HamidrezaMpmm's profile

469 Messages


6.2K Points

Thursday, October 19th, 2023 8:08 PM

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Poll Suggestion: Favorite Character Without Superpowers in Marvel, DC Movies and Series

Who is Your Favorite Character Without Superpowers in Marvel, DC Movies and series, Of course, only the most popular characters are in the list

List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls523573589/



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

1 year ago

@hamidrezampmm ,

List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls523573589/

Welcome to IMDb and the IMDb Poll message board. Thank you for your poll suggestion.

Please change the title of your list from:

Your favorite comic character without superpower


Your Favorite Comic Character Without Superpowers

When in doubt about capitalization, use this online tool:
Capitalize My Title
Enter your title and select:
"Title Case" and "AP".

Please change the question from:

Who is your favorite comic character who doesn't have superpower?


Who is your favorite superhero comic character who doesn't have superpowers?

= = =

I suggest adding superhero to your question, otherwise Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Archie Andrews and other non-superhero comic characters would be eligible for your poll suggestion

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

The proposer also seems to be referring to "superheroes" and "supervillains" who don't have inherent superpowers. As far as I know, most of the Batman villains are that way, such as except for Fries, Ivy, Croc, Solomon and Clayface; and I'm not even sure about Fries and Ivy, as it may very well be that their technology is just more advanced than Batman's with no guarantee to be gene-altering.

469 Messages


6.2K Points



this was my first poll and I have been a member of imdb for two months.

To learn how to create a poll, I watched an 11-minute video on youTube and thought I'm a programmer, why is it so complicated?😂

thank you very much for the site suggestion, I have saved it in my bookmarks.

I think I should change the name of the poll to: Your Favorite Character Without Superpowers in Marvel and DC Movies

469 Messages


6.2K Points



thank you for your opinion
i was thinking exactly the same thing, for example, Fries can withstand extreme cold and maybe this is a kind of superpower, of course, without cold, Fries will disappear.
put the popular characters in the list and otherwise it would have been much more similar to your suggestion for example: Batwoman, Deadshot, Nick Fury and...



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@hamidrezampmm​ ,

This title you suggest would work:

Favorite Character Without Superpowers in Marvel and DC Movies

You don't need the word "your" in the title. Also, shorter titles are preferred.

469 Messages


6.2K Points


Thank you, I will apply the changes
I think I am learning
But I thought the poll would be like an Instagram post and would be displayed after creation, but it seems to be different



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@hamidrezampmm​ ,


... But I thought the poll would be like an Instagram post and would be displayed after creation, but it seems to be different

IMDb polls appear as content on IMDb:


Volunteer poll administrators select typically three polls to publish per day. I am one of the poll admins.

Poll admins and experienced poll authors are happy to help.

In case you have not seen this:

FAQ: So You Want to Make an IMDb Poll? Here's How...
Please note: Polls are limited to a maximum of 35 choices.
FAQ: Selection Criteria for Polls
FAQ: Time to Go Live


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

That's true about Freeze/Fries. I forgot that he has an inherent great resistance to what would cause freezing of body parts in every ordinary human. He is definitely superpowered by how we understand the meaning in speculative science fiction/fantasy. I think my point was just to illustrate that some of the characters are so powerful, adept, privileged or irregular-of-style that they count as superheroes or supervillians without actually having any "impossible" gifts. So, the Joker, for instance, as a villain and an spectacular illusionist, is that type of supervillian. For similar reasons, the the Penguin is too, on account of the gadgets he conceals in his umbrella; the Scarecrow with his psychoactive drugs; the Riddler with his traps. Most of the Batman villains are like that, more advantaged than the average crime boss.

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@jeorj_euler​ Now that I was reading your comment, I thought why I didn't add one of my favorite characters, Harley Quinn, to the list, and I regretted it.
Your opinion is absolutely right and sometimes such characters who don't have superpowers are much more lovable like the Joker.
I think I should add Robin to the list

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

In exploring the threshold, I saw thinking about how Two-Face might just barely be considered a supervillian, whereas Falcone and Maroni, along with some of the other mob heads, would merely be villains, as they have no signature weapons, no special abilities, no unusual costumes and no clever tricks.

