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85.6K Points

Friday, August 25th, 2017 5:59 PM

Live Face-Off Poll: Steven Spielberg / Richard Dreyfuss Collaborations

Recently, yrnej asked "Face-Off: Spielberg and Ford or Hanks?".

Which one of these three film collaborations between director Steven Spielberg and actor Richard Dreyfuss is your favorite?

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Poll: Face-Off: Steven Spielberg / Richard Dreyfuss Collaborations

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

7 years ago

Return link posted.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

7 years ago

Yikes! Talk about coincidences,! I didn't know this happens until just now! "Cape Cod beach closed after close encounter with shark
Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA, was briefly shut down on Wednesday after a Great White Shark bit into a local man's paddle board, leaving visible tooth marks. The 69-year-old paddleboarder was not injured." https://mobile.twitter.com/i/moments/...
Isn't Cape Cod in New England which is also the same area, New England, that is the setting for "Jaws" which is on the list? Damn!
IMDB be tasteful. Wait awhile before thinking of selecting this one.

277 Messages


4.9K Points

7 years ago

Jaws for me, and I'm guessing a lot of people. A good, simple poll, D.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

7 years ago

Jaws is one of my fifty favorite films, so definitely Jaws. 

I think Dreyfuss is quite and actor with a lot of charisma so it's good to see him get a poll.

May I suggest a few edits for the title? I strongly suggest something like this:

Face-Off: Steven Spielberg / Richard Dreyfuss Collaborations

("Face-Off" is the standard format for that phrase and the editors and poll admins. like consistency with certain formatting. As for the rest of the title, the original was long and might not fit well (again, a consideration for the editors and poll admins) and since it's a face-off, a full question isn't necessary in the title.)


3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

It is shortened.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

"Not wanting to copy Yemen further"???



9.6K Messages


192.3K Points

I'm guessing autocorrect. ;)

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

You guessed right.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Yes, Jen, Jessica is right. When auto correct is turned on, "Yrnej" become "Yemen" you unless specifically tell it to post it as a word

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

7 years ago



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

7 years ago


I believe your current question is slightly awkward.

I recommend changing the question from:
Which one of these three films of the director Steven Spielberg and actor Richard Dreyfuss collaborations is your favorite?

Which one of these three films collaborations between Steven Spielberg and actor Richard Dreyfuss is your favorite?

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points




7.5K Messages


192.9K Points

7 years ago

Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/6DYe9qsuIZY/?ref_=po_fp  (Applause, applause.)

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Wow! Thanks! I didn't expect this one to become a poll so fast!

4K Messages


85.9K Points

7 years ago

I have so much love for all three movies.  Gave my vote to Close Encounters as Richard D. was the sole lead in it. 

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

I had voted for close encounters too.



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations dgranger on your 17th live poll!
As of 7-Sep-2017 11:25 PM Pacific your polls have 25,060 or more votes, for an average of 1,474 votes per poll.

5664th Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/6DYe9qsuIZY/
Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen/ls020638127/

This is the 2,459th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 5,643,833 votes for an average of 2,295 votes per poll.

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Total Number of Votes			13,417,054
Projected Date of 15 Million Votes 23-Feb-2017
Days Until 15 Million Votes 169
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