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7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Sunday, October 15th, 2017 7:19 AM

Live Poll: New TV Series: New Halloween Costumes

It always seems so easy for children to decide how they want to dress up for Halloween and costumes for kids can usually be found or made fairly easily. Many adults like to dress up for Halloween, too, but often find ideas or materials scarce. Fortunately, new television series often offer adults great new opportunities for costumes, as well. Of the following characters from relatively new* series, which one would you most like to be for Halloween?
(*New series defined here as starting in 2015 or later)




7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

7 years ago

'Still under construction. Suggestions (for both characters/costumes and additional information for characters already on the list) welcome and appreciated. 



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

'Now complete.



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points

7 years ago


Halloween costume means the costume should be scary, isn't it?



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Certainly not in the States, lol. If you ever make it to here on Halloween, you'll know what I mean.

Originally, in Ireland, I think, and in the U.S. whenever it started here, scary was the intent, though, and I've known purists who only do scary costumes but scary costumes are certainly in the minority, among both children and probably especially adults, at least in the States. I'm pretty sure it's at least somewhat similar in a lot of other countries. Does India celebrate Halloween? If people dress up, do they do mainly scary costumes?



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points


Halloween is not celebrated in India.




7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

It can be pretty fun but it can also be a whole lot of effort and a mediocre time at parties where people aren't on their best behavior. As an adult, you're not missing much at all.  It was definitely more fun as a kid for all sorts of reasons, including the trick-or-treating. 



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Yes, children also often wear non-scary costumes. Toddlers are often dressed up as pumpkins, very young children (3-7 or 8) tend to dress as Disney or traditional, fictional characters like princesses or cowboys, and then costumes become more diverse: yes, it's common to see kids, especially teenagers, dress as celebrities, and it's also common to see a lot of creative or funny costumes like hot dogs, lawsuits, the planet Saturn, etc. -- those are just a few I've seen. There are always several scary costumes, too, though. It's amazing how good some kids (and/or their parents) are at making costumes, because although kids often wear store-bought costumes, many make really sophisticated home-made ones. Oh, movie characters and superheroes are always popular: Darth Vader, Spiderman, Indiana Jones, and a lot of more contemporary superheroes from films. :)



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points

I am sorry because I provided wrong information above.

Halloween is celebrated in India, but only at the metropolitan cities, not everywhere. Arranged by some night clubs.


5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago

I also thought it was a "scary costume" thing but then I have a cousine who live in Canada and her son is gonna be Trump (no kiddin') and from what she told me, it's pretty trendy there. After all, why not? the Nixon mask is pretty iconic too. But I hope no disguise factory will ever have the bad taste to sell Harvey Weinstein's masks...



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Being Trump is def. frightening!

Last night on Weekend Update on SNL, Weinstein was called a "well-dressed skin tag".



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

I've seen a lot of Nixon masks and I expect to see a lot to Trumps this year.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

Perhaps one of you could pull off a Melania Trump disguise?



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Not if it means I have to hold hands with someone dressed up as Trump, lol. Even though it would be a friend, it might still give me the creeps. :) That would be funny, though. I wonder if masks of some of Trump's family, in addition to Trump, will come out this year.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

Interesting options, IMO:
Whiterose - Mr. Robot
Jane Doe - Blindspot
Amy or Glenn - Superstore
Liv - iZombie
Dev - Master of None
Tituss - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The Rose Family - Schitt's Creek
Zelda - Z
Jonathan Strange or Mr Norrell - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
JJ (and the DiMeo Family) - Speechless
Anyone - Riverdale
Anyone - Westworld
Anyone - American Crime Story
Sam and her daughters - Better Things
Dirk Gently -  Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
The ladies of GLOW - GLOW



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

I was planning on Titus, JJ, and a few others here but I don't even know of some of these so thank you so much! I'll add many, I'm sure, soon. 

