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37.5K Points

Sunday, January 1st, 2023 2:59 AM

Live Poll: Keanu Reeves' Sagas

​​Which one of ​​​​Keanu Reeves​​​​' sagas is your favorite?​​

​​​​​​ ​​ 

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

1 year ago

the matrix. Otherwise, I'm not a fan of him.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@cinephile It is a great action and science fiction film from 1999. I hope you have seen the whole saga.

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points


I haven't seen the fourth film.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@cinephile Do it when you have a chance. That way you will end the saga.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Resurrections doesn't have much in regards to world building and isn't nearly as good as Reloaded and Revelations which weren't as good as The Matrix. You can almost easily tell that most of the crew (especially the cinematographer) involved with the trilogy didn't return for the fourth live-action movie.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


You're right. For that reason this film was not a success as expected.



14K Messages


326K Points

1 year ago

Please add an apostrophe in the question:

Which one of Keanu Reeves' sagas is your favorite?

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Done.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points


You still need to uncapitalize sagas​

Which one of Keanu Reeves' sagas is your favorite?

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@urbanemovies​ Done.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@GabrielFox​ Thanks for correcting it here, it would be best to correct it in your other saga poll suggestions from "Saga" to "saga", as those are incorrect too.



14K Messages


326K Points

1 year ago


2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


Nothing has been officially defined yet.

They may just be generating expectation in people.

I cross my fingers to hope for the best.



14K Messages


326K Points


Constantine is probably not coming out this year, though, and it it a saga if we don't know if there will be a sequel?

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


If it is confirmed that this movie will not be filmed or that Keanu Reeves will not be in it, I will remove Constantine from the poll list.

But for now, according to IMDb the movie 'Constantine 2' is in production.



9.3K Messages


189.4K Points


You can't remove an option from a poll once it is live, so it's best to remove it now if you are unsure. Otherwise this poll will have to wait until the movie is released.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ & @GabrielFox & @Jessica 

I don't think the not released Constantine 2 (2023) and John Wick: Chapter 5 (2024) officially count as being part of his sagas. Until the movies are released, they are only planned installments. The latest Batgirl film is a great example of a complete film that will be never be released for fear of the irrevocable harm it could cause to the franchise and that film made it almost to the finish line. These films are further away and I think it is better to remove them altogether. Otherwise, they should be at least be accurately described with a tag as (planned), (upcoming) or (announced) next to the installment at the very least. Both, as listed now, are completely misleading and inaccurate statements.


2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@Jessica​ Done.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@urbanemovies​ Done.

9.5K Messages


157.5K Points

@GabrielFox​ Thanks for making the edit.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

1 year ago

The Matrix is a great movie. A masterpiece. One of my top 10s. But only as a single film. John Wick is a better film series than the Matrix trilogy. So my vote goes to John Wick.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


I have mixed thoughts.

For me the 2 characters you mention are equally great.

But in the end, my vote is also for John Wick.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Oddly, I've not seen the original John Wick, but only the first and second sequels. I will miss the late Lance Reddick, hotel manager of the Continental, Manhattan, should I continue to follow the franchise.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


1. You have to watch the first movie. The origin of the story.

2. Rest in peace Mr. Lance Reddick, you will be missed.

3. Don't leave it halfway, continue with the 4th sequel, but first catch up with the first one.

12 Messages


204 Points

@BonaFideBOSS​ -- The John Wick saga wouldn't exist without the Matrix. The remainder of the films in the Matrix saga were not really all that great, but the Matrix saga contains the Matrix...(?) That one film is so far above the John Wick saga, it can be pressed down by the remainder of the films in the Matrix saga so that, as a saga, the original Matrix film burdened by the weight of spectacular mediocrity, is still able to tower well-above the John Wick saga, ...imho of course.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

IMDb Ratings

Matrix 8.7 7.2 6.7 5.7 7.075
John Wick 7.4 7.4 7.4 8.4 7.65

But I believe:

The Matrix (1999) > All John Wick Movies
All Matrix Movies < All John Wick Movies

It pains me to say this but there are a few scenes, more than a few, in the Matrix series that I found a bit boring but every min of John Wick was entertaining, and this is why I picked John Wick. (I haven't seen the latest John Wick tho.)
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12 Messages


204 Points

@BonaFideBOSS​ -- I don't know about those numbers; I believe there might be a little skew there...(?) Because the Matrix holds at 8.7 & was made in 1999 & is secured by ~1.7Million people rating the film. Whereas John Wick holds at 7.4 & was made in 2014 & is secured by less than half the number of people rating the film vs the Matrix. And our vantage is 2023; John Wick had 15 years worth of advances in Cinematography, Choreography, Costume Design (?), etc., to work with that the Matrix didn't have. The Matrix was made in the prior Millenia! So, I'd say there's a disadvantage there based on when the Matrix was made vs when John Wick was made. Also, John Wick 4 at 8.4..., I mean, that's only supported by 70K people rating the film.

