Aris_Athanas's profile

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177.1K Points

Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 7:41 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Targaryen Character

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161.7K Points

2 years ago

At first glance, you are missing Maester Aemon, born Prince Aemon Targaryen, [Targaryen By Birth],  Jon Snow, born Prince Aegon Targaryen [Targaryen By Birth], Lyanna Targaryen (née Stark) [Targaryen By Marriage],  Princess Rhaenys Velaryon (née Targaryen), known as "The Queen Who Never Was" [Targaryen By Birth], Queen Consort Aemma Targaryen (née Arryn) [Targaryen By Marriage] and Prince Baelon Targaryen, known as "The Heir for a Day" [Targaryen By Birth] through the current episodes of both franchise series, as of 08/21/22.


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177.1K Points

@urbanemovies​ all added, but I can not find an image of Baelon Targaryen

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161.7K Points

I don't recall a baby image from the "Heirs of the Dragon" episode. You will likely have to use a still shot of the child birthing scene or of Queen Aemma's 9 month belly, instead. He was discussed extensively during the episode; but not really seen so much other than in the childbirth scene or in the Queen Aemma's 9 month belly scenes (abstract).


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177.1K Points

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161.7K Points

@Paok_Kilkis​ Have you seen the episode, "Heirs of the Dragon"  yet? The image you are using is from the prologue of the episode, set nine years earlier. It is likely an image of a pregancy that was one of their half dozen stillborn or miscarriaged children. Plus, as a nine year pregnancy it would be biologically impossible to be Prince Baelon Targaryen, known as "The Heir for a Day" [Targaryen By Birth].


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177.1K Points


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177.1K Points

2 years ago




6.7K Messages


118.2K Points

2 years ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Paok



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192.7K Points

2 years ago

Typo #1: Daenerys Targaryen

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177.1K Points

@Jessica​ corrected



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192.7K Points


Thanks, I have re-pushed the poll.

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161.7K Points

3 months ago

You have a missing image, plus you have the same character, Aegon listed twice in your poll, once as a Prince and later as King Aegon the 2nd. Aegon the 1st is another character entirely.
