535 Messages


8K Points

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 6:56 PM

Live Poll: Phil Harris in Disney

Phil Harris was an actor and singer, but he's best known for his voice roles in Disney Movies, which of these characters of his is your favorite?  https://www.imdb.com/list/ls543800477/?ref_=lsedt_ov 



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

1 month ago

I'd suggest adding "Face-Off" in the title since there are only three options. 

You could also link his name: [link=nm0365201]

And please edit:

his voice roles in Disney movies. Which of these characters of his is your favorite?

535 Messages


8K Points

made those edits 



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

@ethan ​ 


Please move the name link to the start of the text:

Phil Harris was an actor and singer, but he's best known for his voice roles in Disney Movies. Which of these characters of his is your favorite?

535 Messages


8K Points

made that edit.



9.6K Messages


192.5K Points

@ethan ​ 




14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

28 days ago

535 Messages


8K Points