469 Messages


6.2K Points


Actually, I wanted to write this question here as if it is closed


How exactly are polls selected for imdb site?

Because you told me once: “Volunteer poll administrators select typically three polls to publish per day. I am one of the poll admins.”

Can you explain a little more to me? Thank you very much

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

That was Dan Dassow (not me) who had provided an outline of the way IMDb Polls work. To my understanding there is a variety of criteria that would or could disqualify an IMDb list intended to serve as a poll suggestion for eligibility to pushed, thus go live as an IMDb poll, but even if an poll suggestion is completely eligible, it may take a while (if ever) to be adopted, which boils down to how the IMDb staff and the IMDb poll administrators feel about it (and probably how the general public would feel about it) at a given time, against a large of candidates to consider for pushing, so timing factors into it too. Sometimes people forget too, so it may be a good idea to give a bump to a poll suggestion thread every month or two. I should also point out that some of the disqualifying things are purely technical, and could probably be affected by software changes to IMDb, the sorts of things managed by people hired by the IMDb company, whether on full-time, seasonal or one-off basis.

469 Messages


6.2K Points


Thanks for the good information, I think they like to keep things in the dark (:
I don't think this site is good in general, from the graphics to the way of posting a poll, I think everything should be a little simpler and more general.
If we (the people) are going to take a poll, then a series of rules should be put in place, for example, no repeated polls, irrelevant polls, etc., and it should be allowed.
But if they are going to post a poll, then they should post it themselves
Why three a day? What's wrong with people putting 500 a day?
The site can categorize polls so that everyone can vote according to what they like.
I am really disappointed for Amazon to have such a site, for example, look at the link below and how they explain, I said that they really don't like to explain much.

I don't want to say that the site is nonsense, but it has many flaws

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

You're welcome, Hamid. Which site is uncomfortable? Is it Sprinklr or the main IMDb itself? Right now, IMDb is undergoing renovations, so it is possible that you'll like what the IMDb developers come up with in regards to the IMDb lists interface, whereas most likely I won't. The content in terms of the usage of words probably won't change, for better or worse, though. I'd agree that the IMDb Help Center is slightly pitiful and a bit fickle too, meaning that some of us will sometimes have a hard time citing guidelines that won't suddenly go missing within two years, leaving open the question as to whether or not they still apply. I just sort of see IMDb as a work-in-progress, like Wikipedia and Fandom.

469 Messages


6.2K Points


Thank you for your welcome and kindness
More Sprinklr
As you said, I should hope more and wait for better days to come.
At first, I thought that the problem was with me, but I looked through the pages and even found someone who wrote like children: I am disappointed and I will not poll again, of course,😂😂 I was heartbroken.🙁
I just hope it's not like Wikipedia, because I've been visiting Wikipedia for several years and looking at the events of the day, birthdays and deaths, and I haven't noticed any significant changes compared to a few years ago.



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@hamidrezampmm​ ,

If we (the people) are going to take a poll, then a series of rules should be put in place, for example, no repeated polls, irrelevant polls, etc., and it should be allowed.
But if they are going to post a poll, then they should post it themselves

You have many places you can post polls besides IMDb that are not curated such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, SurveyMonkey, and PollMaker.

Why three a day? What's wrong with people putting 500 a day?
The site can categorize polls so that everyone can vote according to what they like.

IMDb has allowed IMDb users to create and publish polls so long as they meet IMDb's editorial standards.

FAQ: Selection Criteria for Polls

Just because a poll has not gone live, does not mean that it is not a worthy candidate for going live in the future. ​
​ ​
​It takes time and effort to develop a poll that is both enjoyable to take and meets IMDb's minimum standards. Polls with very clear criteria that limit their scope, are well written and unique generally go live faster than polls that have broad criteria. ​
​ ​
​The IMDb Poll message board receives on average between five and ten poll suggestions per day. If you see a poll you like that has not gone live, you can help get that poll noticed by casting a straw vote or making constructive suggestions in the poll suggestion thread. Likewise, if you would like to suggest a poll for consideration, please create a list and suggest the poll in a thread. For details please read "Learn how to create polls on IMDb".​

​FAQ: So You Want to Make an IMDb Poll? Here's How...​

An administrator reviews the poll suggestions, reviews the threads and publishes the poll based on these basic criteria.

