riverotter's profile

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Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 12:55 AM

Live Poll: Rock stars who deserve a biopic

What rock&roll star deserves a biopic: list: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls042361344/

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/RowsiTPjwJM/



19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

6 years ago


Please add a discussion link to your list.



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

Please also remove "Poll Suggestion:" from the list title.

1K Messages


28K Points


1.4K Messages


51K Points

6 years ago

hey riverotter...i have to first say what a great list you have started...you have actual rock stars on your list and not madonna or beyonce...congrats for that alone...

as far as my vote goes...all of these would be interesting...but...the two keiths would definitely be in a tie for first...

keith moon is a biopic in himself ...and keith richard is the ultimate rock-n-roll musician...so...the choice is really about the manic vs. the music...in which i would go with keith richards...

excellent poll riv...peace...



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

6 years ago

1K Messages


28K Points

added all but Peart. No link for him on IMDB

1.4K Messages


51K Points

jessica...like your list...bowie...janis...zappa!...brilliant...

shame neil peart didn't make it...his story is fascinating and tragic...definitely a great biopic...excellent choice...



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

Thanks, but I don't really understand your reason for excluding Neil Peart?

1K Messages


28K Points

I put his name in IMDB search and nothing came up. Nothing to link him to



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

Oh. Are you sure you spelled his first name correctly? It's Neil, not Neal. :)

1.4K Messages


51K Points

riv..he's from the band rush..

4.4K Messages


124K Points

6 years ago


1.4K Messages


51K Points

i believe it is supposed to be individual rock stars...not pop bands...

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Alright then, Steve Perry.  Also, I wouldn't consider Journey 'pop' - they weren't always as heavy as other rock bands, but they were technically rock, I think.



14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

6 years ago

Patti Smith?

1.4K Messages


51K Points

i'll see your patti smith and raise you lou reed...

great suggestion peter...

1K Messages


28K Points

6 years ago

I'm up to 15 now with Alice Cooper, Sting, Patti Smith, and Lou Reed. Is that enough?



4K Messages


244.3K Points

The limit for polls is 35, so you still have a lot of room for additions. 

1K Messages


28K Points

6 years ago

up to 20 now. I think that's a good number.

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

6 years ago

Come on! With that lot: who DOESN'T  deserve a biopic?

1K Messages


28K Points

Steve Perry?

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

6 years ago

Wasnt there another band that had a cupola hit songs in the 60's ?

Maybe add their names here

John Lennon  (1940–1980) 

Paul McCartney

George Harrison (1943–2001)

Ringo Starr


1K Messages


28K Points

the Beatles have had a biopic, and Lennon had one - at least about his later life. I thought about them, though.

1K Messages


28K Points

6 years ago

OK 32 names. I think that's enough!



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

Could you please try adding Neil Peart again?

1.4K Messages


51K Points

once again...i second neil peart...

he was working in his dad's appliance store...auditioned for rush when their first drummer had to leave...brilliant mind...avid reader...started writing lyrics that propelled the band to their superstar status...then several decades later...after all the touring and fame...tragedy strikes twice...within months of each other he loses both his wife and his daughter...turns his back on success...hops on his motorcycle and anonymously hits the road in contemplation...his bandmates stand by him all the way...and when he's ready...if he wants to come back...he's welcome...

he finally comes back with a few more brilliant albums and tours to give and then finally has to call it a day...and the band...being who they are...feel like their is no band without him...

now tell me that isn't a story worthy of a biopic...



4K Messages


244.3K Points

rocky-o, for some reason your comment was caught in the spam filter. Since it has no links... That's an odd case. 

1.4K Messages


51K Points

i would say about half the comments i receive from imdb come in the spam filter...that's why i never delete anything from spam till i go thru it all...

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

6 years ago

I go for the T-Rex of the dinosaurs: Mick Jagger

1.4K Messages


51K Points

how about the t-rex of t-rex: marc bolan...

1.4K Messages


51K Points

6 years ago

hey riv...i am so impressed to see nick drake on this list, even though i would have thrown him into the category of folk, along with paul simon...but...if you are planning to include artists like simon and drake under  the 'rock artist' umbrella, then you would have to add bob dylan and leonard cohen, two other artists i would normally label as folk rather than rock, as well as van morrison, who is more folk/jazz/blues than rock...

(...i would also say rob halford is certainly 'heavy metal' rather than 'rock', but these category lines are obviously being blurred...and halford would be an interesting choice for a biopic, so its all cool...)

nevertheless... a great poll and a great list....



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

6 years ago

Since Rocketman (2019) has not yet been released, you should probably rephrase the text in the intro. 



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

6 years ago


Jimi Hendrix
Paul McCartney

1K Messages


28K Points

Hendrix has one. 

1.4K Messages


51K Points

hey fruit...two obvious choices...good on ya'...

hope all is well...peace and t.b. sheets always...



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

Hi rock, 'good to see you around. 'Hope you're doing well. : )

Oh "TB Sheets!" It seems Van Morrison doesn't have a biopic.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

6 years ago

This is a good, and occasionally funny, list that might be helpful

I definitely second:
Marvin Gaye
Bob Marley

My own FYC:
REM (or Michael Stipe) but they're all still alive and they split up as a band only recently so I don't think there's nearly the case to be made for them as the ones above.

1K Messages


28K Points

added Marley and Prince. Gaye has a biopic