So, with a little bit of adjustment for inferior tech & those reviews with weights attached based on number of reviews, I'd say the Matrix saga's avg has to be more like ~9.25+... 

lol! I'm just messing around! Hahaha! No; I may have been a bit hyperbolic in selling the Matrix. & Even though I will say there is the "correct" opinion (usually my own of course!), I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion. If you enjoyed John Wick more, I believe you! & I respect that opinion & I prefer hearing different opinions. Usually via hyperbolic one-upmanship. It's all in good fun; I didn't mean for you to go look at the numbers in order to justify your opinion. It's already justified on arrival.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

1 year ago

While I am a fan of Keanu Reeves, I wouldn't consider any part of his sagas to be he his best work. Just my two cents, as I'm only posting a message here because others have already opined, whereas most of these "saga" poll suggestions from the past several months haven't seen much engagement.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points


What do you think is his best work?

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10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

He has starred in a lot of things, and I was thinking something along the lines of The Devil's Advocate or The Whole Truth. Granted, these weren't dexterous intense roles, of which he has devoted remarkable training in the craft. What it may be is that I simply have a preference for courtroom dramas. One of the nice things about John Wick is of course the fast-paced scenes that don't suffer from jarring cinematography like how many superhero movies do. The script supervisors over John Wick movies also seems to do well at ensuring minimal continuity errors.



14K Messages


326K Points

1 year ago

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks.

12 Messages


204 Points

1 year ago

If only Keanu had completed the Speed saga he started...(?) ...Then we probably wouldn't have the correct answer...which is the Matrix, hands down. I remember seeing the original in theatres -- I had never seen a film like that because there were no other films like the Matrix. Once the film reaches Neo & Trinity walking into the Federal Building...from that point in the film until the credits roll, I couldn't believe my eyes! That was an inflection point for filmmaking; it influenced so much that followed.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points

I totally agree with you.
Those iconic scenes revolutionized cinema forever.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

The Matrix was inevitable, so somebody else would've played Neo (dead name: Thomas Anderson), or maybe it would've been filmed and released later but still possibly with the same cast and cree.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


In the multiverse there are infinite possibilities.

12 Messages


204 Points

@GabrielFox​ -- well, if there could be a Universe out there where Jason Patric scored the role of Neo & Keanu closed out the Speed saga, then in that Universe... I don't know...(?) Jason Patric might then be John Wick as well! So, then the choice would be -- the Speed saga vs the Bill & Ted saga. ...& Bill & Ted would almost certainly be my choice in this hypothetical Universe, I think, because Speed was really ~not that good at all. Bill & Ted though...that's Keanu & George Carlin in the same film (2x) & that's really not too bad. But, honestly, in this hypothetical alternate Jason Patric-favoring Universe...I don't think I'd be all that big into films. Who would be?!

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


Good dissertation, you made me rethink.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Even though Wilhelm Dafoe can play a great villain (e.g. Norman Osborn), his role in Speed 2: Cruise Control wasn't as amusing as Dennis Hopper's in the original Speed. Also, Reeves and Bullock have an odd sort of skill that allows them decent chemistry in romantic roles, so for me at least, that is part of why The Lake House worked well. To be fair, Reeves and Moss have also worked well in The Matrix saga, but could they do a whole movie like that without any brawling, shootouts or chases? With that, I should point out that The Lake House isn't bereft of magic, so it isn't even an ordinary (or potentially boring) romance flick. Come to think of it, I don't remember how much time the two leads spent on screen together, as they maybe only meet at the end, the bit about a whole movie together may not matter.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


I can't deny that I also saw and felt that chemistry you mention.

12 Messages


204 Points

@GabrielFox​ -- lol! Thanks! I just got to thinking... Hey, what happens to Jason Patric in this Keanu Speed 2 Universe? & I just ran with it... lmfao!