1. Was the poll suggested on the IMDb Poll message board?
2. Has the author created a list for the poll?
3. Are there at most 35 choices? Polls with limited choices are given preference.
4. Did the author include a clickable link to the list in his/her post?
5. Did the author include in the list a clickable link back to the thread? The link back allows people taking the poll to comment on the poll.
6. Is the poll question compelling and/or unique?
7. Are the choices in the poll likely answers to the question?
8. Are descriptions clear, concise and grammatical?
9. Is the author a new author with two or less published polls? New author are given preference so long as the poll meets the above criteria.
10. Has the author made a reasonable attempt to incorporate suggestions from other contributors?
11. Do the majority of choices have images? Are the images compelling? Preference is given to polls that have images for all choices.
12. Is the poll timely? For instance does the poll publicize a current event such as the death of a well known actor or actress?
13. Have other contributors shown interest in the poll suggestion?
14. Will people likely vote in this poll?

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@dan_dassow​ first, I must say that I thank you for taking the time, the text you wrote and trying to help me
Correct me if I'm wrong, I think you meant that if you don't like it, leave, but I think as someone who has an account on this site, I have the right to express my opinion and to be honest, I was saddened by your opinion because I know that the sites you mentioned exist.
Actually, I had read the rules for posting polls, and I'm not saying that my poll is good or perfect, and it's definitely problematic, especially since I just opened an account.
But as someone who has the right to express his opinion, I say that this restriction is not good, it is like some people only allow a movie to be screened or not, this is exactly censorship, I say this, why don't the users have the right to choose. ?
And if a poll is bad, users can delete it by sending a report
Maybe a poll is a silly thing from your point of view, but maybe a lot of people like that poll




19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@hamidrezampmm​ ,

I AM NOT telling you to leave. I am simply providing you with the ground rules for a poll to go live. I am also providing you with alternate outlets for your polls if you wish them to go live without any editorial guidance.

IMDb allows you to create up to 999 lists. So long as you do not violate IMDb terms of service, IMDb will allow you to keep each of those lists.

IMDb polls are based on lists. You are free to suggest as many polls as you want (up to that 999 list limit) and these poll suggestions will be given due consideration. Likewise, people can still comment one of your poll suggestion even if it does not go live.

If we thought your poll suggestion (Favorite Character Without Superpowers in Marvel, DC Movies and Series) did not have possibilities, people would not offer suggestions on how to improve your suggestion.

Please note: Once a poll has gone live ONLY IMDb staff can delete it.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

I should opine or rather speculate that if everybody (who has not been rightfully banned) could post a many polls as they wanted and at will, every poll belonging to such a hypothetical type of poll would rarely receive as many votes as it may deserve, because there likely be so many of them as to psychologically overwhelm people interested in voting on them. Even though IMDb has millions of regular visitors who are also registered into IMDb system, their collective presence may not be collectively active enough to generate interesting polling results over time, especially under a system whereby polls (even without obvious duplicates) are plentiful. We already have a lot of polls already, and they grow as time goes on since they are not really meant to be rescinded, so already the situation can be overwhelming. IMDb appears to have some kind of recommendation system to draw attention to polls related to the IMDb name page or IMDb title page that a visitor might happen to be observing at any given time, and pages about long-time high-profile subjects featured in thousands of IMDb lists and hundreds of IMDb polls. Over time, this system is probably only going to grow more challenging to manage. Why make it any more challenging than necessary?

