Maxence_G's profile

4.5K Messages


71K Points

Monday, December 5th, 2022 4:29 AM

Live Poll: YouTube Critic's Starter Pack: Most Referenced Films on IMDb

Money interests you, you want to be a YouTube cinema critic, but you don't know where to begin? We've got you covered This is a list of the most referenced films. You can see which films get the most cited in Youtube videos. If you want to boost your credibility, name these films and throw in one of the generic commentaries associated with them, and you are sure to pass as a knowledgeable film critic. André Bazin and Roger Ebert are jealous.

These are IMDb's most referenced films. Which one is your favorite?


Live Poll:

4.5K Messages


71K Points

2 years ago

Don't bother checking the spelling mistakes in each film's description. Some texts could be improved, but it is funnier with spelling mistakes.

Note: I based those texts on my experience listening to a ton of YouTube cinema critics. A good amount of these films are great, some are even in my Top 100. But, the discourse about them is often exhausted. People (not to name any examples) repeat the same cliché over and over again, this is what my poll is criticizing.

The point of the poll is also to explore IMDb's "referenced in" section, the criticism of trash cinema YouTubers came later in my poll-making process when I realized what kind of films were the most referenced. I was interested in seeing which films were the most mentioned. I'm not surprised to see Star Wars tops the list, but I didn't expect The Wizard of Oz to be so high. I'm also disappointed by the absence of Fincher, Carpenter, and Scorsese. I think the poll would have been better with them on the list.




19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

2 years ago

@cinephile ,

This is an interesting concept for a poll. It is a different perspective of a poll I created a long time ago:

Influential Films

Researchers at Northwestern University analyzed connections data on IMDb and found these 35 films had the greatest influence on future filmmakers. ...

The researchers at Northwestern University came up with a similar list to the one you have for your poll.

It will be interesting to see the results of your poll versus the results for my poll.

= = =

I wouldn't dream of correcting the grammar of the quoted text. Clearly you quote these reviews verbatim, including misspelling and grammar errors.

However, you have two minor typos in your introduction:

Please add the missing period.

We've got you covered



We've got you covered.


You spell YouTube correctly the first time you use it. Please correct the spelling here:

You can see which films get the most cited in Youtube videos.



You can see which films get the most cited in YouTube videos. 

4.5K Messages


71K Points


I thought of your poll when I did mine. Of course, mine has no scientific value, I did it for fun. It is sort of A True Cinephile...'s sequel

 In fact, some films included in your polls would have made the list if I had extended the requirements. Frankenstein has 977 references, Taxi Driver has 931. A film I'm currently monitoring is The Silence of the Lambs (994 references).


I have corrected the typos.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

@cinephile​ ,

Thank you for correcting the typos. I'm really curious what the results of this poll will be.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

2 years ago

Congratulations, @cinephile!

YouTube Critic's Starter Pack: Most Referenced Films on IMDb

Live Poll:

Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."


FAQ: Updating Threads After Poll Goes Live

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

2 years ago

Funny. I like it. ;D



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

2 years ago

@cinephile please remember to move this to the praise category