469 Messages
6.2K Points
Live Poll: Favorite Ring-Bearer
Who is your favorite person to possess the One Ring that rules them all?
Images in chronological order and is based on "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" and "The Hobbit Trilogy".
Live Poll: imdb.com/poll/Uc0vZKfXE74/?ref_=po_fp
List: imdb.com/list/ls523808444/
List Order: imdb.com/list/ls523808444/
Thanks to dan_dassow for helping me with this post
19.6K Messages
478.5K Points
1 year ago
@hamidrezampmm ,
Please add a question, such as:
Who is your favorite person to possess the One Ring that rules them all?
= = =
For your information:
A poll should consist of the following:
In your case, you have a great title, a good introduction, a discussion link and list of choices that fall within the scope of the poll. You are missing a question.
19.6K Messages
478.5K Points
1 year ago
Congratulations, @HamidrezaMpmm!
hamidrezampmm's Profile • IMDbPollStats
Favorite Ring-Bearer
Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/Uc0vZKfXE74/
Please change "Poll Suggestion" to "Live Poll" in the discussion thread title and change the settings so that it appears under "Praise" now, rather than "Idea."
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