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85.6K Points

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 4:41 PM

Live Poll: Lion Kings, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

List page: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls043246709/

With the new cgi animated version of Disney’s classic The Lion King (1994), The Lion King (2019), due in theaters soon with James Earl Jones reprising his role as Mufasa, how about a poll about your favorite lion or feline or cat from the movies? And yes I’m going to include the evil ones too. (Why not? Some of the baddies are great characters.) And I will list all The Lion King lion characters from the original film and The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride (Video 1998) and using the images available at the time this poll was created and the older films. Which one is your favorite?
Enjoy this side by side of comparison of the teaser trailers https://www.imdb.com/list/ls025720609... and then head to your favorite scratching post here to sink your claws into the topic. Ouch!

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/3BcrCjen8Es/

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

6 years ago

My favorite is Scar! - He's much more interesting than Mufasa

369 Messages


10.8K Points

6 years ago

Great title!

My vote: Tigger.

659 Messages


20K Points

6 years ago

My Vote: Bagheera.
I recommend only adding cat family members.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

I would but since the title of the poll is a variation of the line from The Wizard Of Oz” (1939), “Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my!” And it does includes bears, I kind of have to include a bear. But notice a couple of things. 1) that 2/3 of the quote contains members of the “cat family”, 2) I made it clear in the description that the poll is about “feline characters”. I pretty sure that the word “Feline” is the broad scientific definition to the members of the cat family. And 3) in the note to Baloo, I made it clear that he is the only bear getting on this poll and why. I just knew that someone was going to make a comment about bears in the title and I had stopped that before it began.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago


3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

I’m waiting to see if anybody is going to nominate certain popular cat characters that I leaving to others nominate. Right now, I’m not certain if I’m going to keep Jackie, Elsa, Pyewacket, Fritz, Baby and Bruce on the list because I don’t think many people don’t remember the films “The Sin Of Harold Diddlebock”, “Born Free”, “Bell, Book, and Candle”, “Fritz The Cat”, “Bringing Up Baby”, and the TV show “Honey West”.

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

6 years ago

Well, if we're allowed suggestions, The Cheshire Cat from 'Alice in Wonderland' should be included

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Of course you are and your suggestion was added. A great one too!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

6 years ago

Oooh, torn between Tigger and Aslan! 
Suggestions: Salem the Cat:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115341/mediaviewer/rm2278343424
Angela's cat Bandit from The Office: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1248736/mediaviewer/rm780222464

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Salem, great pick. Added! And so is Bandit.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thank you!  ;)

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

Added two more. And Ed Jones, if you are reading this, the title to “That Darn Cat” was Parodied as a title to an episode for the Batman tv series as “That Darn Catwoman” for your Batman episode title list.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

6 years ago

and then head to your favorite scratching post ...

Do not need the "?rfm=1&topic_submit=true" ? ?
- - -

and These are not correct for your list ? ? (and no photos !?!)

Cats  (2019)

tribe of cats called the Jellicles must decide yearly
which one will ascend to the Heaviside Layer
and come back to a new Jellicle life
- - -

New version of:

Cats  (1998)

One of the longest-running hits in the history of Broadway and the West End,
Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats
- - -

CATS - Memory


(I can not watch YTs = computer problems )

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Since I’m asking for cat characters, then I take it you are suggesting Grizabella from “Cats”? Grizabella is the one who sings “Memory” because she is on the last night of her life weather she gets chosen or not for a new life. You see, i’m familiar with the play and know that the character of Grizabella is the only character that T.S. Elliot did not finish the story to because he said it was too sad for children. That allowed Lloyd Andrew Webber to finish her story for Elliot. Unfortunately there is no picture for that character on the IMDb; otherwise, she would be here.

In the first half of your post, I don’t understand what you are trying to say. I tested all the links from the list page to here and the teaser comparison, and they work.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Besides, I can’t refuse characters from Cats because I had allowed the use of the image of The Cowardly Lion from “The Wizard of Oz” (1939) which is obliviously a human wearing makeup in order to play a lion.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

Add another character to the list. Does anyone disagree with my decision to add Si and Am from “Lady and The Tramp” (1955) , as one character instead of two because they think act together in unison as one character?

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

How about the Pink Panther? Should I add him? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063939/... And oh, poor Inspector Clouseau . Here is an aspirin or pain killer for his terrible headache:

4.4K Messages


124K Points

I believe Pink Panther qualifies.  I'm not sure about Si and Am, but you do have a typo, calling Si So.  :)

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

No. That is there names. It is a little word game Disney played in naming the cats. Put them together and you get “Siam”, as in “Siamese Cats” which happens to be their breed.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Thanks. I just checked. Auto correct had changed “Si” to “So”. Thanks.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

Damn, I had just remember two great cat characters.
- Sassy from “Homeward Bound, The Incredible Journey” (1993) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107131/...
- Milo from “The Adventures Of Milo and Ottis” (1986) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097050/...
Now who on my list of characters to go goes? Any suggestions?

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago

Made judgement call and dumped Baloo the bear from “The Jungle Book”, and Bruce from “Honey West” - the lowest votes on the list. Now the list is all Felines and titles with over 1,000 votes each.



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

6 years ago

Maybe this would work better if you only focus on the big cats (lions, tigers, panthers) and exclude the domestic cats, or at least the animated ones, as there isn't room enough for all of them. And we also have another suggestion that is just for cartoon cats. 

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

I have tried to stay with the big cats but there just isn’t enough popular ones. Besides I think one or two of them are going to run away with the poll. That is why I had put a popular character like Tigger In there to provide a challenge to some of the big names in there, particularly Aslan and Simba, and the Cowardly Lion.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

As useual, I stand corrected. But thank you. You gave me an opportunity to remove one I was nervous about, Fritz the cat, because as I said, that movie was for adults only. And I was afraid some kid would try to watch it because it was a cell animated movie. In America, there is still the curse of ignoring the rating if the movie appears to by animated. Too many people still think all animated movies are for kids.
More of your other suggestions will be added but I have to get real surgical about this with my usual inclination to axe my suggestions before other people’s.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Btw: the tiger in “the life of Pi” had a name. Richard Parker.

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Okay, most of the animated domesticated cats are out except for the Chestshire Cat and Salem. (Who ever said those two were “Domesticated” doesn’t know those two cats.) Besides, if anything, the Chestshire Cat seams to be a feral cat in the Alice in Wonderland stories. Did you honestly think I was going to drop those two after having a heart attack at dropping Tom, Sylvester, and Garfield?
Besides, after studying your post, you had never said anything about live action domesticated cats. You had said “Animated cats” and “Domesticated cartoon cats”. So are live action domesticated cats okey? So I kept a few good ones. After all, the plot of “That Darn Cat” revolves around following the cat D.C..



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

Thanks. I guess you can include the live action cats if you wish.

In #5 it should say "Sarafina (Nala’s Mother) the golden lioness on the left with the lioness cub between her paws."

And #34: ... a vague homage...

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Changes done. But you may want to check the grammar to #5 , Sarafina again since I had made further changes to the entry.

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85.6K Points


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85.6K Points


3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

6 years ago