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago

By the way, since we're talking about scary costumes, here's something I wanted to share, perhaps the most trauma-inducing clip for children ever made, you think you know what scary costumes are, wait until you see this.

The clip is supposed to be an ad for vaccination campaign it was aired during the late 80's but it was enough to make me hide under the table whenever it started. You know, I won't even put it here, I'm too scared to see a thumbnail, just write on Youtube these three words, Pub Vaccin 1987. And click on the first clip.

Believe it or not, it was destined for children, it was aired between cartoons, and while they're only costumes, each representing a decease, and there's no real "horror", I think it's still scarier than all the scariest moments of "It" put together, if you think you can stomach it, give it a try. But I have warned you.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

That is creepy, indeed. Those poor kids innocently watching cartoons with no idea of what they're going to see -- that would have scared the begeezus out of me when I was a little kid. 

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

Yeah, it came right after Popeye, I'll never forget. Of course, I never had to watch the clip again, when it started, I'd just change the channel or leave the room, yet the first mask is printed in my mind...and the ending, they thought it would be a relief but even the burning makes the whole thing a tad creepy.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points


I love the details we remember from childhood - like you remembering that is was Popeye that you were watching. :)

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

I always have a history with Popeye.

Seriously, they were airing some tough ads these days, many of them were about road accidents and they were pretty graphic, but my biggest trauma came from a Unicef ad, the images they put there were disturbing and depressing and the song was heart-breaking, it was saying "Save those children" in a way that made you really feel you were the only chance, I could never stand seeing children in pain and suffering. The simple mention of "Unicef" made me shudder. I guess I was too sensitive, even at the age of 8.

But I'll remember the first time I saw the ad, right after a Cosby Show episode, I just had fun and was about to go to sleep and then they put you the most possibly depressing ad in the world, I knew what I was watching was disturbing but my eyes were like glued on the screen for at least ten seconds before I went trembling in my bed. After Cosby Show, I immediately changed the channel but sometimes, I was so scared I closed my ears in my bed until I knew it was safe. 

They re-ran the ad the next year and my little brother (who was tougher than me) told me to change the channel, there was Popeye on TV. Wien I did, I saw a baby in the screen and I immediately knew what was going on, the image wasn't disturbing but I had quite a jump scare. The funny thing is that I never saw that ad again, only heard the song on the radio but it's stuck in my memory and I still have the images I saw that night after the Cosby Show. 

It's one of my most recurring dreams, I dream I hear that song again or I find the clip and try to avoid watching it, I know there'll come a day where I'll find that clip on Youtube, but I'll never have the guts to watch it. 

Yeah, I was the easily scared type :)

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

7 years ago



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

'Good one! 'Added. Thank you so much!

If you have any ideas for a brief description of her personality or related info., let me know and I'll add that too. Thanks again. 



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

I like your description for Tituss. It is Tituss with two Ss, btw. :)



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Oh, good, you seem to really know these shows so if you like it, I'm thinking it's probably ok. The show's page says that the actor spells his name with ss but the character is with one s, but that could be wrong. What do you think -- keep it with one "s" or change it? Thanks, again, for your help. I still have some characters to add and some descriptions but it's getting there. 



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Oh sh**, I totally f'd that. So sorry!

Let me know if you need any help with descriptions. :)



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the offer because I am having a bit of a hard time with some of the descriptions. I also hope that they're all accurate because some I had to research and try to get a grasp of a character from sometimes ambiguous descriptions. So if you see anything out of sorts or have any ideas for some of the blank ones, that'd be great. Thanks, again, so much!



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Would you happen to have any brief little blurbs for Liv (iZombie), Ruth (GLOW), Jane Doe (Blindspot), or Glenn (Superstore)? 

927 Messages


27.3K Points

7 years ago


Julian Slink Blood Drive (not that many people watch it but he does wear interesting outfits)

Janet The Good Place



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

I mistakenly responded below instead of here. I added Slink already and might add Janet if I have room. Thanks so much!



