Breumaster's profile

9K Messages


166.1K Points

Friday, May 3rd, 2024 1:45 AM

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IMDb Poll Board's Most Fantastic Little Classical Horror Movie Gems


We took a closer look on horror classics that were released before 2000. The idea is not to choose the most famous classic, but the little one with the best idea and eventually the best making according to the circumstances at the time it was released. So we only have chosen movies with lesser than 50.000 votes (according to may 2024) and a fantastic scenario.

Which of these user's picks is also your favorite of them, or which of them are you most interested to see?

Please give us additional ideas here.


For now 1 pick per user, discussable. Movies released before 2000 with lesser than 50.000 votes. NO rating limit!


Poll: TDB



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points

8 months ago

Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht (1979)

It's the only horror movie I've seen that fit your criteria, and fortunately, I happen to love it. :)

9K Messages


166.1K Points


Thank you very much for your interest in the subject. I will put your suggestion instantly on the list when the old list-editing is back. Please write again when IMDb returned to a more healthy state and the editor for lists is fixed to normal. Thank you, Jessica.♥ :D



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points


Sadly, the lists will probably stay this way.

But would you please consider using the link-hack that Maxence figured out? You know, just put 'edit-larger' in the url and you can edit the lists with the old format. 

You have so many good pending suggestions...

9K Messages


166.1K Points

I can't find how to do that, I lost the posting. It's something with large at the end. I would do, even though I have no time, but sure no time to search for it. If you can tell me how, I'll try it with this posting.



10.1K Messages


198.1K Points


Go to your list, click Edit.

In the url, add -larger after edit, so it says edit-larger. Press Enter and you should see the old version.