Breumaster's profile

9K Messages


166.1K Points

Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 8:22 AM

Live Poll: Teaching Life


There are some movie gems about neglected pupils and their teacher who doesn't give up on the young people. They have several problems to resolve, but see the future people within the little rascals and won't abandon them to leave them to their predictable fate. Please note that the teacher can also be a person who entered a field of different work from her/his educational background.

Which of these golden teachers, fictional or real-life person is your favorite?

Please report your personal hero here.


Movies about teaching people who teach youngsters (pupils) the strengh to care for their own lifes. They don't necessarily have to be regular teachers, but also won't back down. It can be comedy/dramas, but should have the clear goal to improve the life of the youngsters. No pure documentations, but animated, if it is not too far from reality or if it is a story compareable to real life.



3.8K Messages


57.2K Points

3 years ago

Heartbreak Ridge

Gunnery Sargent Thomas Highway

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Not exact what I wanted, but I took Bill Rago on the list, so I will take Highway also on the list. At least until there would be a better candidate. But I also know that the issue is limited.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

3 years ago

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Good example. I like it. Great movie! He's on the list. 

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

3 years ago

? ?

The Miracle Worker (1962)

The story of Anne Sullivan's struggle to teach

the blind and deaf Helen Keller how to communicate.

Anne Bancroft ... Annie Sullivan
Patty Duke ... Helen Keller

Patty Duke later played Annie Sullivan
with Melissa Gilbert as Helen Keller
in a 1979 TV production (The Miracle Worker (1979)).

18,751 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 8.1 / 10

Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) 
was an American author,

disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer. 
Born in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, 
she lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness
at the age of 19 months.


9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, ACT_1. Helen Keller isn't neglected, but she has deficits which are hard to handle. I also turn a blind eye in that case. Anne Sullivan is on the list now. Thank you for your interest in the subject and for your contribution.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

3 years ago

I just added 'The Great Debaters'.



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

3 years ago

@Breumaster ,

Please consider these revisions:


There are some movie gems about neglected pupils and their teacher who doesn't give up the young people.


There are some movie gems about neglected pupils and their teacher who doesn't give up on the young people.


They have to cope several problems to retain, but see the future people withing the little rascals and won't drop them to leave them to their predictable fate.

They have several problems to resolve, but see the future people within the little rascals and won't abandon them to leave them to their predictable fate.

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, Dan. I've changed it.




19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@Breumaster​ ,

Thank you for making the edits. You missed one. Please change:

They have  several problems to retain,


They have  several problems to resolve,

9K Messages


166.1K Points


I've changed it to resolve.

9K Messages


166.1K Points

Dan, have you ever been in UK?



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@Breumaster​ ,

The closest that I've come to being in the UK was when the flight I was on from Minneapolis to Frankfurt flew over Ireland. My high school German teacher conducted tours to Germany and Austria. The price of the month-long tour covered air fare, travel, lodging and meals. The cost was incredibly inexpensive at $850 in 1973.



19.7K Messages


479.6K Points

@Breumaster​ ,


I've changed it to resolve.

Thank you.



14.6K Messages


332.6K Points

3 years ago

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you, Peter. Thank you, Buddies. :D