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7.5K Messages


193K Points

Monday, June 24th, 2024 12:47 AM

Live Poll: The L Word in Movies (Pride Month Poll)

Once upon a time, lesbians were taboo in cinema, just as they were in the societies those films reflected. Even the word "lesbian" was hush-hush, resulting in the phrase "the L Word." While bigotry against lesbians still exists, there has been much progress and, at times, movies have helped to lead the way. Below are just some of those films and, according to many, the best.*    
Which of these acclaimed movies with lesbians as prominent characters is your favorite? 



* This list started as a composite of "Best" lists in the magazines Indie Wire, Harper's Bazaar, and Elle. In order to get the list down to 35 movies, the following criteria was used:

1.) Each movie received points according to how many of the magazines included it. 

2.) Metacritic scores were also used to determine points. 

3.) If there was no Metascore, IMDb scores were used. 

4.) To discern between ties, the themes and narratives of movies were considered in order for the final list to reflect variety. Cultural and ethnic diversity and countries of origins and settings were also considered for variety.  

8.9K Messages


166K Points

3 months ago

Hi, Ruby. :D

Would you please delete the /edit... at the end of the link?

I would really like to see your list.



7.5K Messages


193K Points

@Breumaster   Hi Breu, thank you for letting me know: I'm still getting used to the new formatting and realizing differences I didn't notice at first. I just learned something new because of your comment. 

I hope that you can see the list now. 


8.4K Messages


175K Points

@rubyfruit76​ 😀


You know about "/copy" ...

Magnificent Images from Movies: Behind-the-Scenes
by rubyfruit76

Quick look @ Names & Titles




7.5K Messages


193K Points

@ACT_1​   No, I didn't know about "/copy" so thank you, so much, for showing me! I absolutely love that feature: it's so much easier to see how everything looks, to proofread, and to get a nice, clean view from which to work. 

8.4K Messages


175K Points

@rubyfruit76​ 😀

GabrielFox and others often add "/Copy"

Favorite -Hand- Movie Poster

Favorite -Hand- Movie Poster (Part 2) 

Many Hands Posters

You can add "/Copy" to others lists IF you want to Copy items



356 Messages


4.8K Points

3 months ago

Many movies of this list are on my watchlist. I have only seen Mulholland Drive and EEAAO, both absolutely genius movies

8.9K Messages


166K Points


I would especially recommend Ammonite, The Color Purple and The Kids Are Alright.

8.9K Messages


166K Points


F*cking Amal is very good, but also depressingly sad.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

I found 'Disobedience', (German title: Ungehorsam) very touchy. Many of these movies are strong movies.




7.5K Messages


193K Points

@Scholle2008​ Thanks for your comments! I haven't seen all of these, either. Some of the ones that I haven't yet seen were already on my watchlist and the few I didn't know about, like 'Circumstance' and 'Rafiki,' I added to my watchlist.

I really liked EEAAO and Mulholland Drive, as well. I'm a David Lynch fan and I need to see Mulholland again because I've forgotten much of it and I remember when I first saw it, I thought Lynch had perfected a few of his trademarks with that movie and even explored new terrain. 

Of the films that I've seen, I would especially recommend 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire,' 'Disobedience,' and 'The Favourite.' 'Disobedience' really packs an emotional punch and even though 'The Favorite' is part comedy and pretty  funny, it can be fairly heavy, as well, so if you're in the mood for something a lot easier, I quite liked 'The Half of It.' It's a pleasant and enjoyable and even though it's not as exquisite as those three favorites of mine, it's great for a lighter mood. 



6.7K Messages


118.2K Points

3 months ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Sara



7.5K Messages


193K Points

@Pencho15​ Thank you, very much, Pencho! : )

13 Messages


182 Points

3 months ago

Bound (1996)

Bound (1996) - IMDb