40 Messages
1.6K Points
Live Poll: Batman After Affleck
Many people consider Ben Affleck to be the definitive actor to play Batman. Which of these actors would best continue Ben Affleck's legacy as Batman?
List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls043137001/
Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/YloTEm722g0/
List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls043137001/
Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/YloTEm722g0/
4K Messages
244.1K Points
6 years ago
Kit Harington
David Mazouz (I mean, he already portrays Batman in "Gotham", but I can't have more of him in the role)
659 Messages
20K Points
6 years ago
Welcome to the poll board.
Simon Quarterman
Richard Madden
Dylan O'Brien
Thomas Sangster
Caleb Jones
Brenton Thwaties
Dacre Montgomery
And please do add a link in your list of this post.
19.6K Messages
478.6K Points
6 years ago
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4. Please change the title of your list (https://www.imdb.com/list/ls043137001/) from:
Batman after Affleck
Batman After Affleck
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5. Please change your statement to one that is more neutral:
I believe that Affleck was surprisingly the ONLY TRUE BATMAN, after him, lets see some 2ndary choices
Many people consider Ben Affleck to be the definitive actor to play Batman.
6. Please add a question, such as:
Which of these actors would best continue Ben Affleck's legacy as Batman?
7. For your poll suggestion to be considered, it must be include a discussion link. Please add this text to the end of your list:
8. After you complete the edits I suggest, you should see the following:
Batman After Affleck
Many people consider Ben Affleck to be the definitive actor to play Batman.
Which of these actors would best continue Ben Affleck's legacy as Batman?
After voting, please discuss here.
9. Other poll authors and users may offer suggestions. Please read these carefully and respond respectfully.
10. If you have questions regarding IMDb polls, please ask them in this thread.
437 Messages
14.6K Points
6 years ago
Is that so? I never heard that before. I mean Keaton yes, West too, maybe even Bale, but Affleck???
40 Messages
1.6K Points
6 years ago
40 Messages
1.6K Points
6 years ago
7.6K Messages
194.2K Points
6 years ago
Under a few of the options, you ask if the actor is young enough. Ben Affleck was 45 when he last played Batman and Bruce Wayne and, in the movie being released in 2019, he will have been 46 or 47 when it was filmed. I'm not certain but I think the actors whose age you question are younger. If they are younger or around the same age, I suggest omitting those particular comments.
9K Messages
166.1K Points
6 years ago
They would have to pump him up, digitally. Batman's shoulders are broad ~1m
Batman never was Black. Is this the beginning of the same discussion like James Bond's?
Caleb Landry Jones? Same deal like Pattinson. With freckles and red hair.
Bruce Wayne in the comics had a more square face. And a also more square chin.
Chritian Bale was good because of his acting, but he also hadn't the correct physique
for Batman. Optically Ben Affleck was the best Batman. But what acting? It's not
easy to pick someone who can chew that gum. The face, the physique, the behaviour.
7.6K Messages
194.2K Points
6 years ago
rather than
"another alternative."
14.5K Messages
331.6K Points
6 years ago
Live Poll
795 Messages
29.7K Points
6 years ago
28 Messages
1.3K Points
6 years ago
Of course, as the recent movies have proven, they do need a good screenwriter and talented people behind the camera, otherwise, no matter who is cast as Bruce Wayne, the movie will be a disappointment, critically and at the box office.
40 Messages
1.6K Points
6 years ago
28 Messages
1.3K Points
6 years ago
19.6K Messages
478.6K Points
6 years ago
Batman After Affleck
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