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

7 years ago

Wow, Slink does wear some interesting outfits! 'Added. I might add Janet, too - I just have to see how many I still have to add to see if there will be room, but I had to add Slink. :).    Thank you!



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

It would be good to ask an admin to change your list URL so it doesn't open on #10.

You have Elliot on the list twice.
You need a description for The Handmaid's Tale

Liv Moore - Go for a bleached goth look in a white lab coat, the paler the better. You may be a zombie but you're also a smart, cool doctor who can (usually) control herself. If you really want to nail it, carry around a plastic container with "brains" in it (suggestions: #1 - only red and white gummy worms; #2 - pink-tinted rice krispie treats with raspberry syrup drizzled on it; or #3 - cauliflower heads coated in ketchup (not as tasty as the other options). 

Ruth Wilder - Ruth's wrestling persona is Russian Zoya the Destroyer, so get your das and nyets ready. Cut up a red bodysuit (make sure you cut the leg holes super-high for that '80s flava), and walk around threatening people with a Russian accent and attack anyone who looks remotely like an American patriot. Bonus points if you sport an Ushanka (one of those big, furry Russian hats)!

I suggest using this photo since it shows the hat:



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Thank you so much! I changed the photo and added the blurbs. These descriptions are great - thorough and thoroughly funny, too!

I was trying to decide between two photos of Elliot and wanted to test cropping. I'm hoping that an image I submitted becomes available and I can use that one but, for now, I'm going with the first photo of Elliot. 

Thanks, again! I really appreciate it. 



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

Glenn - The outfit is the easy part - white button up shirt, dark tie, Dockers and a bright blue vest. The harder part is the attitude - Jesus is everything, life is FINE all the time and the more kids you can foster, the better. Bonus points for effecting his flat, high voice, which sounds like a version of Marvin the Martian with Asperger's.
I would use a photo where he's wearing his normal working attire.

Looks like you got Jane Doe already.

I'll do a few more in case you want to use them...

The Rose Family - This is good last minute option. Only wear black and white, with thick, black eyebrows for Johnny and David and a wacky wig for Moira. Alexis is the family black (or, actually pink) sheep so a sleek flowered dress works for her. Then all you need to add is a superior attitude; it doesn't matter if you lost your billions, keep your nose is the air and act like you own the place (because you actually do. Own. Schitt's Creek.).

Better Things family - a combo of four or five women/girls can pull this off. Mom Sam is small, with a raspy voice and a black shirt-and-jeans wardrobe. The most important part of playing the girls is their personalities, but here are tips on what to buy at the thrift store, which is where they all get their clothes. Teenager Max wears bo-ho chic and a permanent eye-roll. Pre-teen Frankie wears a more masculine version of Annie Hall's style, short curly hair and a surly personality and youngest girl Duke wears lot of colorful layers, and a sweet, little, mommy's girl attitude. If you have a fifth in the group, they can be Phil, Sam's mom. She's a bosomy Brit in a low-cut dress and a smear of red lipstick.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Thank you, again! I incorporated your tips for Glenn and, if I have enough time, I will probably add the others. You've been so helpful! :)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

I don't watch Baskets but it seems like you could get some good costumes from it -



135 Messages


7K Points

7 years ago

Thanks for the idea! I've pinged our editorial team to have a look at the suggestions here.



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

This is a poll suggestion but, of course, you're welcome to use anything from the list if you'd like. 



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

NOW live ;)



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points


Thanks. Yes, I intend to write "now live" ;-)



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

7 years ago

This is an "It's ready" bump. If I have time, I might add a few others but they'd be from less well-known series and, at 25, I think it could stand as is.

Much credit goes to Jen for several contributions. 



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

I saw you didn't include the Glenn voice description. If you left it out because of the Asperger's comment (which I now see was ill-advised) you could make it: Bonus points for effecting his flat, high voice, which sounds like a version of Marvin the Martian on helium.