 - 1 
buddhalou - 1 
waspinatorbj - 1 
muzzle - 1 
Jediknight29 - 1 
Lucilfer - 1 
Wonder_Gal - 1
Hyker - 1
jamariana - 1
daniellejeffrey - 1
DeadMan66 - 1
jamesgandrew - 1
joesiegel - 1
Philip_Marlowe_ - 1
altntasnazmi - 1
goddangwatir - 1
sheetsadam1 - 1

Breumaster - 1

ejh-60622 - 1

Abdalwahab-93 - 1

Senator_Ivan_Alec - 1

Master_Strange - 1

mpaxtonpolls - 1

ShuvoIMDb - 1
