19.7K Messages
479.8K Points
Live Poll: Saint Patrick's Day Babies
These celebrities were born on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. Which celebrity is your favorite?
List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls564939264/
Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/52p92hTIU3Q/
Poll is based on this search as of 7 March 2023.
Please vote in these other polls:
New Year's Babies by yrnejd
Christmas' Babies by brijeshmarand
Thanksgiving's Babies by dan_dassow
Occasional Thanksgiving Birthdays by dan_dassow
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10.2K Messages
165.8K Points
2 years ago
@dan_dassow It seems like the list could be a selected list.
1.5K Messages
35.2K Points
2 years ago
Brittney Daniel would get my vote
10.2K Messages
165.8K Points
2 years ago
Congratulations, @dan_dassow
Poll Title: Saint Patrick's Day Babies
Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/52p92hTIU3Q/
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334 Messages
7.1K Points
2 years ago
I never see Rob Lowe coming, yeah, he's well known, but he always catches me off guard. I see him in something, and by the time it's finished, I end up really liking his character. I couldn't imagine anyone else as Chris Traeger. Nailed it.
I really like Gary Sinise, but he's been missing for a while.
Kurt Russell, yeah he's alright, I just hope he stays off the reboot train. I don't want to watch Snake Plissken: Escape form the Retirement Home.