Also, without a little bit of screening, there might also be the risk of the creation of polls that are surreptitiously exploitative of the poll taker. Even if the risk would be nonexistent, there would still need to be a mechanism to perhaps automatically detect duplicates or poll "submissions" that are too similar despite not actually being anywhere near identical. I'm using the large abundances of public IMDb lists as a frame of reference for just how overwhelming a system could be. I've never mentioned it before, but I do sometimes feel frustration when scouting around for interesting (or niche) IMDb lists, at least a third of which have the subject heading to the effect of "my favorite shows" or "greatest directors" with five thousand items in it. Ugh!

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@dan_dassow​ I'm sorry I thought wrong, I hope you're still good with me😅🫡
And that was really nice, discussing the poll or anything else about the movie, because not many people do, and that's a special and interesting thing for me.
I will try to use your advice

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@jeorj_euler​ This sentence of yours made me strongly accept your words : “Why make it any more challenging than necessary”
It was a good discussion and I got a lot of good information from you and dan_dassow .
I think it is better to accept imdb in the same way
Thank you for your time and help
I am satisfied that imdb gave me a space to be able to talk with you friends about this and about movies, series and anything else.



7.1K Messages


122.1K Points

1 year ago

@hamidrezampmm Green Arrow and Punisher (not in the version whose picture you added) were not on movies. So you may need to change the title and description if you mean to include them.


469 Messages


6.2K Points


Thank you for your correct opinion
I will definitely edit and try to remember next time

6.8K Messages


128K Points

1 year ago

Ant-Man (without the suit he's just a normal guy)
Nick Fury
War Machine
All of the Watchmen except Dr Manhattan, if you can only add one, add Rorschach. The others are rip-offs of other DC superheroes 😅 and also he's more popular than others.

Btw, "popular character from Marvel/DC" seems broad. Perhaps you meant "popular superheroes/supervillains with no superpowers". Because if we're taking any popular character, you'd exceed the IMDb poll limit.


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Daredevil, as least with Ben Affleck's portrayal, is borderline. Balancing realism against speculative science fiction, attaining his abilities seem implausible without the incorporation of some kind of sophisticated hearing aid and decades of training. My memory is hazy on this character, since I've not really seen the version of Daredevil with Charlie Cox, and it's been a while since I've seen the old movie. Maybe there is technology involved that I don't know about. Anyway, as I understand it, Matt Murdoch's condition isn't linked in any way to genetic mutation, interdimensional tainting or the Craft, so he is not particularly superpowered.

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@BonaFideBOSS​ When I read your comment I was interested in adding more characters to the list, I'm glad someone else is interested in comics. (: Thank you

469 Messages


6.2K Points

@jeorj_euler​ The opinion was very specialized (:
In Ben Affleck's version, I remember that the rain fell on Elektra's face and he could see her in this way, which is considered a superpower for a blind person or an ordinary person who closed his eyes.
what is your opinion?

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

That's maybe a hard one, regarding the depiction of Daredevil. I'm not a neuroscientist, not even an amateur one, but as I understand it, the parts of the cerebral cortex ordinarily reserved for visual processing are "taken over" by the remaining working senses: hearing, olfaction (smelling), tasting, tactile feeling and balance (the often forgotten sense), thus causing at least one of them to be improved. So, for cinema's sake, it could make perfect sense for all these senses to be depicted visually in some way, since the actual sensation cannot be coveyed. Thus, there is seemingly no mutation, magic or interdimensonal/outerspace origin involved. The only thing is that in real life, blind people who have above-average sensitivity in the remaining senses all seem to rely upon what is effectively a variation of SONAR in order to perceive the shape and size of their surrounding environments, along with their orientations within them. I don't know much about the people who are both blind and deaf, in the sense of how well they can generate a perception in their minds of shape, size and orientation, after having physically touched everything in and smells most areas within a non-changing environment. I'd imagine that they can become extremely good at it, if there is sufficient time and plasticity of the brain (as is the case with children).

469 Messages


6.2K Points

If we set the standard to the Daredevil series, then he is a superpower, because he can hear the heartbeat from a long distance and estimate how many people are present in a place.
But I also visited Wikipedia
The first thing he wrote was: Superhuman agility
It was mentioned in another part: While he can no longer see, his exposure to the radioactive material heightens his remaining senses beyond normal human ability, and gives him a "radar sense.