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54.9K Points

Sunday, March 28th, 2021 9:25 AM

Live Poll: Hollywood Sports Stars — Johnny Weissmuller's Tribute

Before walking down the red carpet and appearing on the big screen, many actors and actresses started off in sports.

Johnny Weissmuller (1904 – 1984) was an Austro-Hungarian-born American competition swimmer and actor.

He was known for playing Tarzan in films of the 30s and 40s and for having one of the best competitive swimming records of the 20th century.

Dozens of other actors have also played Tarzan, but Johnny Weissmuller is by far the best known.

Weissmuller's distinctive Tarzan yell is still often used in films in his legacy. (Watch and hear: Johnny Weismuller Tarzan Call)

Who is your favorite star/athlete?

Source: Turns out These Major TV and Film Stars Started off as Athletes

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

3 years ago

Olympics Bump



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

@mariojacobs​ Three years later the Olympic bump comes to happen, but it was more timely now, as 2024 marks 100 years since Weissmuller won his medals at Paris.

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161K Points

@Pencho15​  &  @mariojacobs,

​This is  a very unclear poll suggestion.

Does Hockey mean ice hockey or field hockey, does diver mean scuba diver, platform diver or springboard diver, does Football mean American football, Australian rules football or soccer, in addition to other cited sports that have the same multiplicity issues.

Plus, some of these listed athletes never played above the middle school level, while others are world-class athletes. But, If that is the minimum requirement, it would seem like everyone would qualify. I think professional or world-class amateur athletes should be the minimum, or maybe even those that competed at the collegiate level. A better introduction would help here too.




6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

1 month ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Mario.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Pencho15​ thank you. @urbanemovies I'm retired from poll making. Next year I just intend to bump some 4 years old suggestions. Now I am only voting. I want the 10,000 votes milestone, I'm at 8,500 today.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points


I'm retired from poll making. 

Sorry to hear that. I've noticed that you have become less active. I'm glad you're still voting in polls.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

@Jessica​ Due to time restraints ⏳. But I still want the 10k poll taker badge 🥇... if there is any... I doubt it 🙄.