4.4K Messages
124K Points
JFF: What Was the Last Film You Saw, and How Would You Rate It? (Pt. 19)
Simply a follow up to Jen's great post; there were getting to be so many pages in that one I thought it could use a refresh. Happy to carry on the tradition!
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
5 years ago
4.2K Messages
88.1K Points
5 years ago
1917 (2019), 10/10. One of the best scores of the year. Definitely a lock for a cinematography Oscar as well.
The Visitor (1979). Easily one of the most baffling movies I have ever witnessed. 1/10. 10/10 for the Rifftrax commentary.
PS: You messed up the board tag for this one. Weren't you supposed to tag it to the Poll board?
Not sure how useful the Services: I Need To Know board is to me.
4.4K Messages
124K Points
5 years ago
BTW, thanks for using it anyway. :)
845 Messages
34.3K Points
5 years ago
This movie does not give an exaggerated image of men, it gives a very realistic image about men, I grew up surrounded by machismo and misogyny everywhere, I could see how my uncles treated their wives badly and laughed at it making it happen as a thing normal, luckily I never saw my mother being abused of any kind by any man. The truck driver is the perfect stereotype and the embodiment of sluggish men who think of nothing more than to say embarrassing comments towards women, the men around laugh but Women really feel bad about this, maybe if it was too exaggerated to explode the truck but this must be seen more metaphorically. The best thing about the film is that it does not become a repetitive and meaningless feminist comment, it is original, touching and explores the true feelings of women.
4.9K Messages
98.8K Points
5 years ago
Oldboy (2003) - 8/10
5.2K Messages
138.3K Points
5 years ago
5.2K Messages
138.3K Points
5 years ago
AFI Top 100 Thrills: 97 out of 100 (still missing 3)
AFI Top 100 Passions: 88 out of 100
AFI Top 100 Cheers: 83 out of 100
AFI Top 100 Laughs: 76 out of 100
AFI Top 100 Musical: 20 out of 25
I have about 55 AFI movies to watch (many appear in two lists)
Best Picture Winners: 79 out of 91 (12 to watch, 9 of them pre-1945)
Golden Palm Winners: I watch like 10-12 every year, so far I've seen 47 Palme d'Or winners
Finally, I want an IMDb Top 250 Badge... the easiest I can get is the 2008 one: 245 movies out of 250, only 5 movies and I guess it won't be difficult to get the 2006-2007-2009-2010 after
Wish me good luck!
4.9K Messages
98.8K Points
5 years ago
The Wire
Downton Abbey
House MD
1K Messages
47K Points
5 years ago
The confession scene, in which Benedict begins to open up about the child abuse affair, could have been interesting. But we never hear what he says, so we quickly forget and forgive.
The movie feels like one of those stupid European comedies where mere caricatures solve all the problems in the world by learning to dance, or whatever. Har-har, stuffy guy begins to make jokes and is forced to tango. Still, I laughed out at this - "it's a German joke, it's not meant to be funny".
Jonathan Pryce and Anthony Hopkins look their parts. They give the earnest moments a semblance of depth.
207 Messages
9.6K Points
5 years ago
First movie of this year
Another generic and academicist film by Clint Eastwood, although it is very well made and we must take into account the fact that Eastwood is almost 90 years old, it is a sterile and forgettable film, hopefully Clint can give us another film as one of his classics before let us leave.
4K Messages
244.3K Points
5 years ago
4.2K Messages
88.1K Points
5 years ago
Spies in Disguise, 9/10.
Wasn't expecting this much heart in this animated movie. Will Smith and Tom Holland have a great chemistry together.
845 Messages
34.3K Points
5 years ago
The best movie I've seen of Woody Allen to date. It's amazing how a movie can be so funny and philosophical at the same time, it's something that only Allen can do. The film takes place in the era of depression during the 1930s, coincidentally the atmosphere of this movie is depressing and the characters in this movie are in depression, Cecilia because of loneliness, and Tom Baxter because it doesn't feel good to face her reality, for them it hurts both to face their reality, this is the dilemma of the film; how difficult it is to accept reality, but sometimes it is necessary as cruel as it may be.
845 Messages
34.3K Points
5 years ago
See all Oscar winning pictures Best Original / Adapted Screenplay (At least a good part) I am very interested in the theme of the scripts. However it will be quite difficult, 2020 seems to be the busiest year for me.
207 Messages
9.6K Points
5 years ago