Breumaster's profile

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Friday, May 4th, 2018 10:00 AM

Poll Suggestion: Low Budget True Life Film Dramas About Serious Human Matters

Everybody knows about the big empathic blockbusters like 'Schindlers List' or 'A Beautiful Mind'. But what about the little movies which are also humanitarian in some way?

When you look below, what would be the movie you would pick as an important movie of human matters? If there is more than one movie, pick the one that moved you the most.

(Just non-mainstream-movies with a rating of 7/10 or higher with a story based on real events. Budget below 20 million US$.)

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8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

By creating this list I searched for the he german movie 'In The Fade'
with the german title ('Aus dem Nichts'). On this page with the picture of
'In The Fade', there is a director named Angela Summereder stated. But
the movie 'In The Fade' with Diane Kruger is directed by Fatih Akin. Can
anyone check if that is correct? I don't understand why this is and gather
there happened a mistake.

718 Messages


26.3K Points

6 years ago

Race, Philomena, Papillion



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

6 years ago


I recommend a shorter title. Please consider changing:
Worthy Low Budget Movie Drama Based on True Events Which Made You Cry.

Low Budget Tearjerkers Film Dramas Based on True Events
Low Budget Tearjerker True Life Film Dramas

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Yes, that's better. Thank you. :D

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

No - I just got another Title that's better. The word 'Tearjerker' doesn't fit at all !
I think second world war dramas shouldn't be titled "Tearjerker". No.
Sorry, but i just had the time to look closer. That's no good title.
I changed it. These are all serious subjects. I just read what 'Tearjerker'
means. That's a totally misdemeanour when you look at these movies.
Sorry, but my english is worse than I thought. :(

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

I shortened the description. And I completely changed the title to express what these movies are really about. So a new discussion can start.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

Just shortened it a little more to concentrate on the main matter without getting cheesy. ;)



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points


I updated the title of your thread and updated the description accordingly.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you very much. I'm glad that you changed it. :) At last I had time to put more effort in this suggestion. So the wrong word oppened another view on the whole thing. I used the opportunity to find the better words, overtrow the old suggestion and create a better suggestion of the same content by making it more compact. It's better now. :D Thank you, Dan. :D

285 Messages


7.8K Points

6 years ago

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago


10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

6 years ago

How low can the budget be? :P

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Hi, Jeorj Euler.
below $20,000,000.01  ;D  down to   $0.01

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you. I just saw, I haven't updated the $xxx,xxx.xx-thing. Now it is. ;)

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

I wonder what the general feeling here about foreign "art house" films is.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

You mean in a other poll suggestion?
Or do you think of this p.s.?
I've changed a few things to make it more clickable. :)
Thank you for your *bump* to re-awake this idea. It grew a little. ;)
Please klick the list. :)

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

That's one aspect of the list. Foreign art haus matters.
But now there are also some american productions on the list.
That's ok by me.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points


I still wonder why some are latently upset, because someone doesn't put any american movie on the list. We here in germany are consuming mostly 90% american made movies. It's ok for us. But there are many non-american movies, that are also great stuff. The thing with the lip-synchronity we have in all of that movies. But ok, Germany reached world championship in synchronizing. :D

There has to be no film-war, like it is with the trading thing. Movies are not steel, isn't it? When you really want to know what the feeling about foreign art house movies is in america, you should exclude the rest of the world from taking the poll, if it becomes one. Else you have people from the whole world voting it. And then it's not representative for america itself. Please note: Sometimes two thirds of the profits of american made movies come from foreign boxoffices. ;D

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

I don't know.

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

I don't think you are using the term "low budget" appropriately here. A low budget film could be argued to run as high as $5 million, in my opinion. depending on the country. According to an exhaustive study,What’s the average budget of a low or micro-budget film?  half of that is $2.5 million is more appropriate for a film to be called "low budget".

I would suggest using the term Budget-Minded instead in the title and specify the maximum budget in the question to be clear like you have. I am unclear what you mean by non-mainstream. Do you mean limited release, indie studio productions or something else? I would specify what qualifies?

I can see you have changed it to, "Necessary True Life Film Dramas for Humanity" I do like the premise though of focusing on lower profile, lower budget, indie films that have something to say or a "true story" to tell.

Title Ideas
Humanitarian Budget-Minded True Story Films
True Story Budget-Minded Movies That Speak to Humanity

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Hi, urbanemovies. :D
Thank you for being interested in this idea. The matter you mentioned was discussed long ago. There is no mentioning of "low budget" in the list, I corrected that some time ago. I think my title fits with the idea. But I will mention the budget-minded orientation in the description.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago

To All:

I've done some major improvements to make this P.S. more klickable.
There are intentional no names mentioned in the #s to make the question
neutral about catchphrases and clicheés. Mentioning a name could
cause a *click* in the head. I try to avoid that  for people who haven't seen
any of these movies on the list. I want them to orientate themselfs on the
contents of the movie's micro-synopsis I wrote to the #s.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

6 years ago




14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

6 years ago

For ‘Land of Mine’, you seem to have used the Danish word ‘dansk’ instead of English.

Also, “guarding” is probably better than “treating”.

The story of a prison officer in a Danish war camp, guarding a group of young POWs

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you, I'll correct it. :)
Yes, it's really better now ! :)



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

6 years ago

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

(Is Angela's Ashes not low-budget?)



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

I first suggested Angela’s Ashes, but then saw that its page indicated a budget of $50 million. Wikipedia says $25 million, but that is still a lot.

I changed it to Bloody Sunday, which says £2 million.

8.9K Messages


165.4K Points

Thank you, Peter.
It's nice you're interested in. I have put your suggestions on the list. I like the subject of this poll suggestion. Social matters are so important in this world. I hope the text is ok. Tell me, if I should change it ... to ...



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

Do they all have to start with "The story of"? It's very repetitive.

I second Rabbit Proof Fence - frickin' heartbreaking.

#4 - German should be capped
#5 - wording should be revised - no need to say circumcision twice. I thinking maybe something like 'The story of an African refugee who grew up to become a world-famous model, and used her fame to fight the scourge of female circumcision.'
#7 - suggest 'The story of a team of Tibetan volunteers, working to protect rare mountain antelopes from poachers.'
#8 - suggest 'The story of two teenage girls being abused and held captive by a mentally ill woman.'
#9 - suggest 'They story of a German woman who, after her husband and son are killed by neo-Nazis, tries to fight for justice.'
#11 - Christy Brown is as well know for his poetry as he is for his art. I suggest adding it - 'The story of a disabled writer and painter...'
#12 - Danish should be capitalized
#13 - suggest 'The story of a transgender man simply trying to live his life in a hostile environment."
#15 - suggest 'The story of a young, black father, tragically murdered because of racism.'
#16 - suggest 'The story of an old man riding a lawnmower nearly 300 miles to make up with his ailing brother.'
#18 - suggest 'The story of a quadriplegic who writes a book through communication using just his eyelid.'
#23 - suggest 'The story of an Irishman in England, wrongly imprisoned with his ailing father for decades for crimes they didn't commit.'
#25 - suggest 'The story of three half-caste Aboriginal girls who, using the fence which separates most of Western Australia from the rest of the country, walked 1,500 miles to return to their home, from which they had been abducted.'