GabrielFox's profile

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41.7K Points

Friday, May 10th, 2024 11:49 AM

Live Poll: World Bee Day (20 May)


The United Nations proclaimed 20 May as World Bee Day. Pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of our ecosystems, not only do pollinators contribute directly to food security, but they are key to conserving biodiversity. Bees are the most important species of pollinator across the globe, therefore, it's crucial to monitor their development and decline. It is important to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development.

Which one of these titles featuring bees is your favorite? 



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

4 months ago

Gabriel: I have a couple more ideas:

The Secret Life of Bees (2008)

Ulee's Gold (1997) -- the main character is a beekeeper

and an alternative last choice:

Bee Season (2005) -- this one is for poll voters who say, "The only kind of bees I want to see in a movie are spelling bees."


2.7K Messages


41.7K Points


I included the first 2 suggestions.


9.8K Messages


161K Points

4 months ago

FYC, the bees are eithered featured, or a significant to an important plot point in these movies. I haven't seen the last two, but Honey (2010) seems like it belongs. I am not so sure about The Spirit of the Beehive (1973), as it seems to be a more minor plot point.

9.8K Messages


161K Points

In the Happening (2008), if I remember correctly the Mark Wahlberg science teacher character has a fairly long opening scene, that teaches his class about the plight of bees and how what is killing of them was unexplained at that point that sets the rest of the plot in the movie.

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points


You are correct, however in this movie the bees are only mentioned, not a single bee appears in this movie.

9.8K Messages


161K Points

@GabrielFox​, I remember the long scene class discussion about the plight of the bees, that is used to set-up the same situation happening to humans. I only saw the movie once and only when it came out almost two decades ago. I thought there might be some bees when they were hiding out in the woods, but I could be wrong, as I memory of it isn't strong.

I do think 'The Beekeeper', should be included, as it has 3-4 bee-related and honey scenes. The main character is both a spy, codenamed 'The Beekeeper' and actual one since he retired and was keeping a low profile in the beginning of the movie.


2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

@urbanemovies​ Done.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

4 months ago

@GabrielFox ,

Please correct:

Bees are the most important species of pollinator across the globe, therefore, is crucial to monitor their developmentd and decline.


Bees are the most important species of pollinator across the globe, therefore, is crucial to monitor their development and decline.

Also, wasps are not bees. Please considered removing:

Dragon Wasps (2012 TV Movie)

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

@dan_dassow​ Done.



9.6K Messages


191.9K Points



Bees are the most important species of pollinator across the globe, therefore, it's crucial to monitor their development and decline.

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

@Jessica​ Done.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

4 months ago

2.7K Messages


41.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks.