akashpanday11's profile

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Monday, May 18th, 2020 2:32 PM

Live Poll: Favorite Phone Call Conversation

Which of the following phone call conversations listed below is your favorite?

List:  https://www.imdb.com/list/ls098720343/

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

4 years ago

The conversation between Clarice Sterling and Dr. Hannibal Lecter!



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

4 years ago


For your consideration:
Pillow Talk
Doris Day Pillow Talk 1959 Universal

I'm not certain what to suggest for a quote.

= = =

Dial M for Murder (1954)
Grace Kelly and Anthony Dawson in Dial M for Murder 1954

Tony Wendice: [on the phone to a lawyer] We had a burglary last night, and Margot was attacked. No, she's all right. But the man was killed, and the police are here now. And don't laugh... they're suggesting that Margot killed him intentionally!

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Added Both

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

? ?

Neil Hamilton and Stafford Repp in Batman 1966

Adam West and Burt Ward in Batman 1966
Commissioner Gordon:
By the way, Batman, have you seen millionaire Bruce Wayne?
He doesn't answer the phone at his stately manor.
- - -
[ Add captions to Images lists ? ? ]



120 Messages


4.5K Points

Sticking to movies only for now

4.5K Messages


71K Points

Adam West and Burt Ward in Batman The Movie 1966

Batman: The Movie (1966)

The conversation: 

Admiral Fangschliester's office.

Hello, Batman speaking.

Oh, hello.

-Who is it?


Oh, Batman.

Hello, Batman. Ahoy!

What can I do for you?

Hello, admiral.

A routine question.

Have you recently sold surplus

submarines? lf so, to whom?

Just a moment,

I'll have to look that up.


Keep practicing.

affirmative. We disposed

of a surplus submarine on Friday.

A pre-atomic model.

To some chap named P.N. Gwynne.

-P.N. Gwynne?

-The Penguin!

Did this P.N. Gwynne leave an address?

Just a post office box number.

Would you like it?

No, thank you, admiral.

You've been very helpful.

Your tone sounds grim.

We haven't done anything foolish?

Disposing of submarines to persons

who don't even leave their addresses?

-Good day, admiral.

I copy/pasted from the screenplay

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Ty, Added!

458 Messages


11.4K Points

4 years ago

https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1239875865?playlistId=tt1001508&ref_=tt_ov_vi - He's Just Not That Into You ....

"You have two new messages: 
  1. Mary...ooo Maryyy,Mary,Mary,Mary..ooo my Mary...I just call to tell you again,how special it was to meet you.Call me back!!!!
  2. Jenny...ooo Jenny,Jenny,Jenny...eeii Jenny . . . "

458 Messages


11.4K Points

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Thank you for your suggestion. Since the group of people are reacting to a pre-recorded message, I'm not sure it counts as a conversation.

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

4 years ago

? ?
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939)
The story of how Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
Don Ameche ... Alexander Graham Bell
Henry Fonda ... Thomas Watson   

Don Ameche in The Story of Alexander Graham Bell 1939
Alexander Graham Bell: Mr. Watson, come here, I want you! 

Henry Fonda in The Story of Alexander Graham Bell 1939
- - -

The first successful bi-directional transmission of clear speech by Bell and Watson
was made on March 10, 1876, when Bell spoke into the device,
"Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
and Watson complied with the request.
... concerns the question of whether Gray and Bell invented the telephone independently.
... Bell's patent application for the telephone in the U.S. patent office in Washington, D.C.
on February 14, 1876. Gray's lawyer filed Gray's caveat the same day.
-  -
Good thing Bell filed first or we would not know when to answer the phone  ??


120 Messages


4.5K Points

Ty, Added!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

4 years ago

I've added an image for one!

Also, I remember the movie Grand Piano revolved around a killer who called: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2039345/mediaviewer/rm2081083392

120 Messages


4.5K Points

4 years ago

Can you provide me a quote?

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Unfortunately no, I can't remember.
I will have quotes for the other one, though!

120 Messages


4.5K Points

120 Messages


4.5K Points


28 Messages


1.3K Points

4 years ago

The conversation in Taken. But not just because of the ever-so-popular 'Set of Skills' monologue.

The scene unravels with Liam's father figure (Bryan) chewing his daughter (Kim) out for not having kept her word to him by letting him know of her safe arrival in Paris. This part of the conversation is, depending on your perspective (if you're a parent or not, open-minded or not) relatively mundane and normal, but suddenly - when his daughter witnesses her friend being attacked - the 'conversation' turns into the strangest 'badass hero by proxy' moment ever:

Bryan: Kim, is there anything else you want to tell me?
Kim: (Looking across at her friend)
Bryan: Kimmy?
Kim: (Sees figures approaching her friend, who is oblivious) ...There's somebody here...
Bryan: Her cousins are back?
Kim: No. (They attack) Oh my god! They got Amanda!
Bryan: What? What are you talking about? Kimmy?
Kim: Dad! They took her! They took her.

... Throughout the next section he has the phone glued to his ear, while he calmly searches his apartment for his digital audio recorder ...
Bryan: All right, listen to me. Did you meet anyone on the plane?
Kim: No.
Bryan: In the airport?
Kim: No. Yes, Peter.
Bryan: Peter? Peter who?
Kim: I don't know.
Bryan: American?
Kim: No.
Bryan: Did he know where you're staying?
Kim: (Sobbing) He took a cab with us. Dad, they're coming. I'm scared.
Bryan: I know you are. Stay focused Kimmy. You have to hold it together. How many people are there? Be precise.
Kim: Three, four. I don't know.
Bryan: Where are you?
Kim: I'm in the bathroom.
Bryan: Go to the next bedroom. Get under the bed. Tell me when you're there.

Things then get really tense as the father has some bad news for his daughter...
Kim: (Whispers) I'm here.
Bryan: Now. The next part is very important. (Heavy pause.) They're going to take you. Kim.
            Stay focused, baby. This is key. You will have five, maybe ten seconds. (Pause)
            Very important seconds. Leave the phone on the floor. Concentrate. Shout out everything
            you see about them. Hair colour. Eye colour. Tall. Short. Scars. Anything you see.
            You understand?
The attackers approach. Footsteps sound.
Bryan: They're there. I can hear them. Remember, concentrate.

The attackers begin to search the room, speaking another language.
Bryan: Move the phone closer, so I can hear.
More foreign dialogue. Two people exit the room.
Kim: (Whispers) They're leaving. I think they're...

At this point she is abruptly dragged from under the bed by the third attacker. The camera settles on the father's tense face as he has to listen to his daughter being attacked and abducted. Though impotent, he forces himself to listen to every sound with unnatural intensity.

The sounds quieten. The dropped phone is picked up and the attacker listens, silently, for some considerable time, to see if there is anybody on the line.

Bryan: I don't know who you are...

You all know the rest! At this point, for me, almost everything else is just whipped cream on an already perfectly baked pie. The entire telephone call has Fatherly concern, teenage rebellion and frustration, parental ire, terror, unnerving calmness in the face of certain tragedy and, finally, spine chilling stolid anger, grit, determination and pure force of will being transmitted across the 'phone line.


458 Messages


11.4K Points

4 years ago

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lweuy1X9Tcg

    Neo: Hello?

    Morpheus: Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?

    Neo: Morpheus?

    Morpheus: Yes. I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, you and I have run out of time. They're coming for you, Neo, and I don't know what they're going to do.

    Neo: Who's coming for me?

    Morpheus: Stand up and see for yourself.

    Neo: What, right now?

    Morpheus: Yes, now.


120 Messages


4.5K Points

There was no suitable image so I added one. Saved a spot for it, will add it to the list once the image is processed.

120 Messages


4.5K Points




4K Messages


244.1K Points

4 years ago

The Terminator (1984)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Surprised not to see the latter here already. ;) Both are pivotal to plot and somewhat iconic, though. 

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Ah, thanks for reminding. Added!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

4 years ago

Mine still isn't in yet... don't know what the delay is!

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Added, sorry for the delay..I was inactive due to some issues.



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

4 years ago

FYC: Liberty Stands Still (2002), If I remember right the biggest part of the film is a phone conversation among the two main characters.

Possible quote:
Joe: The one thing, that guarantees our freedom and independence, is responsibility. We lost that somewhere between Vietnam and presidential blowjobs.

120 Messages


4.5K Points




6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

4 years ago

Zero, have you considered the last suggestions or do you consider your list ready?

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Yes I have considered every suggestion. My list will be ready when The Matrix image which I added gets processed and uploaded to the site.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

4 years ago

Mine is in!
Troy: "Do you have any listings for an M. Pipper?"
Operator: "What city?"
Troy: "Eaglehelm."
Operator: "One moment please.  There are no listings for an M. Pipper."
Troy: "Okay.  Thank you."

This was a hilarious scene in the MST3K version of the film; it would get my vote.

120 Messages


4.5K Points

Since so many suggestions are pouring in, I had to delete the ones with the lowest number of ratings (since they have the least chance of getting votes).  I have completed 35 titles and the film with the lowest no of ratings has 9600+ something . Yours have 4298 so I am unable to add it. So sorry.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

That's okay, xD

120 Messages


4.5K Points

4 years ago

Sorry for my absence. Was going through some work and personal issues. 

4.4K Messages


124K Points

It's fine, and I hope you're doing well!



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

4 years ago

120 Messages


4.5K Points
