jen_264364's profile



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 11:09 AM

Live Poll: These Aren't Nursery Rhymes

It can be hard to make up an original title, what with 8M+ movies that have been made so far. Sometimes screenwriters need to recycle. The following movies all have titles that come from a nursery rhyme, but don't follow the story of the rhymes.

Which film has the most ironic use of such a title?


1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

incredibly well thought out poll...and a tough one to answer...

and i love the way you phrased the question...'most ironic'...('cradle will rock', 'some like it hot'...alot of great choices...) keeping with that aspect, i think i would have to narrow it down to 'and then there were none', the agatha christie mystery, which, ironically, has also been released under the title 'ten little indians'...

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

8 years ago



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

10.1K Messages


164.7K Points



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

Bump bump bump bump!



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

6 years ago


For your consideration:

Jack Be Nimble (1993)
“Jack be nimble”
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over
The candlestick.

We All Fall Down (2000)
"Ring Around the Rosy"
By Mother Goose
Ring around the rosy,
Pocket full of posy,
Ashes!   Ashes!
We all fall down!



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

6 years ago

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, 
Falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady!



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

I second ElM's suggestion and wonder why I did not think of it myself.

1.4K Messages


51K Points

interesting addition...i must admit, i never heard that last line to 'london bridge'...

and honestly, i don't exactly remember what the last line was that we used to say as kids, but it had something to do with ashes...(something like '...all fall ashes...' or something like that...)...



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points


I believe you are confusing "London Bridges" with "Ring Around the Rosy".

"Ring Around the Rosy"
By Mother Goose
Ring around the rosy,
Pocket full of posy,
Ashes!   Ashes!
We all fall down!



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

6 years ago


For your consideration:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (1983)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

I'm gonna pass on that one. A movie in Cantonese with 61 votes...



7.6K Messages


194.2K Points

6 years ago

'Great poll, especially with the question asking about ironic usage because the irony is so great. 'Tough choice but maybe 'All the King's Men.' I really like this one.

This part of the intro is a bit confusing, I think: what with 8M+ movies that have been made so far. Do you mean what with all of the 8M+... ?

534 Messages


18.1K Points

6 years ago



7.6K Messages


194.2K Points

6 years ago

Live Poll Applause, applause!

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

6 years ago

Jen, why is my suggestion of "My Fair Lady" missing?

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Somehow through all the suggestions I missed it. Just added it and asked for a re-push.



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

6 years ago

Congratulations yrnej on your 597th live poll! As of 16-Aug-2018 6:57 AM Pacific your polls have 782,658 or more votes, for an average of 1,311 votes per poll.

These Aren't Nursery Rhymes
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