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85.6K Points

Friday, June 24th, 2022 11:09 PM

Live poll:Who Is The Most Threatening While Wearing Sunglasses

List page: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls565490447/

Poll page: https://www.imdb.com/poll/ZOigdYwdwLs/

This poll is inspired by Paok_Kilkis‘ poll suggestion Female Characters with Sunglasses and uses some of the more intimidating selections. This poll doesn’t ask who is sexier, or sleeker, or cooler. This poll asks who looks more threatening and scarier while wearing sunglasses (often carrying a weapon - both villains and heroes). And just for fun, let’s not post character name or actors/actresses names! Go totally image! Who looks the most threatening while wearing sunglasses?

Got any to suggest, submit your photos here.

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

2 years ago

There are tons, some movies even have a half dozen or more worthy characters! Plus, some episodic series sported a new sunglassed look just about every episode (ie Alias mostly featured on but not limited to Sydney Bristow).

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

@jaf_ismael​ good choice for the movie, but that shot was to glamorous, sleek and cool. I want menacing, intimidating, and threatening. I was comsidering another shot from blade where a minor vampire was also wearing sunglasses and with fangs out and dripping with blood. But he was really small in the shot. 

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85.6K Points

@jaf_ismael​ used

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85.6K Points

@jaf_ismael​ used

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85.6K Points

@jaf_ismael​ used



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 years ago

@dgranger ,

And just for fun, let’s not post character name or actresses/actresses names! Go totally image!

Sadly, IMDb removes images for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, that means that image polls lose images. An image poll that excludes character and actress/actors names is fine, so long as you keep track of the names of the characters and actress/actors names if/when an image disappears from the poll.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

@dan_dassow​ okay, but I didn’t want to do that. I want this purely on looks and not who the character is:

1- Roat from “Wait until Dark”

2 - the Terminator from “The Terminator”

3 - Sarah Connor from “T2: Judgement Day”

4 - David soul from “Magnum Force”

5 - Boss Godfrey from “Cool Hand Luke”

6 - Sarah from “The Neon Demon”

7 - Morpheus from “the Matrix Reloaded”

8 - agent Smith from “The Matrix”

9 - Neo from “The Matrix”

10 - Trinity from “The Matrix”

11 - Millie from “Free Guy”

12 - the player with the skeleton mask robbing the bank, aka, Bank Robber 2, voiced by The Rock Dwayne Johnson, in “Free Guy” (Hugh Jackman was the voice of the masked player in the alley and Tine Fay was the voice of the vaccuuming mom)

13 - Nada from “They Live”

14 - Mort Mills as Highway Patrol Officer from “Pyscho” (would you believe I found a creeper picture?)

15 - Travis Bickle from “Taxi Driver”

16 - Marion Cobretti from “Cobra”

17 - Blade from “Blade”

18 - Charlie Smith from “The Border”

19 - Quin from “Blade”

20 - will be  Dirty Harry from “Dirty Harry” https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0066999/mediaviewer/rm1631654913


3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

2 years ago

Okay, I’m having trouble logging into my account to add https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0066999/mediaviewer/rm1631654913 as Dirty Harry. 

9.8K Messages


161.5K Points

@dgranger​ You could save a screenshot of your poll answers once complete and post it on your poll thread to not list the names (proactive) and still have a readily accessible record. An even better idea is too superimpose thier answer slot numbers onto the saved screenshot image page for a record that is kept in the poll's thread.

A worse idea is more reactive, but is a good tool to fix problems that exist already (back-up plan).

The Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/ allows, in some cases, to see an archived page of your poll. You can archive your own poll pages on the website too. Simply type in the poll's web address, (You can select the results page to access historical vote total results over the years), select the date you want from the choices, and view the page on that date. It has gotten me out of plenty of jams, before I was smart enough to be proactive. I do a fair amount of image polls and both tricks are a must for image poll makers. Dan was kind enough to share it with me from out of his poll makers' bag of tools or his tricks of the trade, a couple years back.


3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

2 years ago

Image of the list so far.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

2 years ago

Please correct:

And just for fun, let’s not post character name or actors/actresses names!

Got any to suggest, submit your photos here.

#33: These last three, you really don’t want them to remove their sunglasses to see what is not there behind the sunglasses.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

@Jessica​ appreciated as always. Most of those are because I think faster than I can type and I just don’t simply proofread. And I still hate auto correct. But the “n” on “To”, I don’t know how that got there unless my finger accidentally hit the button. Thanks. Great catch on that one.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

2 years ago

Congratulations, @dgranger!

Who Is The Most Threatening While Wearing Sunglasses

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/ZOigdYwdwLs/

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

@dan_dassow​ , done. I hope the IMDb also did Paok_Kilkis‘ poll too. After all, his inspired this poll. I also got another suggestion for him if he wants to include a creepy one of Uma Thurman as Medusa in   Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lighting Thief