Brijesh's profile

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35.1K Points

Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 2:03 PM

Live Poll: Jim Sheridan - The Director

Jim Sheridan, an influential Irish filmmaker and playwright, celebrates his 75th birthday on February 6, 2024. Renowned for films like 'My Left Foot' and 'In the Name of the Father', he has earned six Academy Award nominations, distinguishing himself as both a director and a talented writer-producer. Sheridan's Irish origins add a unique flavor to his celebrated contributions to the world of filmmaking.

Which of these movies directed by Jim Sheridan do you like the most?





9.6K Messages


192.7K Points

8 months ago

75th birthday on February 6, 2024.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points


Perhaps you should change it to celebrated at this point.

2.3K Messages


35.1K Points

Missed it, asked for re-push now. Thanks! 



19.3K Messages


475.8K Points

8 months ago

Congratulations, @Brijesh!

brijeshmarand's Profile • IMDbPollStats

Jim Sheridan - The Director

Live Poll:

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2.3K Messages


35.1K Points

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