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Well, the Los Angeles Police Department perhaps figured out some kind of way to fire both of them instead of giving them the medals that they deserved, or even a little while after doing exactly that. L.A. is a complicated place as it turns out.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


That is the 10K USD question that we all ask ourselves.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


That is a good theory.

4.4K Messages


70.7K Points

1 year ago

Disappointed at the amount of votes that the John Wick saga has. These films are getting increasingly bad.

John Wick 1: (7/10)

John Wick 2: (5/10)

John Wick 3: (3/10)

John Wick 4: (1/10) maybe (I have not seen it)

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


There are all kinds of opinions about it.
Thanks for sharing.

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

1 year ago

I wanted to share the fan-made montage of movie excerpts known as "The Keanuverse" trailer:

I do believe the actor has a the thus far distinct honor of an informal verse like this, because he has starred in more than more than one movie dealing with mind-body dualism, for lack of a better term, along with personal identity and travel backwards through time. I'm surprised he hasn't starred in even more film adaptations of Philip K. Dick's work, even though I've not yet even seen A Scanner Darkly.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


A fan-made trailer, which uses many scenes from his movies.
The concept is not bad.

12 Messages


204 Points

@jeorj_euler​ -- This is good! In terms of one of Philip K. Dick's works, this amalgam lends to (what I gather anyway) the ideas central to his 8,000 pg. Journal referred to as... The Exegesis...(?) Apparently a continuation in developing his ideas around the VALIS books (I have not read them). But, the Exegesis involves time or history being stopped by the Roman Empire that never really went away & had/has enslaved Humanity with Materialism & an Unseen Autocracy. Anyhow, Dick believed VALIS was an extraterrestrial of some sort that could communicate with some Human Beings & was a driving force behind the plot to impeach Richard Nixon, aka, the Emperor of Rome...?!!

I first question would be why Hollywood has not already made an attempt to make this into the greatest franchise ever? And my second question would be...there's a time traveling Richard Nixon character battling aliens throughout time whilst People are hypnotized by materialism & a ruling elite from the days of Rome & no one has written the script for this film & handed it to Keanu...?!!!

It's the prefect role! I mean, turn Richard Nixon into the non-evil protagonist that can manipulate space & time whilst in battle with this alien force...& that's just pure gold! Keanu could play Richard Nixon!!! Nobody remembers what Nixon looked like when he was younger; Keanu might as well be a dead ringer for the young Richard Nixon for all anyone knows...(?)! 

10.6K Messages


224.6K Points

Wow. I'd never heard or read that word "exegesis" before. That's nice. I should start using it at some point. By that token, I hadn't known about The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, even though I probably should have, since so many his short stories have inspired movie adaptations, in budgets big and small, profiles high and low. Now, though; the idea of Keanu Reeves portraying Richard Nixon is hard to imagine, if only for the fact that Reeves hasn't know for doing impressions, which front-and-center portrayals of Nixon sort of demand, since the guy was so peculiar in voice and distinctive in mannerisms. Reeves could probably pull it off if he really wanted, though. The looks aren't want matters so much, because the makeup crews can completely transform people if such a thing is desired, and as we know many portrayals (e.g. Hopkins and Cusack) didn't bother with a prosthetic nose. Nixon's voice was quite something, though. (Langella, along with the respective guys for Watchmen and Days of Future Past, really nailed that one.)

On a side note, the consideration as to just how evil "Tricky Dick" was is no small feat, as was basically something of a vigilante cop, holding "morality" above his own oath to the Constitution of the United States. What do vigilante cops do? They ignore probable cause (or reasonable suspicion) requirements and may try to punish "wrongdoers" for things that aren't even against the law, naturally trying to cover their trails to avoid apprehension, but like anybody, they can also make mistakes; kind of the whole point of having some kind of code by which to abide. I don't want to drift too far into civic history, but it was Henry Kissinger was as a significant driving force in all the foreign policy decisions of the administration in question, and all United States cabinets have had members like that, but he was sharp as a whistle in his utilitarianism. Anyway, there is always a scapegoat, and over time, people may realize that the various administrations belonging to a given same span of "eras" weren't really all that different from one another.

2.4K Messages


37.5K Points


Dude ... That plot is not for a movie, it's for a TV series.
Keep your fingers crossed, one day it might produce it.