ElMaruecan82's profile

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

Monday, October 17th, 2022 1:08 PM

LIVE POLL: Coolest Movie-Themed Halloween Disguise

Superheroes, monsters, Disney characters or 'ordinary' characters in fine-looking suits, which of these movies feature the coolest-looking inspirations for a Halloween party disguise?


(list made on Oct 30, 2013, quite a late bump)

466 Messages


4.9K Points

2 years ago

Instead of individually listing Superman and Batman, can I suggest that you list a Justice League movie (live action or animated) so that you can also include characters such as The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc.

I personally own three really good Halloween costumes and I alternate between them each year.  I have a Sherlock Holmes costume (including the Inverness cape and deerstalker hat), a clown costume (with the size 200 shoes), and a Spock uniform (including multiple sets of ears).  This year I will probably wear the clown costume and put on a nametag that says Joe Biden.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points


That's a terrific suggestion. Casting many birds with one stone. Thanks, and welcome back!

466 Messages


4.9K Points

Thanks.  I am here just to give suggestions and make comments.  I'm not creating polls right now (though I have posted a few ideas for others to use).  I am recovering from some health issues and am bedridden right now.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points


I hope you recover soon...

I don't come as often as I used to either...



19K Messages


472.7K Points

2 years ago

@ElMo ,

Your question is slightly ungrammatical.

Please change the last comma (,) to a colon (:) in your question.


Superheroes, monsters, Disney characters or 'ordinary' characters in fine-looking suits, which of these movies feature the coolest-looking inspirations for a Halloween party disguise?


Superheroes, monsters, Disney characters or 'ordinary' characters in fine-looking suits:  which of these movies feature the coolest-looking inspirations for a Halloween party disguise?


5.1K Messages


137.8K Points


For some reason, I hadn't bothered checking the writing, my bad...



14K Messages


326K Points

I'd say "which of these movies features the coolest-looking inspirations" since we can only choose one option.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

I noticed the typo, thanks



19K Messages


472.7K Points

@ElMaruecan82​ ,

Thank you for making the edit.

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

2 years ago

Cleopatra 1963

Lily Munster

Morticia Adams

Little Red Riding Hood

Wilma Flinstone


8.9K Messages


165.1K Points

2 years ago

Hannibal Lecter


Jack Skellington











19K Messages


472.7K Points

2 years ago

Congratulations, @ElMaruecan82!

Coolest Movie-Themed Halloween Disguise

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/h_B5KUBRt0w/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

334 Messages


7.1K Points

2 years ago

I'm so glad we didn't have halloween in Australia when I was a kid. It's starting to come in slowly but thankfully most Aussies don't cave to their kids quite as easily